Use this wizard to create a new Team for an organization. Work Items in CCMS are routed to teams for processing. A Team must have at least one person and one supervisor assigned to it.
When creating a team, the following must be defined:
- Team Name
- Team Location
- Team Members
- Work Item Types that can be assigned to the Team
- Team Supervisor
Create a New Team - Process Steps:
Scroll to the Team Search Results section of the page:
- Click [Create Team].

- The Create Team pop-up box appears.

- Select the Team's Organization from the drop-down list. This refers to the CCR&R or Site.
- Type the Team Name in the correct field. The Team Name must be 30 characters or less. This field naming standard is determined by the CCR&R/Site.
- Click [Save] to create the Team in CCMS or [Cancel] to cancel the action.
- After creating the team, you must conduct a Team Search to find the created team. Use the Search for and Update a Team wizard to conduct a team search.
Assign Users to a Team - Process Steps:
- After completing the Team Search on the Manage Team page, select the None hyperlink under the User List column.

- All CCMS users (who have been assigned the proper RACF authorization) assigned to the CCR&R or Site will be listed in the Organization Users column.
- Users can be added to more than one team at the same CCR&R or Site.

- Highlight the desired user(s) and click [forward arrow].The highlighted user(s) will display in the Team Members column.
- Click [Save]. The selected users are now assigned to the Team and will be assigned Work Items routed to the team.
Remove a user from the Team:
- Highlight the user in the Team Members column.
- Click [back arrow]. The user displays in the Organization Users column.
- Click [Save].
- You must log out and log back in again to see changes in CCMS.
Assign Work Item Types to a Team - Process Steps:
- After completing the Team Search on the Manage Team page, select the None hyperlink under the Work Item Type column.

- All Work Item Types are listed in the Organization Work Item Types column.
- Highlight the Work Item Type(s) the team can be assigned and click [forward arrow].The highlighted Work Item Type(s) display in the Team Work Item Types column.
- Click [Save]. The Team can now be assigned the selected Work Items.
Remove a Work Item Type from a Team:
- Highlight the Work Item Type in the Team Work Item Types column.
- Click [back arrow]. The Work Item Type displays in the Organization Work Item Type column.
- Click [Save].
Assign Supervisors to a Team - Process Steps:
- After completing the Team Search on the Manage Team page, select the None hyperlink under the Supervisor List column.

- All users assigned to that organization with the "Manager" security display in the Organization Supervisor column. Highlight the desired user(s) and click [forward arrow].The highlighted user(s) will display in the Team Supervisor column. A team must have at least one supervisor.
- Click [Save]. The users in the Team Supervisor column will now have supervisor privileges for the assigned team and will be sent their team's Tasks/Reminders.
Remove a supervisor from a Team:
- Highlight the user in the Team Supervisor column.
- Click [back arrow]. The user displays in the Organization Supervisor column.
- Click [Save].
Results of the Procedure
The CCMS team is created and assigned to the selected Work Items. You can now access the Routing Management page and set-up routing rules for the created teams.