Add or Update Provider Household Members

Process Steps:

  1. Scroll to the Household Member List section of the page. The first time this page is completed, the provider's name will display in the Household Member List section of the page, as their information was documented on the Add/Update Provider page. All members of the provider's household who have been added to the household for a background check display in this section. Click on a member's name to view information about that person in the Household Member Detail section of the page.

    • Last Name: The last name of the household member
    • First Name: The first name of the household member
    • DOB: Date of Birth of the household member
    • SSN: The Social Security Number of the household member
    • Relationship: Relationship of the household member to the provider's head of household as documented on the Add/Update Provider page
    • Background Check: Status of the household member's background check indicating whether they have passed or failed any of the five background checks (CANTS, National SORS, IL SORS, State Police, and FBI). If the background check is not completed, this field will remain blank.
  2. To add a new member, record information on the new member in the Household Member Detail section of the page.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Last Name: The last name of the household member
    • First Name: The first name of the household member
    • SSN: Social Security Number of the household member
    • DOB: Date of Birth of the household member
    • Relationship to HOH: Relationship of the household member to the provider head of household documented on the Add/Update Provider page
    • Member Status: Select Active or Inactive from the drop-down list. A status of Active indicates the household member currently lives in the household. A status of Inactive indicates the household member does not currently live in the household.
    • Effective Date: This is the date the member status field was last updated. This field defaults to today's date when status is being updated. You can overwrite the date in this field as needed.
  4. Click [Save]. If the household member is 13 or above, CCMS automatically generates background check form and updates the Form Status field to Pending.
  5. Scroll to the Background Check Information section of the page.
  6. For each of the below background checks, the status and the Effective Date field will auto-populate based on an interface with the DCFS system. The status will update to pass or fail while the Effective Date field next to each background check name will display the date the field is updated by the DCFS interface.
    • Illinois CANTS: The Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System background check.
    • Out-of-State CANTS: The Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System background check.
    • National SORS: The National Sexual Offense Resource Services background check.
    • IL SORS: The Illinois Sexual Offense Resource Services background check.
    • State Police: The Illinois State Police background check.
    • FBI: The Federal Bureau of Investigation background check.
  7. The Form Status field is automatically set to Pending when form IL444-3522 (Relative Background Check Letter) is generated.
    • There are additional statuses in the Form Status drop down:
    • When you send the form to the provider, update to Sent to Provider - First Attempt, which is "Send to Prov-F Atmpt" or on the second attempt, "Send to Prov-S Atmpt".
    • When provider returns the form to the CCR&R/Site, you can update to Incomplete - Return to Provider "Incompl-Ret to Prov" (only allowed to put in this status once) or select Sent to DCFS status.
  8. The Effective Date is the date the form status field wsa last updated. This field defaults to today's date when status is being updated. You can update this field as needed.
  9. Click [Save] to save the household member record. You can also click [Cancel] to reset all fields on the page.

Results of the Procedure:

  1. A provider household member is added to the provider's record.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How is the [Add] button used?
    1. When the [Add] button is selected, the Household Member Detail section is r so information can be entered. Click [Save] to add the new household member once the information is finished being entered.
  2. What happens when you have a household member who does not supply or have a SSN? Will you be able to proceed without it?
    1. Yes, the SSN (Social Security Number) field is not required, and a background check can be processed without it.