August 17, 2012 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Committee

Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


August 17, 2012, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 1:03pm. 
  2. Roll Call
    Chair: Anna D'Ascenzo for Grace Hong Duffin, Anne Studzinski- Vice Chair, Chip Coldren, George Timberlake, Pam Rodriguez, Erica Hughes for Jack Cutrone, Lawrence Stasica, Esther Franco-Payne for Paula Wolff, Tom Bilyk, Jim McCarter and Rick Velasquez.  Paula Wolff, Pat Griffith, Margie Groot and Arthur Bishop attended via teleconference.  Quorum Present.  Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, Danielle Donovan, Donna Taylor, John Payne, Rob Vickery and Sesha Kethineni. 
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The RIOB discussed the meeting minutes from June. Tom Bilyk motioned to approve the June 15, 2012 meeting minutes; Jim McCarter seconded motion.  June 15th minutes approved.
  4. 2011 Annual Report - Printing and Distribution
    Karrie Rueter gave the update. The final version of the annual report has been emailed to all members but has not yet been released to the public. Staff is currently in the process of determining costs of printing for around 750 - 1,000 copies.
  5. ISU Cost Benefit/Recidivism Study Update
    Dr. Sesha Kethineni gave an update on the findings, to date, of this study. Dr. Kethineni prepared handouts and a power point presentation and answered questions.  George Timberlake suggested that when the study is complete, RIOB and the IJJC should participate in a day-long Data Results Analysis discussion with Dr. Kethineni.
  6. Redeploy Illinois Focused
    Anne Studzinski gave the update. The County Review committee met on Monday August 13, 2012.  They discussed the youth, his needs, and the proposed plan in closed session.  After the discussion, they re-opened the meeting and voted to recommend approving the funding application #13-1 from Ogle County. The CRC members agree that the proposed plan is comprehensive; it is focused on the youth's mental health issues and involves the family in therapy; the mother's follow through and compliance in the therapy and parenting group work is critical for the youth in changing his behavior to decrease his risk of a DJJ placement.  Chip Coldren motioned to approve the proposal from Ogle County; Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion.  All in favor, motion passed to approve the Redeploy Focused Application from Ogle County.
  7. Logic Model Development
    RIOB members were given the latest version of the working Logic Model for Redeploy Illinois. Staff is currently working with the sites to develop this model by September 1, 2012.
  8. YNC Update (FY12 and FY13)
    1. Reallocation of Funds
      In a previous meeting (May 8, 2012), the board approved the reallocation of Focused funds in the YNC contract to the IJJC for other Redeploy related Juvenile Justice issues.  The total amount reallocated at the direction of the IJJC was $157,302.06.  The following is the breakdown of how the funds were reallocated: $1089.01 for the purchase of supplies for Redeploy Illinois Site LaSalle County youth; $5,929.37 for the purchase of supplies for Redeploy Illinois Site Lee County youth; $7,265.36 for the purchase of supplies for Redeploy Illinois Sites Madison and St Clair Counties' youth; $8018.00 for the Trauma Symposium Registration and Hotel Expenses; and $135,000 for the purchase of WAIT Quality Assurance & Program Evaluation Tools.
    2. Contracts
  9. Redeploy ARRA Grant Update
    1. Contractual Staff Update
      Staff are currently working on filling the Redeploy Assistant Program Coordinator position.  Interviews have occurred and the position should be filled within the next two weeks.
    2. Budget Revision Request
      ICJIA has agreed to extend the ARRA funding until February 28, 2012.  Staff are currently working with ICJIA to revise the budget.
    3. CPSJ Expansion Analysis
      This contract is still awaiting approval from ICJIA as part of the budget revision request.  Since this was not approved in FY12 as expected, a new Inter-Governmental Agreement and procurement documents are being prepared as we await for final approval from ICJIA.
    4. Planning Grantee Approvals
      Karrie Rueter led the discussion about funding for three possible planning grant recipients; Winnebago, Vermilion and Cook Counties.  These counties
      have all expressed interest in completing a planning grant.  To date, these are the only eligible counties expressing interest. The recipients of the planning grants will be traveling to three established Redeploy sites while completing the tasks outlined in the planning grant process.  Jim McCarter made a motion to approve Winnebago and Vermilion Counties to receive up to $25,000 and Cook County to receive up to $60,000 in planning grant funds.Rick Velasquez seconded the motion.Tom Bilyk and Larry Stasica abstained.  Motion approved to allow Winnebago, Vermilion and Cook County to receive  planning grant funds.   
  10. Juvenile Justice Reform and Reinvestment Demonstration Project
    Rob Vickery gave an update on this project. The Juvenile Justice Commission, with the support of DHS, is applying for this grant. The Commission proposes project implementation in four local Redeploy jurisdictions, to be selected based on their willingness and readiness to implement the project. The Commission believes this program will both bolster the Redeploy sites and also assist efforts to spread Redeploy statewide. The model of evidence-based decision making and use of cost and outcome data could be a strong model for future Redeploy implementations. The Juvenile Justice Commission would appreciate a letter of support from the Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board.  Rick Velasquez motioned for the RIOB to write a formal letter of support for the JJRRD Project.Chip Coldren seconded the motion.  Motion passed.
  11. Site Visit Updates
    1. St. Clair County (April)
      Judge Payne gave an update on the St. Clair County Site Visit. The Assessment Team recommends that funding for the St. Clair County Redeploy Illinois Program continue.  St. Clair County continues to far exceed the required reduction in commitments to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice since the last 3-year site review.  As noted, during the last fiscal year, as reported by the Redeploy Illinois Site, St. Clair County has sent the lowest number of youth to DJJ (9) in the history of the St. Clair County Redeploy Illinois Program.  The Assessment Team suggests that continued funding for the St. Clair County Redeploy Program be contingent upon an assessment by the Redeploy Illinois Program in St. Clair County as to the efficacy of continued use of the MST Program as opposed to a cognitive therapist program for high end youth with functional disabilities and/or parents of those youth with functional disabilities or resistance to family treatment.  In addition, the Assessment Team recommends the continued funding for the St. Clair County Redeploy Illinois Program be further contingent upon an assessment as to whether the WAIT program will be continued in the Redeploy Illinois Program of St. Clair County.  If funding is to be continued, a protocol is to be established to assure that interruption in the WAIT treatment will not take place.  George Timberlake requested that the second recommendation be amended to include that the Board request and accept the technical assistance of Nels Nelson in the implementation of the WAIT model and fidelity.  Pam Rodriguez motioned to approve the recommendations with the amendment.  Anne Studzinski seconded the motion.  Jim McCarter abstained.  Motion passed to approve the St. Clair County Assessment recommendations with the noted amendment.   
  12. Monthly Data Report
    Erica Hughes gave the update. The final version of the monthly data report has been completed and shared with the RIOB.  Training for this new report will occur after the web-based version is made available for the sites.  This is expected by the end of the calendar year.
  13. Legislative Update
    Senate Bill 2899 has been hung up in RULES in the Speaker's Office.  Paula Wolff suggested drafting a letter that she will share with Karrie Rueter and Betsy Clarke for edits and revisions.  This will be shared with the RIOB.
  14. Next Meeting - September 21, 2012 (1:00pm-3:00pm)
  15. Adjourn
    Meeting was adjourned at 3:25pm.