Process a Sanction Work Item

Use this wizard to create a client or provider sanction.

Refer to the Create a Work Item, Create a Case Note, and Create a Work Item Note wizards to assist you in processing a Sanction Work Item.

Create a Sanction Work Item - Process Steps:

The following steps are completed by BCCD:

  1. Navigate to the Work Item Search page to conduct a search and confirm the desired Work Item does not exist in CCMS.
  2. Click [Create New] at the bottom of the Work Item Search page.
  3. The Work Item Details page displays
  4. Scroll to the Work Item Details section of the page.
  5. Select Sanction from the Work Item Type drop-down list.
  6. Select the correct Sub Type from the drop-down list. Options include: Provider Sanction and Parent Sanction.
  7. Select the correct Source from the drop-down list.
    • Fax
    • Scan
    • Email
    • Mail
    • Phone
    • Other
    • No Contact
  8. Select the correct CCR&R/Site from the Assigned Org drop-down list.
  9. Do not complete the Assigned Team or Assigned Worker fields. CCMS will automatically route this Work Item to the correct team for processing according to routing rules.
  10. Depending on the Sub-Type selected choose the appropriate Work Flow Status drop-down.
    • If you choose the Provide Sanction sub-type, choose the Provider sanctioned: Update authorizations work flow status
    • If you choose the Parent Sanction sub-type, choose the Case Sanctioned: Cancel case work flow status
  11. The Work Item Status will default to new when creating a new Work Item.
  12. Depending on the sanction type select a case or provider to associate to the sanction.
    • Next to the Provider # and Case # field there is a icon. Click on the icon to access a search page to search for the correct case or provider to associate to the Work Item.
  13. Scroll to the Sanction Details section of the page.
  14. Choose the correct Sanction Level:
    • Level 1
    • Level 2
    • Level 3
    • Permanent - The highest sanction level a provider or parent can receive
  15. For the corresponding Sanction Level selected, choose the correct Sanction Reason.
  16. Scroll to the Review Period section of the page.
  17. Type information regarding the sanction in the Description field. This field has a 500 character limit.
  18. Click [Save].
    • Clicking [Save] triggers a task to the CCR&R/Site in the Assigned Org field alerting them a sanction has been created.
      • If a provider sanction: [Provider Name] has been sanctioned: Update authorizations for [Case Number]
      • If a client sanction: [Case Name] has been sanctioned: Cancel case
    • Best Practice! Create a Work Item Note to capture the information regarding the Sanction.

The following steps are completed by the CCR&R/Site:

  1. Receive the task and complete the requested action.
  2. Navigate to the Work Item Details page.
  3. Select Complete in the Work Item Status field to close the Work Item.
  4. Click [Save].

Sanction: Work Flow Status Key

The agency in the Assigned Org field is the organization that owns the Work Item and receives the task. CCMS will send the task to the correct team according to that agency's routing rules.

Work Flow Status When do I select? Related Task
Provider Sanctioned: Update Authorizations When the Provider Sanction Sub-Type has been selected. [Provider Name] has been sanctioned: update authorizations for [Case Number]
Case Sanctioned: Cancel Case When the Parent Sanction Sub-Type has been selected. [Case Name] has been sanctioned: Cancel the case

Results of the Procedure:

The sanction is created, assigned to the appropriate organization, and processed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can BCCD and the CCR&R/Site send information about the sanction back and forth using the Work Item Details page?
    1. It is important to record information regarding the sanction in the Description field or by adding a Work Item Note. To send information back and forth:
      • On the Work Item Details page, select the agency you wish to notify in the Assigned Org field
      • Change the Work Flow Status field (Refer to the Work Flow Status Key for help selecting a status).
      • Click [Save].
      • The agency in the Assigned Org field receives the task to view the updated Work Item.
      • This process can be repeated as many times as necessary.
  2. How can I learn if my sanction is considered Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3?
    1. To which level the sanction you have created belongs to please contact the BCCD Customer Service team for clarification.
  3. Who can view a case or provider that has been sanctioned?
    1. Users with Manager, BCCD, PIQA/Customer Service, BCCD Manager, BCCD Super User security access can update a case or provider that has a sanction.
  4. Who can create a PIQA: Parent Sanction or PIQA: Provider Sanction Report in Infoview?
    1. Users with Manager, BCCD, PIQA/Customer Service, BCCD Manager, BCCD Security Administration, and BCCD Super User security access can create a sanction report using Infoview.