Process an Attendance Exemption Work Item

BCCD may distribute Form IL444-4338 Attendance Exemption Request when a provider requests an attendance emption after unforeseen, extraordinary circumstances to lessen the financial impact of those events which are beyond the control of the provider.

Refer to 02.06.01 - Attendance Exemptions of the Child Care Policy Manual or the instructions page of the IL444-4338 - Attendance Exemption Request Form to view additional information about the attendance exemption process, including timelines and contact information.

Refer to the Create a Work Item, Create a Work Item Note and Create a Provider Note wizards to assist you in creating and processing an Attendance Exception Work Item.

The following steps are completed by IDHS Liaison in BCCD after being contacted by a provider:

  1. On the Document Links page in the Documents tab, select the Form 4338 Attendance Exemption Request to print for the provider.
  2. Click the IL444-4338 - Attendance Exemption Request Form hyperlink. This forms displays in a pop-up window. Print the form to send to the provider.
  3. Print the form and send it to the provider to complete and return.
  4. The next step is to create an Attendance Exemption Work Item to track the attendance exemption, and assign to BCCD.
  5. Navigate to the Work Item Search page to conduct a search and confirm the desired Work Item does not exist in CCMS.
  6. Click [Create New] at the bottom of the Work Item Search page.
  7. The Work Item Details page displays.
  8. Complete the following fields in the Work Item Details section of the page:
    • Select Attendance Exemption in the Work Item Type field
    • Complete the Source field
    • Select BCCD in the Assigned Org field
    • Do not complete the Assigned Team field. CCMS will automatically route this Work Item to the correct team for processing according to routing rules.
    • Select "Attendance exemption request created" in the Work Flow Status drop-down
    • The Work Item Status will default to new when creating a new Work Item.
    • Select a Provider using the provider search icon
      Next to the Provider # field there is a icon. Click on the icon to access a search page to search for the correct provider with the Work Item.
  9. Scroll to the Reported By section of the page.
  10. Document information on the person who requested the Attendance Exemption, including First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Email.
  11. Scroll to the Other: section of the page.
    • Complete the Receive Date field
    • Type information regarding the attendance exemption request in the Description field

The following steps are completed by IDHS Liaison in BCCD after receiving the attendance exemption from the provider:

  1. When the provider returns the completed Form 4338 Attendance Exemption Request, it must be scanned, faxed, emailed, or uploaded into CCMS.
  2. You can view the document by searching for the document on the Document Search page.
  3. Review the Form 4338 Attendance Exemption Request and approve or deny the request.
  4. Proceed to the Dashboard tab.
  5. Select the numeric task amount from the Overall column and Attendance Exemption row.
  6. After you are taken to the Tasks tab, select the correct Attendance Exemption Work Item from the list to proceed to the Work Item Details page in the Work Items tab.
    • You will be taken to the Work Item Details page to update the work item to reflect your decision and close the Work Item.
  7. Select "Attendance exemption request approved" or "Attendance exemption request denied" in the Work Flow Status drop-down list.
  8. Add any necessary comments in the Description field. This field has a 500 character limit.
  9. Select Complete from the Work Item Status drop-down list.
  10. Click [Save]. Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Attendance exemption request approved" or "Attendance exemption request denied" with the below task type:
    * Action Needed: Sent to agency in the Assigned Org field alerting them an attendance exemption request has been approved or denied.
    Best Practice! Create a Work Item Note or Provider Note to capture the information regarding the attendance exemption request and the decision.

Attendance Exemption: Work Flow Status Key

The agency in the Assigned Org field is the organization that owns the Work Item and receives the task. CCMS will send the task to the correct team according to that agency's routing rules.

Work Flow Status When do I select? Related Task
Attendance exemption request created When the Attendance Exemption Request Work Item is created. Attendance exemption request created
Attendance exemption request approved BCCD reviews the completed IL444-4338 - Attendance Exemption Request Form approves attendance exemption request.
The agency in the Assigned Org field will receive the task and should close the Work Item.
Attendance exemption request approved
Attendance exemption request denied BCCD reviews the completed IL444-4338 - Attendance Exemption Request Form and denies the attendance exemption request.
The agency in the Assigned Org field will receive the task and should close the Work Item.
Attendance exemption request denied

Attendance Exemption Requests: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Question: Can BCCD use the Work Item Details page in CCMS to notify the CCR&R/Site the Attendance Exemption is approved or denied?
    Answer: Absolutely! To notify the CCR&R/Site, do not complete steps 20 or 21. Instead following the below steps:
    1. Select the CCR&R/Site from the Assigned Org field.
    2. Click [Save].
    3. The CCR&R/Site is sent a task: "Attendance exemption request approved" or "Attendance exemption request denied".
      Remember! The Work Item is still open. The CCR&R/Site that is sent the task should navigate to the Work Item Details page for the attendance exemption to close the Work Item by completing Steps 20 and 21.