Search the City of Chicago Database

Use this wizard to search the City of Chicago Database. On a daily basis, information from the City of Chicago is shared with CCMS and available for viewing by CCMS users. Searching the City of Chicago database can help identify duplicate cases. This information is for reference only and cannot be edited in CCMS.

There are two areas in CCMS to view City of Chicago information. One is to conduct a case search on the Case tab. City of Chicago results are shared in the results and COPA will display in the source field. You can view additional information about the City of Chicago case, such as the case's City of Chicago program type and eligibility dates.

Process Steps:

  1. Scroll to the Case Search section of the page.
  2. Complete the First Name or Last Name fields for the Parent or Child under the appropriate header. If parent information is entered, results could be returned for both the first or second parent on the City of Chicago case.
  3. Click [Search].
  4. Results of the case search display in the Cases section of the page. Review the case information:
    • Child Name: name of the child on the case
    • Parent Name: If the search was for a child name, the name of the Head of Household of the case displays in this column. If the search was for a parent name, the name of the parent displays in this column.
    • Delegate: Displays a combination of Delegate Agency and Site
    • Site Address: Address of the site
    • Program Type: Displays the program
    • Eligibility Dates: This is the eligibility begin and end date for the case
    • Status: Details if the case is Active or Not Active

Results of the Procedure:

You can view City of Chicago case information.