Use this Job Aid to process an Overpayment in CCMS. Refer to the section 07.04.01 - Overpayments of the CCAP Policy Manual to determine when an Overpayment Work Items should be created and referred to BCCD.
The following are documents used in the Overpayment process:
- IL444-4178 - Notice of Cancellation of Child Care Payments
- IL444-4590- Notice of Provider Cancellation From Child Care Case (Provider Closeout)
- IL444-1900 Overpayment Referral Form
- 3518 Overpayment Calculation Sheet
- IL444-3520 Child Care Overpayment Letter
- IL444-3519 Provider Overpayment Letter
- IL444-3515 Parent Overpayment Change Letter
- IL444-3517 Provider Overpayment Change Letter
- IL444-3516 Rescind of Overpayment
Best Practice! Before creating/updating a client or provider Overpayment Work Item, you must be in the context of that case or provider.
Create an Overpayment Work Item - Process Steps:
- CCR&R/Site or BCCD discovers a potential overpayment.
- Navigate to the Work Item Search page to conduct a search and confirm the desired Work Item does not exist in CCMS.
- Click [Create New] at the bottom of the Work Item Search page.
- The Work Item Details page displays
- Scroll to the Work Item Details section of the page.

- Select Overpayment from the Work Item Type drop-down list.
- Select Overpayment Sub Type from the Sub Type drop-down list. Options include: Client Overpayment or Provider Overpayment.
- Select the correct Source from the drop-down list.
- Fax
- Scan
- Email
- Mail
- Phone
- Other
- No Contact
- Select the correct CCR&R/Site agency from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Do not complete the Assigned Team or Assigned Worker fields. CCMS will automatically route this Work Item to the correct team for processing according to routing rules.
- Select Complete Form in the Work Flow Status drop-down list.
- The Work Item Status will default to new when creating a new Work Item.
- Select a case or provider to associate with the overpayment.
- Next to the Provider # and Case # field there is a icon. Click on the icon to access a search page to search for the correct case or provider to associate to the Work Item.
- Scroll to the Reported By section of the page.
- Document information on the person who requested the overpayment, including First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Email.
- Scroll to the Overpayment Information section of the page.
- Click the Edit hyperlink.
- The Overpayment Reasons pop-up window displays.

- Select a checkbox next to the correct overpayment reason(s)
- Click [OK]. The Work Item Details page displays, with the reason(s) in the Overpayment Information section of the page.

- Scroll to the Other section of the page.
- Complete the Receive Date field
- Optional: In the Due Date field, type a due date for the response in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
- Type information regarding the overpayment in the Description field. This field has a 500 character limit.
- Click [Save].
- Clicking [Save] on the Work Item Details page triggers the following task: "Complete Overpayment Referral Form" to the CCR&R/Site in the Assigned Org field.
- A Result pop-up window displays with message CS work item details saved.

- Click [OK].
- Information on the new Overpayment Work Item displays in the Purple Header.
The following steps are performed by the CCR&R/Site:
- Receive the Complete Overpayment Referral Form task.
- Review the Work Item Details page to learn information about the overpayment.
- Create the Overpayment Packet. The packet contains IL444-3519 Provider Overpayment Letter, ILL-444-3520 Child Care Overpayment Letter and any other supporting documents.
- Select the correct worker in the Assigned Worker field.
- Click [Save]. When you save the Work Item Details page, the Work Item Status field automatically changes to In Progress because a worker is assigned.
- Navigate to the Generate Documents page, and generate the IL444-1900 Overpayment Referral Form.
- Complete the IL444-1900 Overpayment Referral Form and add to CCMS using scan, fax, email, or the Upload Documents page.
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and change the Work Flow Status field to Confirm Overpayment.
- Select BCCD from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Do not complete the Assigned Team or Assigned Worker fields. CCMS will automatically route this Work Item to the correct team for processing according to routing rules.
- Click [Save].
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Confirm overpayment: case #" to the CCR&R/Site in the Assigned Org field.
The following steps are performed by BCCD:
- Receive the Confirm overpayment: case # task.
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and review the Overpayment Referral Information.
- Proceed to the correct section to continue process the Overpayment Work Item:
- If additional information is needed - proceed to step 43.
- If the Overpayment Work Item is denied - proceed to step 47.
- If the Overpayment Work Item is found to be correct - proceed to step 51.
- If the Overpayment Work Item is referred to the Bureau of Investigations - proceed to step 62.
- If a Provider/Client requests to rescind/reduce the overpayment - proceed to step 66.
Request Additional Information about a Work Item:
*The following steps can be completed at anytime throughout the process when additional information is needed to process the payment:
- BCCD: Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and complete the following fields:
- Change the Work Flow Status field to: Additional Info needed for overpayment
- Select the CCR&R/Site from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Click [Save]
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Additional info needed for overpayment: case#" to the CCR&R/Site in the Assigned Org field.
- CCR&R/Site: Receive the Additional info needed for overpayment: case # task.
- Compile the requested information and add to CCMS using scan, fax email, or the Upload Documents page.
- CCR&R/Site: Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and complete the following fields:
- Change the Work Flow Status field to: Overpayment Amended
- Select the BCCD from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Click [Save]
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Overpayment amended: case #" to BCCD, as they are the agency in the Assigned Org field.
If an Overpayment is denied, the following steps are taken:
BCCD: Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and complete the following fields:
- Change the Work Flow Status field to: Overpayment denied
- Select the CCR&R/Site from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Click [Save]
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Overpayment denied: case #" to the CCR&R/Site in the Assigned Org field.
- CCR&R/Site: Receive the Overpayment denied: case # task.
- CCR&R/Site: Navigate to the Generate Documents page to generate the Parent/Guardian Overpayment Letter or Provider Overpayment Letter.
- CCR&R/Site: Navigate to the Work Item Details page to close the Work Item.
- Change the Work Item Status field to Complete.
- Click [Save]
- There is no need to send any document to the client. No action has been taken as no overpayment has been found.
If an Overpayment is found, the following steps are taken:
- BCCD: Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and complete the following fields.
- BCCD: Change the Work Flow Status field to: Overpayment found/amended
- BCCD: Click [Save]
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Overpayment found/amended: case #" to the BCCD Customer Service team.
- Review the Overpayment Packet.
- Send the Overpayment Packet to the client/provider and Bureau of Collections.
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and change the Work Flow Status field to: Overpayment found/amended
- Select the CCR&R/Site from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Click [Save]
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Overpayment found/approved: case #" to the CCR&R/Site in the Assigned Org field.
- CCR&R/Site: Receive the Overpayment found/approved: case # task.
- CCR&R/Site: Navigate to the Work Item Details page to close the Work Item.
- Change the Work Item Status field to Complete.
- Click [Save]
If an Overpayment is referred to the Bureau of Investigations, the following steps are taken:
- BCCD: Refer the overpayment to the Bureau of Investigations and provide all necessary supporting documentation.
- The Bureau of Investigations reviews the Overpayment and sends the Bureau of Investigations Decision Letter to the CCR&R/Site.
- CCR&R/Site: Add the Bureau of Investigations Decision Letter to CCMS using scan, fax email, or the Upload Documents page.
- CCR&R/Site: Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and complete the following fields.
- Change the Work Flow Status field to:
- Overpayment denied if the decision is to deny the overpayment
- Overpayment found/amended if the decision is to approve the overpayment
- The Bureau of Investigations may return the overpayment with a finding of fraud or only that an overpayment has been determined. Overpayment found/amended Work Flow Status is used when fraud is found or when fraud is not found
- Select BCCD from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Click [Save]
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Overpayment found/approved: case #" "Overpayment denied: case #" to BCCD, as they are selected in the Assigned Org field.
- BCCD: Complete the following steps:
- If the Overpayment Work Item is denied - proceed to step 48.
- If the Overpayment Work Item is found to be correct - proceed to step 51.
If a Provider/Client requests to rescind/reduce the overpayment, the following steps are taken:
When the overpayment notification is sent to the provider/client, the provider/client has the opportunity to provide documentation to reduce or rescind the overpayment. The provider/client is instructed to send their supporting documentation to BCCD.
The process for addressing the provider/client request for reduction or rescinding of the overpayment is documented in this section:
- Provider/client receives overpayment letter.
- Provider/client provides supporting documentation to BCCD for request to reduce/rescind
- BCCD adds the provider/client's supporting documentation into CCMS using scan, fax, email, or the Upload Documents page.
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and change the Work Flow Status field to: Provider/Client request rescind/reduce overpayment
- Select the BCCD from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Click [Save]
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Provider requests rescind/reduce overpayment: case #" to the BCCD Customer Service team.
- BCCD Receive the Provider requests rescind/reduce overpayment: case # task.
- Review the additional information by conducting a Document Search for the Work Item or Provider on the Document Search page.
- Complete one of the following processes (A, B, or C):
- To modify the overpayment information
- Update the Overpayment Referral packet and send to the provider/client and the Bureau of Collections
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and change the Work Flow Status field to: Overpayment Amended
- Add information on the change in the Description field or by adding a Work Item Note.
- Select the BCCDfrom the Assigned Org drop-down list.
- Click [Save]
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Overpayment amended: case #" to the BCCD selected in the Assigned Org drop-down field.
- BCCD: Navigate to the Generate Documents page and generate the IL444-3515 Parent Overpayment Change Letter or IL444-3517 Provider Overpayment Change Letter
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page to close the Work Item.
- Change the Work Item Status field to Complete.
- Click [Save]
- To deny the overpayment modification
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and change the Work Flow Status field to: Overpayment Amended
- Add information on the denial in the Description field or by adding a Work Item Note.
- Outside of CCMS, BCCD mails a letter to the client informing them that the modification has been denied.
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Overpayment amended: case #" to the CCR&R/Site selected in the Assigned Org drop-down field.
- BCCD: Navigate to the Work Item Details page to close the Work Item.
- Change the Work Item Status field to Complete.
- Click [Save]
- BCCD rescinds overpayment
- Update the Overpayment Referral packet and send to the provider/client and the Bureau of Collections
- Navigate to the Work Item Details page, and change the Work Flow Status field to: Overpayment Amended
- Add information on the change in the Description field or by adding a Work Item Note
- Generate IL-444-3616 Rescind of Overpayment
- Clicking [Save] triggers the following task "Overpayment amended: case #" to the CCR&R/Site selected in the Assigned Org drop-down field.
- BCCD: Navigate to the Generate Documents page and generate the IL444-3516 Rescind of Overpayment form.
- BCCD: Navigate to the Work Item Details page to close the Work Item.
- Change the Work Item Status field to Complete.
- Click [Save]
Overpayment: Work Flow Status Key
- The agency in the Assigned Org field is the organization that owns the Work Item and receives the task. CCMS will send the task to the correct team according to that agency's routing rules.
Work Flow Status |
When do I select? |
Related Task |
Additional Info needed for overpayment |
When BCCD or Bureau of Investigations requests more information from CCR&R to process the overpayment |
Additional info needed for overpayment: case# |
Confirm Overpayment |
When a change is made to the Work Item and the Overpayment referral need to be reviewed by BCCD for confirmation. |
Confirm overpayment: case # |
Complete Form |
When BCCD or CCR&R/Site creates an overpayment referral in CCMS |
Complete overpayment referral form |
Overpayment Amended |
When BCCD has decided that the overpayment should be amended |
Overpayment amnded: case # |
Overpayment Denied |
When BCCD or Bureau of Investigations denies the overpayment |
Overpayment denied: case # |
Overpayment Found/Approved |
When BCCD or Bureau of Investigations amends approves the overpayment decision |
Overpayment found/approved: case # |
Provider/Client Request Rescind/Reduce Overpayment |
When BCCD receives a request from the Client or Provider to rescind or reduce the overpayment amount |
Provider requests rescind/reduce overpayment: case # |