Family & Community Services - All Funds & GRF

FY13 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

All Staff (June 30th) All Funds

FY12 Request FY12 Adj. FY12 EOY FY13 Adj. FY13 Request
Staff (June 30th) (F&CS) 114.8 114.8 114.8

Appropriations All Funds

Appropriation Name FY12 Approp. FY12 Adj. FY12 Est. Exp. FY13 Adj. FY13 Request
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled $30,209.6 $30,209.6 $30,209.6
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families $93,695.8 $93,695.8 $114,863.6 $208,559.4
Funeral and Burial $9,980.0 $9,980.0 $9,980.0
Refugee $1,173.6 $1,173.6 $1,173.6
Refugee Social Services $219.6 $219.6 $219.6
Immigrant Integration Services (Immigrant Services & New Americans) $6,930.0 $6,930.0 $6,930.0
Refugee Resettlement $10,536.6 $10,536.6 $10,536.6
Child Care Services $281,850.8 $281,850.8 ($16,643.6) $265,207.2
Child Care Services SPTF $189,498.2 $189,498.2 $966.3 $190,464.5
Great Start Program SPTF $5,200.0 $5,200.0 $5,200.0
Migrant Child Care Services $3,220.4 $3,220.4 $88.7 $3,309.1
Head Start State Collaboration $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Emergency Food Program $209.9 $209.9 $209.9
Emergency & Transitional Housing $9,083.7 $9,083.7 ($4,700.0) $4,383.7
Assistance for Homeless $300.0 $300.0 $300.0
Homeless Prevention $1,485.0 $1,485.0 $1,485.0
Habitat for Humanity Check-Off $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Hunger Relief Check-Off $300.0 $300.0 $300.0
Emergency Food Program $5,120.6 $5,120.6 $5,120.6
Employability Development Services $7,996.9 $7,996.9 $10,856.5 $18,853.4
Food Stamp Employment & Training $3,841.5 $3,841.5 ($387.2) $3,454.3
DOD SNAP Admin $17,000.0 $17,000.0 ($17,000.0)
Employment & Training Program $460,000.0 $460,000.0 $460,000.0
Fed/State Employment Program $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
Children's Place $487.5 $487.5 ($97.5) $390.0
Crisis Nurseries
Crisis Nursery Check-Off $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
SSBG Emergency Disaster Flood Relief Fund $11,800.0 $11,800.0 $11,800.0
Donated Funds Initiative Program $22,483.7 $22,483.7 $22,483.7
Supportive Housing $3,382.5 $3,382.5
SNAP Outreach $7,000.0 $7,000.0
SSI Advocacy Services (408 Fund) $818.6 $818.6 $94.9 $913.5
SSI Advocacy Services $1,350.7 $1,350.7 $125.7 $1,476.4
Addiction Prevention $2,636.0 $2,636.0 ($2,636.0)
Addiction Prevention (013 Fund) $16,000.0 $16,000.0 $16,000.0
Addiction Prevention (128 Fund) $1,050.0 $1,050.0 $1,050.0
Addiction Prevention (646 Fund) $8,309.3 $8,309.3 $8,309.3
Juvenile Justice Planning $13,459.4 $13,459.4 $13,459.4
Administrative WIC Nutrition $52,000.0 $52,000.0 $52,000.0
Chicago DPH Maternal Child Ser $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
Coalition F/Tech Assist-Child $250.0 $250.0 $250.0
Community Grants $5,698.1 $5,698.1 $5,698.1
Community Services $5,940.0 $5,940.0 ($594.0) $5,346.0
CCBYS $11,506.7 $11,506.7 ($998.0) $10,508.7
Early Intervention $75,941.9 $75,941.9 $75,941.9
Redeploy Illinois $2,484.5 $2,484.5 $2,484.5
Homeless Youth Services $3,227.2 $3,227.2 $3,227.2
Parents Too Soon $6,870.3 $6,870.3 ($1,000.0) $5,870.3
GEAR UP $3,500.0 $3,500.0 $3,500.0
Parents Too Soon (408 Fund) $3,701.8 $3,701.8 $117.3 $3,819.1
Early Intervention (502 Fund) $160,000.0 $160,000.0 $160,000.0
Family Planning Contraceptive $495.0 $495.0 $495.0
Family Planning Prog X $9,000.0 $9,000.0 $9,000.0
Farmer's Market Nutrition $1,500.0 $1,500.0 $1,500.0
Federal Healthy Start Prog $4,000.0 $4,000.0 $4,000.0
For Children's Health Programs $2,118.5 $2,118.5 $2,118.5
Infant Mortality $42,014.1 $42,014.1 ($1,927.5) $40,086.6
Maternal Child Health Prog $8,465.2 $8,465.2 $8,465.2
MIEC Home Visiting $10,500.0 $10,500.0
Public Health Programs $5,130.0 $5,130.0 $5,130.0
Rape Victims Prevention Act (873 Fund) $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Rape Victims/Prevention Act $4,659.7 $4,659.7 ($466.0) $4,193.7
Supportive Food Prog WIC $1,400.0 $1,400.0 $1,400.0
Youth Programs $8,217.0 $8,217.0 ($1,643.4) $6,573.6
Free Distribution Food Supplement $251,000.0 $251,000.0 $251,000.0
UofI Special Care for Children $7,800.0 $7,800.0 $7,800.0
Abstinence Education Prog $2,500.0 $2,500.0 $2,500.0
Community Activities $10,000.0 $10,000.0 $2,969.9 $12,969.9
Domestic Violence Programs $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Domestic Violence Shelters $18,775.0 $18,775.0 ($2,300.0) $16,475.0
Domestic Violence Shelters (865 Fund) $952.2 $952.2 $952.2
Family Violence Programs $4,977.5 $4,977.5 $4,977.5
Healthy Families $10,021.8 $10,021.8 ($1,277.8) $8,744.0
Rape Prevention Education $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Sexual Assault Services $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Teen Parents Services $1,417.7 $1,417.7 $1,417.7
Subtotal $1,954,211.6 $1,954,211.6 $99,294.4 $2,053,506.0
Total Appropriation $1,954,211.6 $1,954,211.6 $99,294.4 $2,053,506.0

FY13 Adjustments All Funds

FY13 Adjustments Description Amount
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF caseload growth, 30-day waiting period, and 3-year time limit policy $114,863.6
Child Care Services GRF ($16,643.6)
Child Care Services SPTF PS & F Annualization - The FY13 request does not include a FY13 COLA increase for bargaining unit employees. PS Annualization - $355.0; annualized cost of Retirement at 37.987% - $295.8; Social Security at 7.65% - $27.3 and Group Insurance at $23.0 per employee - $288.2 $966.3
Migrant Child Care Services PS & F Annualization - The FY13 request does not include a FY13 COLA increase for bargaining unit employees. PS Annualization - $34.3; annualized cost of Retirement at 37.987% - $25.6; Social Security at 7.65% - $2.6 and Group Insurance at $23.0 per employee - $26.2 $88.7
Emergency & Transitional Housing Program Reduction ($4,700.0)
Employability Development Service Program growth and annualization; minimum 9.34% reduction $10,856.5
Food Stamp Employment & Training Reduce program by minimum 9.34% ($387.2)
DOD SNAP Admin Elimination of federal funding ($17,000.0)
Children's Place 20% Program Reduction ($97.5)
Supportive Housing Fund Realignment $3,382.5
SNAP Outreach Fund Realignment $7,000.0
SSI Advocacy Services (408 Fund) PS & F Annualization - The FY13 request does not include a FY13 COLA increase for bargaining unit employees. PS Annualization - $25.9; annualized cost of Retirement at 37.987% - $25.1; Social Security at 7.65% - $2.0 and Group Insurance at $23.0 per employee - $41.9 $94.9
SSI Advocacy Services PS & F Annualization - The FY13 request does not include a FY13 COLA increase for bargaining unit employees. PS Annualization - $116.8; and Social Security at 7.65% - $8.9 $125.7
Addiction Prevention Related Services Eliminate GRF program funding ($2,636.0)
Community Services 10% Program Reduction ($594.0)
CCBYS 9% Program Reduction ($998.0)
Parents Too Soon Program Reduction ($1,000.0)
Parents Too Soon (408 Fund) PS & F Annualization - The FY13 request does not include a FY13 COLA increase for bargaining unit employees. PS Annualization - $42.6; annualized cost of Retirement at 37.987% - $34.7; Social Security at 7.65% - $3.3 and Group Insurance at $23.0 per employee - $36.7 $117.3
Infant Mortality Program Reduction ($1,927.5)
MIEC Home Visiting Federal Appropriation Authority $10,500.0
Rape Victims/Prevention Act 10% Program Reduction ($466.0)
Youth Programs 20% Program Reduction ($1,643.4)
Community Activities Federal Appropriation Authority $2,969.9
Domestic Violence Shelters Program Reduction ($2,300.0)
Healthy Families Program Reduction ($1,277.8)

FY13 Budget - Change by Line Item - GRF

All Staff (June 30th) GRF

FY12 Request FY12 Adj. FY12 EOY FY13 Adj. FY13 Request
Staff (June 30th) (F&CS) 28.0 28.0 28.0

Appropriations GRF

Appropriation Name FY12 Approp. FY12 Adj. FY12 Est. Exp. FY13 Adj. FY13 Request
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled $30,209.6 $30,209.6 $30,209.6
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families $93,695.8 $93,695.8 $114,863.6 $208,559.4
Funeral and Burial $9,980.0 $9,980.0 $9,980.0
Refugee $1,173.6 $1,173.6 $1,173.6
Refugee Social Services $219.6 $219.6 $219.6
Immigrant Integration Services (Immigrant Services & New Americans) $6,930.0 $6,930.0 $6,930.0
Child Care Services $281,850.8 $281,850.8 ($16,643.6) $265,207.2
Emergency Food Program $209.9 $209.9 $209.9
Emergency & Transitional Housing $9,083.7 $9,083.7 ($4,700.0) $4,383.7
Homeless Prevention $1,485.0 $1,485.0 $1,485.0
Employability Development Services $7,996.9 $7,996.9 $10,856.5 $18,853.4
Food Stamp Employment & Training $3,841.5 $3,841.5 ($387.2) $3,454.3
Children's Place $487.5 $487.5 ($97.5) $390.0
SSI Advocacy Services $1,350.7 $1,350.7 $125.7 $1,476.4
Addiction Prevention $2,636.0 $2,636.0 ($2,636.0)
Community Services $5,940.0 $5,940.0 ($594.0) $5,346.0
CCBYS $11,506.7 $11,506.7 ($998.0) $10,508.7
Early Intervention $75,941.9 $75,941.9 $75,941.9
Redeploy Illinois $2,484.5 $2,484.5 $2,484.5
Homeless Youth Services $3,227.2 $3,227.2 $3,227.2
Parents Too Soon $6,870.3 $6,870.3 ($1,000.0) $5,870.3
Family Planning Contraceptive $495.0 $495.0 $495.0
Infant Mortality $42,014.1 $42,014.1 ($1,927.5) $40,086.6
Rape Victims/Prevention Act $4,659.7 $4,659.7 ($466.0) $4,193.7
Youth Programs $8,217.0 $8,217.0 ($1,643.4) $6,573.6
Domestic Violence Shelters $18,775.0 $18,775.0 ($2,300.0) $16,475.0
Healthy Families $10,021.8 $10,021.8 ($1,277.8) $8,744.0
Teen Parents Services $1,417.7 $1,417.7 $1,417.7
Subtotal $642,721.5 $642,721.5 $91,174.8 $733,896.3
Total Appropriation $642,721.5 $642,721.5 $91,174.8 $733,896.3

FY13 Adjustments GRF

FY13 Adjustments Description Amount
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF caseload growth, 30-day waiting period, and 3-year time limit policy $114,863.6
Child Care Services GRF ($16,643.6)
Emergency & Transitional Housing Program Reduction ($4,700.0)
Employability Development Service Program growth and annualization; minimum 9.34% reduction $10,856.5
Food Stamp Employment & Training Reduce program by minimum 9.34% ($387.2)
Children's Place 20% Program Reduction ($97.5)
SSI Advocacy Services PS & F Annualization - The FY13 request does not include a FY13 COLA increase for bargaining unit employees. PS Annualization - $116.8; and Social Security at 7.65% - $8.9  $125.7
Addiction Prevention Related Services Eliminate GRF program funding ($2,636.0)
Community Services 10% Program Reduction ($594.0)
CCBYS 9% Program Reduction ($998.0)
Parents Too Soon Program Reduction ($1,000.0)
Infant Mortality Program Reduction ($1,927.5)
Rape Victims/Prevention Act 10% Program Reduction ($466.0)
Youth Programs 20% Program Reduction ($1,643.4)
Domestic Violence Shelters Program Reduction ($2,300.0)
Healthy Families Program Reduction ($1,277.8)