DSP Training Plan Example for Use as a Guide

The information in the training plan example below is only a guide. Providers should develop a schedule that meets their training needs and coordinates the scheduling of OJT activities. It is recommended that at the end of each module, the corresponding OJT activities follow closely, as this reinforces the competencies learned in the classroom training.

Classroom Training

Required 40-hour minimum classroom training must have distribution of the classroom hours as indicated below. The minimum required classroom hours do not include break and lunch periods.

Module 1: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities - 4 hours

Module 2: Human Rights - 4 hours

Module 3: Abuse/Neglect/Exploitation--Recognition/Prevention/Intervention - 3 hours

Module 4: Human Interaction & Communication  - 4 hours

Module 5: Service Plan Development & Implementation - 4 hours

Module 6: Basic Health & Safety- 15 hours

First Aid & CPR: - 6 hours (American Red Cross or American Heart Association) 

Classroom Total: 40 hours

On-The-Job Training (OJT)

Providers using the Department's DSP Training Program Approved OJTs and CBTAs for 80 hours of training do not need to complete all OJT/CBTA activities. As the Department's approved OJTs and CBTAs in its entirety exceeds the required 80 hours of training, agencies can choose which OJT/CBTAs best fit their training needs. However, agencies must keep in mind that 45 of the required minimum OJT hours must have distribution of the hours as indicated below. The remaining 35 of the required 80 OJT hours can be allocated among the modules as the Provider chooses. This flexibility allows for more OJT in areas that best fit the needs of persons served by the Provider or training needs of DSPs. 

If any OJT/CBTA activities are eliminated or modified, the agency must assure that all 81 interventional competencies are demonstrated by the DSP. If an agency uses its own OJT activities, adds or deletes parts of the approved OJTs and CBTAs, the changes must be submitted along with a completed copy of the DSP Interventional Competencies Evaluation Form (IL462-1284) for review and approval by the Department to ensure the changes meet content requirements.

  • Module 1: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities - 5 hours
  • Module 2: Human Rights - 5 hours
  • Module 3: Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Recognition, Prevention & Intervention - 5 hours
  • Module 4: Human Interaction & Communication - 5 hours
  • Module 5: Service Plan Development & Implementation - 5 hours
  • Module 6: Basic Health & Safety - 20 hours
  • Agency selected OJTs (from DHS approved OJTs and CBTAs) - 35 hours (OJT Total:  80 hours)
Example DSP Training Plan Outline Classroom Hours by Module OJT Hrs by Module Agency Selected OJT Hrs Classroom Training Dates/Times OJT Dates/Times
Module 1: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities 4 5 5 8/6/12 8:00A-12:15P

8/6/12  1:15P-5:30P

8/7/12 8:00A-12:15P 1:15P-3:15P

Module 2: Human Rights 4 5 5 8/9/12 8:00A-12:15P 8/9/12  1:15P-5:30P 8/10/12 8:00A-12:15P 1:15P-3:15P
Module 3: Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Recognition, Prevention & Intervention 3 5 5 8/13/12 8:00A-11:15P 8/13/12 1:15P-5:30P 8/14/12 8:00A-12:15P 1:15P-3:15P
Module 4: Human Interaction & Communication 4 5 5 8/16/12 8:00A-12:15P 8/16/12 1:15P-5:30P 8/17/12 8:00A-12:15P 1:15P-3:15P
Module 5: Service Plan Development & Implementation 4 5 5 8/20/12 8:00A-12:15P 8/20/12 1:15P-5:30P 8/21/12 8:00A-12:15P 1:15P-3:15P
Module 6:    Basic Health & Safety 15 20 10 8/23/12 8:00A-12:15P 8/24/12 8:00A-12:15P 8/27/12 8:00A-12:15P 8/28/12 8:00A-11:15P 8/23/12 1:15P-5:30P 8/24/12 1:15P-5:30P 8/27/12 1:15P-5:30P 8/28/12 1:15P-5:30P 8/29/12  8:00A-12:15P 1:15P-5:30P 8/30/12  8:00A-12:15P 1:15P-3:15P
First Aid & CPR (American Red Cross or American Heart Association) 6 NA NA 8/8/12 8:00A-12:15P 1:15P-3:15P NA
Total Hours 40 45 35
  • Competency Assessment Tools: Approved DSP training programs must have tests or assessments that objectively document the trainees' understanding of classroom training material (informational competencies) at an 80% or higher level of accuracy. The Department's DSP Core Competency Area Checklist or DSP Training Program: Core Competency Verification Form can be used to monitor the performance of participants in the DSP Training Program.
  • Performance Standard Statement: Individuals participating in training must achieve a minimum of 80% accuracy in understanding classroom training material and 100% accuracy in completing on-the-job training skills (interventional competencies).
  • Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory for all modules. If an individual misses a training session, he or she is responsible for contacting the instructor and scheduling a make-up session. All training sessions must be completed within 120 calendar days from the DSP's date of hire or date assigned DSP duties and must not be completed in less than 21 calendar days from when training begins. Attendance must be documented on a sign-in sheet for each module.
  • Include Training Coordinator or Instructor signature and training location information on all attendance sheets.

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