Using CCMS, cases may be electronically transferred from one CCR&R/Site to another if a client moves. Because CCMS electronically stores case documents, no paper file transfer is needed. Once BCCD approves the transferring of the case, the client's documents can be reviewed electronically by the new organization and child care can continue in a timely manner.
You can use this Job Aid to learn how to transfer a case and accept a case that has been transferred to your organization.
There are three organizations involved in a case transfer:
- CCR&R/Site who currently owns the case (Organization One)
- CCR&R/Site who is receiving the case- the desired owner of the case (Organization Two)
In CCMS the following steps are completed to transfer a case:
- A case transfer need is identified.
- Organization One creates a Transfer Work Item and assigns to BCCD.
- BCCD approves the transfer, completes the Work Item Details page, and assigns the Transfer Work Item to Organization Two.
- Organization Two reviews the Work Item Details page, checks the sign-off box, and assigns the Transfer Work Item to Organization One.
- Organization One reviews the Work Item Details, checks the sign-off box, and assigns the Transfer Work Item to BCCD for final review.
- BCCD reviews the Work Item information, checks the sign-off box, and assigns the Transfer Work Item to Organization Two.
- Organization Two generates the new Approval Notice to the client/provider, and closes the Work Item.
- Refer to the Create a Work Item and Search for a Case wizard to assist you in creating a Transfer Work Item.
The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site transfering the case (Organization One):
- On the Case Search page, perform a case search for the case you would like to transfer.
- In the Search Results section of the page, select the correct case so that you are in the context of the case.
- Remember! You are in the context of a case when the case number and information display in the purple header
- Navigate to the Work Item Search page and click [Create New]. The Work Item Details page displays.
- Select the following fields on the Work Item Details page to create a Transfer Work Item:
- Select Transfer from the Work Item Type drop-down list.
- Complete the Source field.
- Select BCCD from the Assigned Org field.
- Select Transfer request created in the Work Flow Status drop-down list
- The Work Item Status defaults to new when creating a new Work Item.
- Notice the case automatically displays in the Case # field.This is because you are in the context of that case.
- Remember! You do not need to complete the "Assigned Team" or "Assigned Worker" fields. These fields will be automatically populated by CCMS according to BCCD's routing rules.
- Select your CCR&R/Site from the From CCR&R/Site field. The current CCR&R/Site that owns the case is the only option in this drop-down list.
- Select the CCR&R/Site to transfer the case to from the To CCR&R/Site field.
- Select your CCR&R/Site from the Change of fund source from CCR&R/Site field.
- Select the CCR&R/Site to transfer the case to from the Change of fund source to CCR&R/Site field
- Complete these the following fields as needed:
- CCR&R/Site received app
- Date Received
- Date of Provider Change
- Date new provider began care
- Date of Change
- Last date of care for previous provider
- Co-pay in month of transfer
- New Co-pay
- Previous provider was assessed the following pro-rated-co-pay in the month of transfer
- Co-pay assessed for the remainder of the transfer month
- Comments
- Click [Save].
- Important! Clicking save transfers ownership of the case to the new CCR&R/Site. The Caseload field in the purple header now reflects the new organization that owns the case. They will now be the only organization able to make changes to the case.
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Transfer request created" with the below task types:
- Action Needed: Sent to BCCD alerting them there is a new transfer request awaiting approval
- Informational: Sent to CCR&R/Site who currently owns the case AND the CCR&R/Site who the case is being transferred to. This task is generated to the correct team according to the Transfer Work Item routing rules for the organization
The following steps are completed by the BCCD team:
- Receive the "Transfer request created" task.
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page to review the Transfer request. You can view information on the current CCR&R/Site who owns the case, and the receiving CCR&R/Site.
- Review the request to determine if the transfer request should be approved.
- Select one of the following in the Work Flow Status field.
- If the Transfer request is approved - select the Transfer case request approved - update case Work Flow Status
- If the Transfer request is denied - select the Transfer case update needed Work Flow Status
- Update the Assigned Org field with the CCR&R/Site who is receiving transferred case (Organization Two).
- If the request is denied, be sure to add this information in the Comments field.
- Click [Save].
- If the Transfer request is approved, clicking [Save] triggers the following task:
- Transfer case request approved - update case
- The tasks will be created with the below task types:
- Action Needed: Sent to Organization receiving transferred case
- Informational: Sent to Organization requesting the transferred case
- If the Transfer request is denied, clicking [Save] triggers the following task to Organization requesting the transferred case:
- Transfer case update needed
- The tasks will be created with the below task types:
- Action Needed: Sent to Organization receiving transferred case. Skip to step 46 to process the denied transfer request.
- Informational: Sent to Organization requesting the transferred case
The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site receiving the case (Organization Two):
- Receive the "Transfer case request approved - update case" task.
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page to review the Work Item information.
- Important! Make any necessary updates needed to the case and Work Item Details page.
- Select the CCR&R/Site the case is being transferred from (Organization One) the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Select Transfer case for sign-off - Other R&R/Site in the Work Flow Status drop-down list.
- Check the Sign Off checkbox next to your CCR&R/Site at the bottom of the Work Item Details page.
- Click [Save].
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task:
- Transfer case for sign-off - Other R&R/Site
- The tasks will be created with the below task types:
- Action Needed: Sent to the requesting CCR&R/Site.
- Informational: Sent to both receiving CCR&R/Site and BCCD.
The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site transfering the case:
- Receive the "Transfer case for sign-off - Other R&R/Site" task.
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page to review the Work Item information.
- Check the Sign Off checkbox next to your CCR&R/Site.
- Set the Assigned Org field to BCCD.
- Select Transfer case for sign-off - BCCD in the Work Flow Status drop-down list.
- Click [Save].
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task:
- Transfer case for sign-off - BCCD
- The tasks will be created with the below task types:
- Action Needed: Sent to BCCD
- Informational: Sent to both CCR&R/Sites involved.
The following steps are completed by the BCCD team:
- Receive the "Transfer case for sign-off - BCCD" task.
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page to review the Work Item information.
- Update the Assigned Org field with the CCR&R/Site who is receiving the transfer (Organization Two).
- Select Transfer case for sign-off - Generate Approval/Denial Notice in the Work Flow Status drop-down list.
- Check the Sign Off checkbox next to BCCD.
- Click [Save].
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task:
- Transfer case signed off - Generate Approval/Denial notice
- The tasks will be created with the below task types:
- Action Needed: Sent to CCR&R/Site receiving transferred case
- Informational: Sent to the requesting CCR&R/Site.
The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site recieving the Transfered Case:
- Receive the "Transfer case signed off - Generate Approval/Denial notice" task.
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page to review the Work Item information.
- Complete any necessary case updates.
- Navigate back to the Work Items Details page and change the Work Item Status field to Complete.
- Click [Save]. This closes the work item and all tasks associated with it.
The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site recieving the Transfered Case:
- After closing the Transfer Work Item, locate and take action on the Application, Redetermination, or COI Work Item associated with the case.
- When a case is transferred, all open Application, Redetermination, and COI work items associated with the case are also transferred to the new organization. The new organization will receive these work items based on routing rules and can view these work items on the dashboard.
- Once in the context of the appropriate work item, navigate to the Generate Documents page.
- Generate one of the following two documents from the Document Type drop-down list:
- To Approve the Transfer request: Generate the "Approval of Request for Child Care Payments".
- To Deny/Cancel the Transfer request: Generate the "Denial of Request for Chidl Care Payments" or "Notice of Cancellation".
- Click [Add].
- Generating the Approval or Denial/Cancellation will send the document to both the client and provider to inform them of the case changes.
- Navigate back to the Wrok Item Details page and change the Work Item Status field to Complete.
- Click [Save]. This closes the work item and all tasks associated with it.
Steps to complete if a case transfer request is denied by BCCD.
These steps are completed by the organization receiving the case.
- Close the Work Item by completing steps 3 and 4 (above).
- Create a new Transfer Work Item to transfer the case back to the original CCR&R/Site.
Transfer Cases: Work Flow Status Key
Work Flow Status |
When do I select? |
Related Task |
Transfer request created |
Once the transfer request is created, the originating CCR&R/Site sends to BCCD. |
Transfer request created |
Transfer case request approved - update case |
BCCD sends back to the CCR&R/Site receiving the transferred case. |
Transfer case request approved - update case |
Transfer case for sign-off - Other R&R/Site |
The CCR&R/Site is receiving the transferred case sends to the original CCR&R/Site. |
Transfer case for sign-off - Other R&R/Site |
Transfer case for sign-off - BCCD |
The original CCR&R/Site sends to BCCD after signing off on the transfer. |
Transfer case for sign-off - BCCD |
Transfer case signed off - Generate Approval/Denial notice |
BCCD sends to the Transfer Work Item to the CCR&R/Site receiving the transferred case.
The CCR&R/Site that created the transfer request will receive an informational task.
Transfer case signed off - Generate Approval/Denial notice |
Transfer case update needed |
This is an optional workflow status. BCCD or either CCR&R/Site can send this to when an update to the case is needed.
*This status can be used at any time in the Transfer Work Item process.
Transfer case update needed |
Supervisor sign-off on transfer case |
This is an optional workflow status and is used if a supervisor requires his or her approval for transferred cases.
*This status can be used at any time in the Transfer Work Item process.
Supervisor sign-off on transfer case |
Transfer Cases: Frequently Asked Questions
- Where can I view the current organization that owns a case?
- When you are in the context of a case, the caseload that owns the case displays in the Csld field in the purple header. You can also find this information by performing a case search. The information displays in the Caseload column of the Search Results section of the page.
- Additionally, on the Work Item Details page of the Transfer Work Item, the organization listed below the Work Item Status field is currently the one that owns the case.
- Remember that if you decide the case should not be transferred, if your organization is no longer the one maintaining the case, the new organization will have to create a new Transfer Work Item to send the ownership of the case back to your organization.