Create or Update a Case Note

Throughout the life of a case, you can create a case note. It is a best practice to add case notes to document decisions and additional information about a case. All CCMS users have the ability to view case notes for a case.

Before entering a case note, you must first conduct a case search and select your desired case from the Case Search page. Ensure that you are in the context of a case by verifying your case information is displayed in the purple header at the top of the page before proceeding.

Search for a Case Note - Process Steps:

  1. Scroll to the Case Notes Search section of the page.
    • Best Practice: Before adding a new Case Note, it is helpful to conduct a case note search to determine if the note was previously created.
  2. Select a case note Type from the drop-down list. Type options include: Client, Provider, Customer Service, Work Item, and Other.
  3. Select the Source of the case note from the drop-down list. Source options include Email, Fax, Scan, Hand Filled, Phone, Mail, Online, Internal, Outbound Email, and Upload.
  4. From Date: Type the begin date for the Case Note Search in the following format, select the begin date using the calendar icon.
  5. To Date: Type the end date for the Case Note Search in the following format, select the end date using the calendar icon.
  6. Click [Search] to search for the case note. You can also click [Reset] to clear the search fields and begin a new search.
  7. Results display in the Case Notes History section of the page.
    • Type: This is the context of the case note.
    • Date/Time Created: This is the day and time the case note was originally created.
    • Source: This is what causes the caseworker to enter a case note.
    • Created By: This is the CCMS user name of the person who created the case note.
    • Organization: This is the organization of the user who created the case note.
  8. Click on the case note to view the text of the note in the Add/Update Case Note section.
  9. You can click [PDF] to generate an Adobe PDF file which includes all case notes based on the search criteria. If no search criteria are selected, the PDF include all notes for the case. The PDF lists the Type, Source, Date/Time Created, Created By, Organization, and Text of the case note.
    • If only a specific case note is needed to be printed, refine the search to include the information for that note only. You can then print this single note if needed.
      • All users have access to this screen. If the user is in the organization associated with the case, they will have case note update access; if not, the user has read-only access. If a caseload(s) has been associated with the case, users associated with those caseloads have update access.
      • BCCD can add notes to any case.

Create a Case Note - Process Steps:

  1. Scroll to the Add Case Note section of the page.
  2. Click [Add].
  3. Select a case note Type from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the Source of the case note from the drop-down list.
  5. In the Note text box, type the case note. This text box has a 1000 character limit.
  6. Click [Save] to save the note to the case record. You can also click [Cancel] to reset all fields.

A note can only be updated or deleted by the user who created the note and only on the same day it was created.

To Edit or Delete a Case Note:

  1. Conduct a Case Note Search.
  2. Click the desired case note.
  3. For deletion, click [Delete]. The case note is deleted and will not display in future case note searches.
  4. To edit, click within the text box and edit the note. Click [Save] to make the changes permanent.

Results of the Procedure:

A Case Note is created, viewed, or updated.