PM 06-25-00
Persons may qualify for
ACA Adult if they do not qualify for full medical benefits under any of the following programs:
- Family Health Plans
- Family Assist;
- All Kids;
- FamilyCare;
- Moms & Babies;
- MPE;
- AABD at or below 100% of the federal poverty level (FPL) for those who are resource eligible (see the note below);
- Breast & Cervical Cancer (BCC);
- Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities (HBWD);
- Medicare Savings Programs: QMB, SLIB or QI-1;
- Refugee & Repatriate Assistance; or
- Other federally funded full medical benefits programs.
Persons receiving Medicare are not eligible for
ACA Adult.
A person who receives Veteran's Care or is in unmet spenddown (income or resource) with income up to 138% (minus 5% disregard) of the FPL may qualify for ACA Adult.