Process a Violation Referral Work Item

Refer to the Create a Work Item, Create a Case Note, and Create a Work Item Note wizards to assist you in processing a Violation Referral Work Item.

Create a Violation Referral Work Item - Process Steps:

The CCR&R completes the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Work Item tab. In the Work Item Search page conduct a search and confirm the desired Work Item does not exist in CCMS.
  2. Click [Create New] at the bottom of the Work Item Search page.
  3. The Work Item Details page displays
  4. Scroll to the Work Item Details section of the page.
  5. Select Violation Referral from the Work Item Type drop-down list.
  6. Select the correct Source from the drop-down list.
    • Fax
    • Scan
    • Email
    • Mail
    • Phone
    • Other
    • No Contact
  7. Select BCCD from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
  8. Do not complete the Assigned Team or Assigned Worker fields. CCMS will automatically route this Work Item to the correct team for processing according to routing rules.
  9. Select Enter Violation Referral from the Work Flow Status drop-down list.
  10. The Work Item Status will default to new when creating a new Work Item.
  11. Select a case or provider to associate to the violation referral.
    Next to the Provider # and Case # field there is a icon. Click on the icon to access a search page to search for the correct case or provider to associate to the Work Item.
  12. Type information regarding the Violation Referral in the Description field. This field has a 500 character limit.
  13. Click [Save].
    Clicking [Save] triggers a task to BCCD alerting them a Violation Referral has been created.

The BCCD PIQA Supervisor completes the following steps:

  1. Receive the Enter Violation Referral task.
  2. Navigate to the Work Item Details page.
  3. Access the identified referral file and research the violation.
    • If there's evidence of a program violation proceed to step 17.
    • If there's no evidence of a program violation proceed to step 24.

Program Violation Confirmed

If no additional information is needed:

  1. Select Violation Referral Created in the Work Flow Status field.
  2. Select Complete in the Work Item Status field to close the Work Item .
  3. Click [Save].

If additional information is needed:

  1. Select PIQA Requests Additional Information from CCR&R in the Work Flow Status field.
  2. Click [Save].
    Clicking [Save] triggers the following task " PIQA Requests Additional Information from CCR&R" to the reporting CCR&R.
  3. When additional information is received select Additional Information Received in the Work Flow Status field.
  4. Select "Complete" in the Work Item Status field to close the Work Item.
  5. Click [Save].

No Program Violation Found

  1. Navigate to the Work Item Notes page.
  2. Scroll to the Add/Update Work Item Note section of the page.
  3. Click [Add].
  4. Select PIQA from the Type drop-down list.
  5. Enter a note to document no program violation was found.
  6. Click [Save].
  7. Navigate to the Work Item Details page.
  8. Select Case File Updated in the Work Flow Status field.
  9. Select Complete in the Work Item Status field to close the Work Item.
  10. Click [Save].

Violation Referral: Work Flow Status Key

The agency in the Assigned Org field is the organization that owns the Work Item and receives the task. CCMS will send the task to the correct team according to that agency's routing rules.

Work Flow Status When Do I Select? Related Task
Enter Violation Referral When there's suspicion of a program violation. Enter Violation Referral
PIQA requests additional information from CCR&R When the PIQA Supervisor requests the CCR&R to provide more information about the suspected program violation. PIQA requests additional information from CCR&R.
Additional Information Received After the CCR&R has provided more information regarding the suspected program violation.
Violation Referral Created When the PIQA Supervisor determines that there is a program violation.
Case File Updated When the PIQA Supervisor determines there is no program violation and updates the suspected file.

Results of the Procedure:

The violation referral is created, assigned to the appropriate organization, and processed.