601 |
Invalid or Missing Agency FEIN |
602 |
Invalid or Missing Agency Client ID |
603 |
Invalid or Missing Record Type |
604 |
Invalid Close Date |
605 |
Invalid or Missing Registration Date |
606 |
Close Date must be within the Registration and Process Dates |
607 |
Invalid or Missing Medicaid Site ID |
608 |
Invalid or Missing Client First and/or Last Name |
609 |
Invalid or Missing Social Security Number (SSN) |
610 |
Invalid or Missing Medicaid Recipient ID (RIN) |
611 |
A Valid SSN must be reported with Medicaid Recipient ID (RIN) |
612 |
Invalid or Missing State Operated Facility ID (SOF ID) |
613 |
Invalid or Missing Birth Date |
614 |
Invalid or Missing Gender |
615 |
Invalid or Missing Race |
616 |
Invalid or Missing Hispanic Origin |
617 |
Invalid or Missing Language Preference |
618 |
Invalid or Missing County/Township - Community Area |
619 |
Invalid or Missing Zip Code |
620 |
Invalid or Missing Education Level |
621 |
Invalid or Missing Employment Status |
622 |
Invalid or Missing Marital Status |
623 |
Invalid or Missing SSI/SSDI Eligibility Status |
624 |
Invalid or Missing Donated Funds Initiateive (DFI) Indicator |
625 |
Invalid or Missing Citizenship Status |
626 |
Invalid or Missing Military Status |
627 |
Invalid or Missing Court/Forensic Treatment Status |
628 |
Invalid Previous Client ID |
629 |
Invalid or Missing Interpreter Services Needed |
630 |
Invalid or Missing Family Household Size |
631 |
Invalid or Missing Household Income |
632 |
Invalid or Missing Client Income |
633 |
Invalid or Missing Co-Occurring Disorders |
634 |
Invalid or Missing Justice System Involvement |
635 |
Invalid or Missing Client Functional Impairment Rating |
640 |
Missing ICD9 Diagnosis Code |
641 |
Missing ICD10 Diagnosis Code |
642 |
One of the Required 'DD' ICD10 Diagnosis Codes must be submitted |
643 |
No Duplicate Diagnosis Codes Allowed |
644 |
No ICD9 Diagnosis Code allowed for Registraton Date after 9/30/2015 |
645 |
New 'MH' Registrations not allowed after 9/30/2015 |
650 |
Invalid or Missing 'DD' Open Residential Arrangement |
651 |
Invalid or Missing Household Composition |
652 |
Invalid or Missing 'DD' Diagnosis Code Type |
653 |
Invalid or Missing Principal Diagnosis Indicator |
654 |
Invalid or Missing Diagnosis Code |
655 |
Invalid 'DD' Diagnosis Code for Principal Diagnosis |
656 |
Invalid or Missing Client Functioning Score |
657 |
Invalid or Missing Client Function Scale Indicator |
658 |
Invalid or Missing Level of Functioning Score |
659 |
Invalid or Missing Illness History Score |
660 |
Invalid or Missing Number of DD Individuals in Setting |
661 |
Invalid or Missing Guardian Type |
662 |
Invalid or Missing Guardian Information |
663 |
Invalid or Missing Guardian Appointment Date |
664 |
Invalid or Missing Age at Onset |
665 |
Invalid or Missing Service Score |
666 |
Invalid or Missing Behavioral Score |
667 |
Both Service and Behavioral Scores are Invalid or Missing |
668 |
Invalid or Missing Score Type |
669 |
Invalid or Missing Closing Disposition |
670 |
Invalid or Missing Closing Residential Arrangement |
671 |
Invalid or Missing Number of DD Individuals inSetting |
672 |
Invalid or Missing Behavioral Score Indicator |
673 |
Invalid Agency Satellite Code |
674 |
Invalid Client Functioning Scale at Closing |
675 |
Invalid Client Functioning Scale Indicator at Closing |
676 |
Missing Entry for Mother Maiden Name |
677 |
Registration Date can not be after Process Date |
678 |
Invalid CILA Indicator |
679 |
Guardian 1 must exist whenthere is a Guardian 2 |
680 |
Invalid or Missing 'DD' County/Township - Community Area |
681 |
Invalid or Missing 'DD' Zip Code |
682 |
Invalid or Missing 'MH' Diagnosis Type |
683 |
Invalid or Missing 'MH' Principal Diagnosis Indicator |
684 |
Invalid or Missing 'MH' Diagnosis Code |
685 |
Invalid 'MH' Diagnosis Code for Principal Diagnosis |
686 |
Invalid or Missing 'MH' Closing Disposition |
687 |
Invalid or Missing 'MH' Open Residential Arrangement |
688 |
Invalid Demographic Count/Township Combination |
689 |
Invalid 'DD' County/Township Combination |
690 |
Invalid Combination of Score Type, Service Score and Behavioral Score |
691 |
Invalid Agency FEIN/Satellite Code Combination |
692 |
Invalid or Missing Mobility Code |
693 |
Case Registration Rejected - DHS software needs to be updated |
700 |
Resource ID not found for Agency FEIN and Satellite |
701 |
Demographic Information Not Present to Process 'DD' or 'MH' Information |
702 |
Client ID Already Exists for Clinet ID Changes |
703 |
Address Information is Required |
704 |
Cannot Change Registration/Close Date Due to Presence of Services |
705 |
Client ID Must be SSN for 'DD' Clients |
706 |
RIN Cannot be 999999999 for 'DD' Clients |