Search For and Update a Security Role

Each CCMS user is assigned a security role, and each security role can view or update certain CCMS pages that are needed to complete tasks. A BCCD Security Administrator can change the security permission for a security role.

Example: It is determined that users with the "CCAP Manager" security role should have permission to update a CCMS page. A BCCD Security can search for that security role, and select the 'Update' right to give this role permission to update the page.

Search for a Security Role - Process Steps:

  1. Scroll to the Roles Search section of the page.
  2. Select desired role from the Roles drop-down menu.
  3. Click [Search].
  4. The access rights for the selected role display in the Access Rights section of the page.
  • In the Access Rights section of the page, all of the CCMS pages are listed in the "Security Element" column. In the Access Rights column, a radio button displays next to the View, Update, or None column. Below are descriptions of the security permissions:
Security Access Description
View The user can view the CCMS page, but cannot update the page. The CCMS "Inquiry-Only" security role can view but not edit most CCMS pages.
Update The user can view and edit the CCMS page.
None The user cannot view the CCMS page, and the page does not appear.

5. Review the security access permissions.

Update Security Role - Process Steps:

  1. In the Security Element column, identify CCMS page you would like to edit for the security role.
  2. In the Access Rights column, select the radio button under the new security permission: View, Update, or None header.
  3. Click [Save] to save changes or [Cancel] to cancel the action.
  4. User should log out and log back in to CCMS to see updated security role permissions.

Results of the Procedure:

The CCMS security role has updated permissions to view or update a CCMS page.