Shared Case Job Aid

The purpose of the Shared Case Job Aid is to assist caseworkers with creating and processing shared cases. The information in this job aid contains shared case specific information. Additional information on how to process application and case maintenance can be found in the CCMS step-by-step wizards.

How to Create a Shared Case

A shared case is a child care case in which the family uses more than one provider from two different funding sources. A shared case can be shared between a CCR&R and a Site or between two Sites. A Site will always own the case and process the application, redetermination and changes. When two sites share a case, the first site to receive an application will own the case. When a potential shared case is identified, it must be approved by the BCCD Shared Case Coordinator and the organization which owns the current case.

When a Work Item is created, the Work Item Status is automatically set to New. As the work item is processed, the Work Item Status changes.

Work Item Status Options:

  • New: the Work Item is created
  • In Progress: A user has been selected in the Assigned Wkr field and the status is changed to In Progress
  • Complete: When all Work Item Tasks are complete the user selects Complete from the Work Item Status field to close the Work Item

The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site requesting the Shared Case:

  1. After a new application is added to CCMS through scan, fax, email, or online submission, CCMS creates a Validate Document Work Item. The Validate Document team receives a task to validate the application. After the application and all supporting documents are validated, an Application Work Item is automatically created by CCMS and a Process App Task is sent to the correct team based on to routing rules.
  2. Every member of the team will receive the Process App task, and a caseworker will navigate to the Work Item Details page and assign the case to themselves in the Assigned Worker field.
  3. The first step in processing any application is to conduct a case search for all individuals on the application and review any potential matches. This helps to identify if the application is a duplicate or shared case.
  4. If the user discovers that the parent listed on the application already has an existing case and a shared case should be created, instead of clicking on the Create Case button, the worker checks the Select box next to the existing case(s), and clicks [Create Shared Case].
  5. The Create Shared Case pop-up window appears.
  6. Select the correct case number from the Case # to use for shared case drop-down list.
  7. Click [Save] to assign the selected Case # for the shared case.
    • Currently the Shared Case only has 1 caseload associated with it. The next step is to modify the Shared Case and add the 2nd caseload.
  8. Conduct a case search to search for shared case you just created. In the Search results, click the Select checkbox select the Shared case you just created, and click [Modify Shared Case].
  9. The Modify Shared Case pop-up window appears.
  10. Select the radio button next to Add.
  11. Select the Caseload from the CCR&R/Site to add from the drop-down list.
  12. Click [Save] to assign the selected Caseload for the shared case.
  13. Notice both caseloads display in the Caseload column of the Search results.
    • Click [Save] to changes the Work Item Type from Application to Shared Case Application. This information shows in the purple header.
    • Click [Save] to trigger a New shared case created for approval Task with the following task types:
      • Action Needed: Sent to BCCD alerting them there is a new shared case awaiting approval
      • Informational: Sent to CCR&R/Site who current owns the case AND the CCR&R/Site who created the shared case
    • As the tasks change, tasks are assigned as an Action Needed or Informational to either the Shared Case Coordinator or the CCR&R/Site.
    • If the scenario includes a third existing case at another site, select [Caseload added] to add the third site.
  14. CCMS has automatically created a Shared Case Application Work Item and sent to the BCCD team. If needed, you can navigate to the Work Items Search page to search for the new shared case application work item and view the information.
  15. Refer to the Search for a Work Item wizard for help searching for the Work Item. It is a best practice to search for the Work Item using the Case Number.

The following steps are completed by the BCCD Shared Case team:

  1. The Shared Case Coordinator clicks on the New shared case created for approval Task on the Tasks page. The Work Item Details page displays.
  2. The Shared Case Coordinator reviews the Shared Case request. The coordinator can view information on the current CCR&R/Site who owns the case and the CCR&R/Site requesting the shared case by selecting the > icon next to each organization.
  3. Scroll to the second section of the page.
  4. CCMS has automatically completed the following fields with information about the co-pay in the first month the case will be shared and the following months. Review these fields and edit if necessary:
    • 1st Month of Sharing; Co-Pay Ind; Co-Pay $; Collected By
    • The Remainder of Eligibility thru End Month of Eligibility field defaults to the last month of eligibility.
    • Co-Pay Ind; Co-Pay $; Collected By
  5. Add any comments in the Comments box.
  6. If the Shared Case is approved, the BCCD Shared Case Coordinator updates the Assigned Org field with the CCR&R/Site that requested the shared case.
  7. Select a new status from the Workflow Status field:
    • To Approve the Shared Case: Shared case creation approved - update case
    • To Deny the Shared Case: Shared case creation not approved - remove caseload
  8. Click [Save]. The information displays on the Tasks Search page in the Task/Info column. BCCD approval or denial finishes BCCD's action task until after the case is processed by the assigned site.
    • Note: The same process is used if there is a third CCR&R/Site involved. The third CCR&R/Site will also need to address tasks as described below.
      • Click [Save] to trigger the following task:
        • If the Shared Case request is Approved: Shared case creation approved - update case
        • If the Shared Case request is Denied: Shared case creation not approved - remove caseload
      • Workflow Statuses can be set for the Work Item throughout the process depending on the situation that generates tasks. These tasks will move between BCCD and the CCR&R/Sites. The processing caseworker cannot move forward with the case until the tasks are signed off by BCCD and the CCR&R/Site. The CCR&R/Site will receive a task (the name of the work flow status always matches the name of the task) and review the case. If the CCR&R/Site agrees with the results, the CCR&R/Site checks the sign off box and update the workflow status. The next status will be created.
      • Two types of tasks will be created:
        • Action Needed: Sent to CCR&R/Site who currently owns the case, the second site or BCCD when they must take an action on the case
        • Informational: Sent to the CCR&R/Sites or BCCD to notify them that action is pending.
      • Note: Continue to the Modify Shared Case Request section of this Job Aid for steps on how to process a denied shared case request.

The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site requesting the Shared Case:

  1. Process the Shared Case Application as any other application. The work flow statuses below are exactly the same work flow statuses for an Application Work Item. Special Shared Case steps begin after assigning the co-pay.
    1. Work Flow Status: 1st RAI Sent - Updated to this status after the 1st Request for Additional Information form is created.
    2. Work Flow Status: 1st RAI Received - Updated to this status after the 1st Request for Additional Information form is scanned, emailed, or faxed into CCMS.
    3. Work Flow Status: 2nd RAI Sent - Updated to this status after the 2nd Request for Additional Information form is created.
    4. Work Flow Status: 2nd RAI Received - Updated to this status after the completed 2nd Request for Additional Information form is created.
      • Refer to the Process a New Application in CCMS Job Aid for steps on how to process a new application.
  2. Process the Shared Case Application and determine the eligibility of the shared case.
  3. Click [Confirm] on the Eligibility Results page.
  4. If the case is approved, navigate to the Service Authorization page to add care schedules for each provider.
  5. Navigate to the Co-Pay page to confirm the co-pay information for the case.
    • Note: The case must now be reviewed by BCCD and the CCR&R/Site sharing the case.

The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site requesting the Shared Case:

  1. Navigate to the Work Item Details page and update the Assigned Org field with the other CCR&R/Site.
  2. Select Shared case eligibility outcome for Sign-off - Other R&R/Site from the Workflow Status field drop-down list.
  3. Select the Sign-off checkbox at the bottom of the page, next to your organization.
  4. Click [Save].
    • Click [Save] to trigger the following task to the other CCR&R/Site:
      • Action Needed: Shared case eligibility outcome for Sign-off - Other R&R/Site
      • Informational: Sent to BCCD

The following steps are completed by the Other CCR&R/Site:

  1. Review the case information to determine agreement with the eligibility results.
  2. If results are satisfactory, navigate to the Work Item Details page and update the Assigned Org field to BCCD Shared Case team.
  3. Select Shared case eligibility outcome for Sign-off - BCCD from the Workflow Status field drop-down list.
  4. Select the Sign-off checkbox at the bottom of the page, next to your organization.
  5. Click [Save].
    • Click [Save] to trigger the following task to the BCCD Shared Case Team:
      • Action Needed: Shared case eligibility outcome for Sign-off BCCD
      • Informational: Sent to CCR&R/Site

The following steps are completed by the BCCD Shared Case team:

  1. Review the case information to determine agreement with the eligibility results.
  2. If results are satisfactory, navigate to the Work Item Details page and update the Assigned Org field with the CCR&R/Site requesting the Shared Case.
  3. Select Shared case eligibility outcome signed off - Generate Approval/Denial notice from the Workflow Status field drop-down list.
  4. Select the 1st Month of Sharing from the drop down list. Chose the month that the shared case will begin.
  5. Select the Co-pay Indicator from the drop down list.
  6. Type in the Co-pay amount.
  7. Select provider from the Collected By drop down list.
  8. Type any appropriate comments in the Comments dialogue box.
  9. Select the Sign-off checkbox at the bottom of the page, next to Bureau of Child Care & Development.
  10. Click [Save].
    • Click [Save] to trigger the following task to the CCR&R/Site requesting the Shared Case
      • Action Needed: Shared case eligibility outcome signed off - Generate Approval/Denial notice
      • Informational: Sent to BCCD

The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site requesting the Shared Case:

  1. Navigate to the Generate Documents page to create the Approval notice.
  2. If the case is denied, navigate to the Generate Documents page to create the Denial notice.
  3. End of Process.

How to Remove a Caseload from a Shared Case Request

If the CCR&R/Site receives a Shared case creation not approved - remove caseload task, the BCCD Shared Case team has denied the request to create shared case and shared case characteristics should be removed. After completing the steps below, the application is processed normally using the Process a New Application in CCMS Job Aid. The same process is used when an active case no longer meets the parameters for a shared case or is closed or denied.

The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site requesting the Shared Case:

  1. Navigate to the Case Search page, and conduct a search for the shared case.
  2. Check the Select box next to the existing case(s), and click [Modify Shared Case].
  3. The Modify Shared Case pop-up window appears. You can use this pop-up to remove an organization (caseload) from a shared case.
  4. Select the radio button next to Remove.
  5. Select the Caseload from the CCR&R/Site to remove from the drop-down list.
  6. Click [Save].
    • Click [Save] to change the Work Item Type from Shared Case Application to Application. This information shows in the purple header.
    • CCMS does not generate a task to alert BCCD or the sites that a shared case has been modified or ended. The informational task is generated to notify the other site/BCCD that an action is being taken.
    • Refer to the case as necessary for information.
  7. Access Work Item Details page - add a Work Item Note and change Work Item Status to Complete. CCMS has automatically created a new Application Work Item and assigned this to the correct team. This team should process the new application. The duplicate application does not need to be denied.

How to Add a Caseload from a Shared Case Request

The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site requesting the Shared Case:

  1. Navigate to the Case Search page, and conduct a search for the shared case.
  2. Check the Select box next to the existing case(s), and click [Modify Shared Case].
  3. The Modify Shared Case pop-up window appears. You can use this pop-up to add an organization (caseload) to a shared case.
  4. Select the radio button next to Add.
  5. Select the Caseload from the CCR&R/Site to add from the drop-down list.
  6. Click [Save] to add the selected Caseload for the shared case.
  7. This process can be repeated as many times as necessary.

How to Process a Shared Case Redetermination or Change of Information

When a Redetermination (Rede) or Change of Information (COI) is generated from CCMS, a Shared Case Rede or COI Work Item is automatically created. Each task generated is sent to all organizations associated with the shared case.

  • If a case is shared between a CCR&R and a Site, the Site will be assigned the Process Rede/COI task when the Rede/COI is returned in CCMS
  • If a case is shared between two Sites, the Process Rede/COI task is assigned to the site that collects the co-pay.
  1. Click on the Rede/COI Task on the Tasks page. The Shared Case Rede/COI Work Item Details displays.
  2. Complete the Rede/COI Process for the Shared Case the same as for a non-Shared case. Special Shared Case steps begin after assigning the co-pay.
    • Refer to the Redetermination Job Aid for steps on how to process a redetermination and Update Case Information Wizard on how to process changes.
  3. After processing the Redetermination or Change of Information, the shared case process is the same as for the application. The case must be approved by BCCD and the sharing Site.
  4. After the sign off by BCCD and the shared site, navigate to the Generate Documents page to create the Approval notice.
    • If the case is closed, navigate to the Generate Documents page to create the closure notice.
  5. Add a Case Note as necessary on the Case Note page.
  6. End of process.

How to Transfer a Shared Case

A case transfer occurs when the responsibility for the case has been changed from one CCR&R/Site to another and the case continues to be a shared case.

Before beginning the process for transferring a shared case, refer to the Transfer Case Job Aid.

If the case is transferred on the first day of the month and a Shared Case has not been created, there is no need to create a Shared case.

If the caseworker has created a shared case, the caseworker must remove the Shared Case label in CCMS. The shared case is modified at the end of the month. The case can be transferred after the end of the month.

If a case is transferred from one CCR&R to another CCR&R, BCCD approval is not necessary and the case can be transferred in the middle of the month.

  1. When a shared case is being transferred to another CCR&R/Site, a worker manually creates a Transfer work item. The workflow status is set to Transfer request created and assigned to the team who maintains the case.
  2. The Work Item Details page displays. Scroll to the second section of the page.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Select your CCR&R/Site from the From CCR&R/Site field.
    • Select the CCR&R/Site to transfer the case to from the To CCR&R/Site field.
    • Select your CCR&R/Site from the Change of fund source from CCR&R/Site field.
    • Select the CCR&R/Site to transfer the case to from the Change of fund source to CCR&R/Site field.
  4. Complete these the following fields as needed:
    • CCR&R/Site received app
    • Date Received
    • Date of Provider Change
    • Date new provider began care
    • Date of Change
    • Last date of care for previous provider
    • Co-pay in month of transfer
    • New Co-pay
    • Previous provider was assessed the following pro-rated-co-pay in the month of transfer
    • Co-pay assessed for the remainder of the transfer month
    • Comments
  5. After reviewing the case and completing the fields on the Work Item Details page, the caseworker changes the workflow status to Transfer case for sign-off - Other R&R/Site and assigns the task to the appropriate team at the sharing Site. (If there is a second sharing Site, a task must be created for that site before sending the task to BCCD).
  6. After the caseworker at the sharing Site approves the transfer, a new task Transfer case for sign-off - BCCD is created and assigned to BCCD.
  7. BCCD reviews the case and if the transfer is approved selects Transfer case signed off - Generate Approval/Denial notice and assigns the task to the team that maintains the case.
  8. Navigate to the Generate Documents page to create the notice.
  9. When a shared case is being transferred to another CCR&R/Site, a worker manually creates a Transfer work item. The workflow status is set to Transfer request created and assigned to the team who maintains the case.
  10. Scroll to the Transfer section of the page.
  11. Select the current CCR&R/Site and the new CCR&R/Site.
  12. The caseworker changes the workflow status to Transfer case request approved - update case.
  13. After reviewing the case, that caseworker changes the workflow status to Transfer case for sign-off - Other R&R/Site and assigns the task to the appropriate team at the sharing Site. (If there is a second sharing Site, a task must be created for that site before sending the task to BCCD).
  14. After the caseworker at the sharing Site approves the transfer, a new task Transfer case for sign-off - BCCD is created and assigned to BCCD .
  15. BCCD reviews the case and if the transfer is approved selects Transfer case signed off - Generate Approval/Denial notice and assigns the task to the team that maintains the case.
  16. Navigate to the Generate Documents page to create the notice.
  17. Add a Case Note as necessary on the Case Notes page.
  18. End of process.

Shared Case Tips and Tricks

Each organization involved in a shared case gets every task. Tasks will be Action Needed or Informational. For the Action Needed tasks, the responsible user must complete the task before the case can move to the next step in the process. Informational tasks are used to notify the other stakeholders that a task must be acted upon by another user.

There is no task that alerts BCCD and the other org a shared case is removed - best practice to add a case note.

For all processes, if a change is made to the case at any point before the review process is complete, the CCR&R, Sites and BCCD must sign off again before the case can be Approved, Denied or Cancelled.

The workflow status/tasks for Shared Cases are:

  • New shared case created for approval
  • Shared case creation approved - update case
  • Shared case creation not approved - remove caseload
  • Shared case eligibility for outcome for Sign-off - Other R&R/Site
  • Shared case eligibility outcome for Sign-off - BCCD
  • Shared case eligibility outcome signed off - Generate Approval/Denial notice
  • Shared case update needed
  • Supervisor sign-off on shared case
  • Added co-pay to case
  • Case load added
  • Case load removed
  • Process App
  • 1st RAI Sent
  • 1st RAI Received
  • 2nd RAI Sent
  • 2nd RAI Received
  • App Approved
  • App Denied
  • App requires supervisor override