View or Add/Update a Verification Record

At any point throughout processing a case, you can view or add verification records. It is a best practice to add verifications to CCMS to document calls made to validate information provided by clients. All CCMS users have the ability to view verification notes.

Search for a Verification Record - Process Steps:

  1. Scroll to the Search section of the page.
    Best Practice! Before adding a new verification record, it is helpful to conduct a search to determine if the record was previously created.
  2. Select a Type from the drop-down list.
  3. From Date: Type the begin date for the Verification Search in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
  4. To Date: Type the end date for the Verification Search in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
  5. Click [Search] to search for the verifications. You can also click [Reset] to clear the search fields and begin a new search.
  6. Results display in the History section of the page.
    • Type: The Verification Record category the note has been created for
    • Call Date: This is the day the verification was originally created
    • Call Time: This is the time the verification was originally created
    • Source of Conf: Source of where the information the originated
    • Created By: The user name of the person who created the verification record
    • Org: The organization of the person who created the verification record
  7. Double-Click on the verification record to view the record in the Add/Update Call section of the page.

Add/Update a Verification Record - Process Steps:

  1. Scroll to the Add/Update Call section of the page.
  2. Select a Type from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the Source of Confirmation from the drop-down list.
  4. Record the Call Date using the calendar icon.
  5. Select the Call Time from the Hour (H) and Minute (M) drop-down lists.
  6. Complete the Last Name, First Name, and Job Title fields with the information of the person who verified the information.
  7. In the Notes text box, type the verification record details. This text box has a 500 character limit.
  8. Click [Save] to save the note to the verification record. You can also click [Cancel] to reset all fields.

To Delete a Verification Record:

  1. Conduct a Verification Record Search.
  2. Highlight the desired Record in the History section of the page, and click [Delete].
  3. The record is deleted.

A record can be deleted by the user who created it, but only on the same day it was created.

Results of the Procedure:

A verification record is viewed or updated.