Client Case Registration Records

Rejection Codes

Code Description
601 Invalid or Missing Agency FEIN
602 Invalid or Missing Agency Client ID
603 Invalid or Missing Record Type
604 Invalid Close Date
605 Invalid or Missing Registration Date
606 Close Date must be within the Registration and Process Dates
607 Invalid or Missing Medicaid Site ID
608 Invalid or Missing Client First and/or Last Name
609 Invalid or Missing Social Security Number (SSN)
610 Invalid or Missing Medicaid Recipient ID (RIN)
611 A Valid SSN must be reported with Medicaid Recipient ID (RIN)
612 Invalid or Missing State Operated Facility ID (SOF ID)
613 Invalid or Missing Birth Date
614 Invalid or Missing Gender
615 Invalid or Missing Race
616 Invalid or Missing Hispanic Origin
617 Invalid or Missing Language Preference
618 Invalid or Missing County/Township - Community Area
619 Invalid or Missing Zip Code
620 Invalid or Missing Education Level
621 Invalid or Missing Employment Status
622 Invalid or Missing Marital Status
623 Invalid or Missing SSI/SSDI Eligibility Status
624 Invalid or Missing Donated Funds Initiateive (DFI) Indicator
625 Invalid or Missing Citizenship Status
626 Invalid or Missing Military Status
627 Invalid or Missing Court/Forensic Treatment Status
628 Invalid Previous Client ID
629 Invalid or Missing Interpreter Services Needed
630 Invalid or Missing Family Household Size
631 Invalid or Missing Household Income
632 Invalid or Missing Client Income
633 Invalid or Missing Co-Occurring Disorders
634 Invalid or Missing Justice System Involvement
635 Invalid or Missing Client Functional Impairment Rating
640 Missing ICD9 Diagnosis Code
641 Missing ICD10 Diagnosis Code
642 One of the Required 'DD' ICD10 Diagnosis Codes must be submitted
643 No Duplicate Diagnosis Codes Allowed
644 No ICD9 Diagnosis Code allowed for Registraton Date after 9/30/2015
645 New 'MH' Registrations not allowed after 9/30/2015
650 Invalid or Missing 'DD' Open Residential Arrangement
651 Invalid or Missing Household Composition
652 Invalid or Missing 'DD' Diagnosis Code Type
653 Invalid or Missing Principal Diagnosis Indicator
654 Invalid or Missing Diagnosis Code
655 Invalid 'DD' Diagnosis Code for Principal Diagnosis
656 Invalid or Missing Client Functioning Score
657 Invalid or Missing Client Function Scale Indicator
658 Invalid or Missing Level of Functioning Score
659 Invalid or Missing Illness History Score
660 Invalid or Missing Number of DD Individuals in Setting
661 Invalid or Missing Guardian Type
662 Invalid or Missing Guardian Information
663 Invalid or Missing Guardian Appointment Date
664 Invalid or Missing Age at Onset
665 Invalid or Missing Service Score
666 Invalid or Missing Behavioral Score
667 Both Service and Behavioral Scores are Invalid or Missing
668 Invalid or Missing Score Type
669 Invalid or Missing Closing Disposition
670 Invalid or Missing Closing Residential Arrangement
671 Invalid or Missing Number of DD Individuals inSetting
672 Invalid or Missing Behavioral Score Indicator
673 Invalid Agency Satellite Code
674 Invalid Client Functioning Scale at Closing
675 Invalid Client Functioning Scale Indicator at Closing
676 Missing Entry for Mother Maiden Name
677 Registration Date can not be after Process Date
678 Invalid CILA Indicator
679 Guardian 1 must exist whenthere is a Guardian 2
680 Invalid or Missing 'DD' County/Township - Community Area
681 Invalid or Missing 'DD' Zip Code
682 Invalid or Missing 'MH' Diagnosis Type
683 Invalid or Missing 'MH' Principal Diagnosis Indicator
684 Invalid or Missing 'MH' Diagnosis Code
685 Invalid 'MH' Diagnosis Code for Principal Diagnosis
686 Invalid or Missing 'MH' Closing Disposition
687 Invalid or Missing 'MH' Open Residential Arrangement
688 Invalid Demographic Count/Township Combination
689 Invalid 'DD' County/Township Combination
690 Invalid Combination of Score Type, Service Score and Behavioral Score
691 Invalid Agency FEIN/Satellite Code Combination
692 Invalid or Missing Mobility Code
693 Case Registration Rejected - DHS software needs to be updated
700 Resource ID not found for Agency FEIN and Satellite
701 Demographic Information Not Present to Process 'DD' or 'MH' Information
702 Client ID Already Exists for Clinet ID Changes
703 Address Information is Required
704 Cannot Change Registration/Close Date Due to Presence of Services
705 Client ID Must be SSN for 'DD' Clients
706 RIN Cannot be 999999999 for 'DD' Clients

Warning Codes

Code Description
850 Client Case Rgst Client Medicaid Recipient Number (RIN) Does Not Match IDPA File
851 Client Case Rgst Client Address Information was Corrected
852 Client Case Rgst Invalid 'MH' DLA Information Changed to Spaces
853 Client Case Rgst Invlaid 'MH' Cross Disabilities Information Changed to Spaces

updated 9/30/2015