View or Update Child Care Arrangement Information

Use this wizard to document the care schedule for each child for which care is being requesting.. This information is often documented on the Child Care Application, Redetermination, Change of Information or Change of Provider form. Key case information includes the child's care schedule and if the schedule varies. In order to complete this page, the provider must first have a record created using the Add/Update Provider page.

Toolbox: Refer to the Process a New Child Care Application in CCMS Job Aid to view steps to process a new Child Care application.

Process Steps:

  1. On the Child Care Arrangement page on the Select Provider section, select the Caseload organization from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Provider Name from the drop-down menu. The Provider Registration # will populate.
  3. On the Child Care Arrangement page, there are two sub-tabs. Click the "Schedule 1" sub-tab to document the first child care arrangement record for the case. To add additional records, click the "Add Schedule" sub-tab to add another child care schedule record. Repeat this step until schedules are documented for every child for which care is being requested.
  4. All children for which care is being requested display in the Child drop-down list. Select the child to associate with the child care arrangement schedule.
  5. Scroll to the Schedule of Hours of Child Care section of the page.
  6. The client's care schedule is documented on the Child Care Application or Redetermination form. Document the client's weekly care schedule:
    • In the From section, document the time the child begins care each day and select AM or PM.
    • In the To section, document the time the client ends care each day and select AM or PM.
  7. Click [View PDF with all schedules] to view a PDF with the schedules of each child for which care is being requested.
  8. Scroll to the second section of the page.
  9. Document the Actual Start Date, this is the earliest date the CCAP program should pay the provider for care of the child. This date cannot be before the date recorded in the Actual Start Date of Child Care field on the Case Information page and the child's record on the Family Information page.
    • As with all date fields in CCMS, you can click the icon to view a date calendar. You can click on a date in the calendar and it will populate in the CCMS date field.
  10. Document the Actual End Date manually, this is the last date the CCAP program should pay the provider for care of the child. The date cannot be further in the future than what is found on the End Month of Service field on the Case Information page and the child's record on the Family Information page..
  11. Type the Daily Rate, which is the amount paid for one day of child care.
  12. Click the checkbox next to Yes, No, or Year Round for Does the Child listed attend school?
  13. Click the checkbox next to Yes or No for Is the school at the same location as the provider?
  14. Type the number of hours the child attends school in the What hours is the child in school field? The character limit is 12.
  15. Click the checkbox next to Yes or No for Does the child care schedule vary? If the Yes checkbox is checked, complete the If yes, please explain text box. Document any information the client recorded on the Application, Redetermination, or Change of Information Form, or any other submitted documentation. The character limit is 50.
  16. Click the checkbox next to Yes or No for Does the provider offer a multi-child/family discount? If the Yes checkbox is checked, complete the If yes, please explain text box. Document any information the client recorded on the Application or Redetermination, or Change of Information Form, or any other submitted documentation. The character limit is 50.
  17. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Click [Next] to save the information and CCMS will display the Document Checklist page.
    • Click [Save] to save the information on the page. You can navigate to the next desired page.
    • Click [Previous] to save the information on the page. CCMS will navigate you to the previously viewed page.
    • Click [Reset] to reset all the fields on the page. This will not save any information.

Results of the Procedure:

Information on the Child Care Arrangement page is documented and saved.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I update child care arrangement information?
    1. To update a child care arrangement record, you can type over existing data on the page, and click [Save]. This overrides existing data. It is a best practice to end the record by recording the current date in the Actual End Date field, and creating a new record on the Child Care Arrangement page. This allows historical information to be viewed by CCMS users.
  2. Does this page impact the child's Service Authorization (aka care schedule) if the case is determined eligible?
    1. If the case is determined eligible, a service authorization can only be created if there is a record for that child and provider on the Child Care Arrangement page, however the information on the page is used for reference only. The caseworker can use the information on this page to create the child's service authorization.
  3. If the provider is new to CCMS, when should I create a provider record, so the provider displays in the Provider Name drop-down list on the Child Care Arrangement page?
    1. In order to display in the Provider Name drop-down list, you must first navigate to the Provider Tab, and complete the Add/Update Provider page for the new provider. After the Add/Update Provider page is saved, the provider displays in the Provider Name drop-down list.
  4. Does the Change of Information impact the Actual Start Date of Child Care or End Month of Service field?
    1. These fields should only be updated when processing a new application or redetermination. If information from a Change of Information impacts these fields, you should manually update the dates. If the new information indicated the case should end earlier than the original end dare, a cancellation notice should be documented to show that last date of eligibility.