Create or Update a Parent Co-Pay

After eligibility for a child is confirmed and a service authorization is created for all eligible children, the next step is to determine the parent co-payment for the case. To review policy information on Co-Payments, please read the policy manual section 04.02.01.

Process Steps:

  1. In the first section of the page, each eligible month of status displays with blank fields for the Co-Pay Indicator and C-Pay Amount. The Co-Pay Amount is the amount the client must pay the provider each month to share in the cast of child care.
  2. Click [Assess Co-Pay] to have CCMS automatically determine a Co-Pay amount based on child care policy rules, the family size, and the income information documented for the case.
  3. CCMS will display suggested co-payment amounts in the Assess Co-Pay pop-up box. CCMS will also suggest if co-payment table A or B should be used for each month of eligibility.
  4. Confirm the correct co-payment indicator (A or B) displays for each month. If needed, you can edit this field by selecting the Co-Pay Indicator drop-down menu for each month.
    • Table A is used for all families for the service months of June, July and August. For the service months of September through May, use Table A for all families not covered by Table B.
    • Use Table B only if:
      • All of the children in care are school age (age 5 or older as of the month of September each school year), and
      • All of the children in care are approved for part-day/school age rate (less than 5 hours per day), and
      • The care is provided during the months of September through May.
  5. Click [Save] to save the co-payment information and amounts.
  6. Each provider and associated children documented on the Service Authorization page will display in the second section of the page.
  7. Select the radio button for the provider who should receive the co-payment for each month.
    Per the Child Care Policy Manual, the provider that receives the highest reimbursement from IDHS should be assigned the co-payment.
  8. Underneath each month for the provider selected, the co-pay amount will appear. There is not an option to split the co-payment between two providers.
  9. Click [Save] to save the co-payment information page.

Results of the Procedure:

The Co-Payment amount is recorded for the case.