View or Update Work Information

Use this wizard to document Work Information for members of the case. This information is often documented on the Child Care Application, Redetermination, or Change of Information form and the supporting documentation that accompanies it. Key case information includes the work schedules of the parent, travel time, and wage information per pay period.

Refer to the Process a New Child Care Application in CCMS Job Aid to view steps to process a new Child Care application.

Process Steps:

  1. On the Work Information page, click the Job 1 sub-tab to document the first job record for the case. To add additional job records, click the Add Job sub-tab to add another job record for the family member in the Family Member Name drop-down. Repeat this step until all jobs are documented.
  2. All case members who are not requesting child care display in the Family Member Name drop-down list. Select the correct case member to associate to the new job record.
    • Before all case members who are not requesting child care appear in the Family Member Name drop-down list, enter each family member in the Family Information page.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Employer/Company Name
    • Job Title
    • Address, City, State, and Zip
    • Work Phone # and Ext
    • Start Date: Enter the start date of the person's employment
    • End Date: When entering a new job record, this field is left blank. It is used to end a job record.
      • As with all date fields in CCMS, you can click the icon to view a date calendar. You can click on a date in the calendar and it will populate in the CCMS date field.
    • Job on Original Application?: Select Yes if the job record is documented on the client's original application. Select No if the job is being added after the original application.
    • Employment Type: Select employment, self-employment, or cash paid from the drop-down menu to document the type of employment.
  4. Scroll to the Wage Information section of the page.
  5. Complete the following required fields:
    • Reported Wage: Type the wage the client reported the job pays per hour, month, or year on the Child Care Application, Redetermination, or Change of Information form.
    • Actual Wage: Type the wage the job pays per hour, month, or year, after confirming the wage using wage verification documents.
      • The Verification Calls hyperlink navigates you to the Verification page. This page is used to document wage verification phone calls made to the client, employer, school, IDHS or other contacts. Don't forget to save the work information you have recorded first or your record will not be saved.
    • Reported # of hours worked each week: This is the number of hours the client reports he/she works each week.
    • Actual # of hours worked each week: This field is completed after verifying the number of hours the client works each week with employment documentation or call to the employer.
    • Reported # of days worked each week: This is the number of days the client reports he/she works each week.
    • Actual # of days worked each week: This field is completed after verifying the number of days the client works each week with employment documentation or call to the employer.
  6. Scroll to the Work Schedule section of the page.
  7. If two parents are documented on the case, you can click [Work Schedule] to view the schedule of the other parent. A pop-up appears with the other parent's work schedule, and is informational only.
  8. Enter the Hours and Minutes in the appropriate fields that it takes the parent/guardian to travel from the provider to work (one-way) in the Travel time from provider to job field.
  9. The client's work schedule is documented on the Child Care Application, Redetermination or Change of Information form. Document the client's most common weekly work schedule:
    • In the From section, document the time the client begins employment each day and select AM or PM.
    • In the To section, document the time the client ends employment each day and select AM or PM.
    • To enter multiple job records for a case member, remember to click the "Add Job" sub-tab and enter the additional work information and schedule.
  10. In the If your schedule varies, please explain how: field, document any text the client recorded on the application. The limit is 100 characters.
  11. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Click [Next] to save the information and CCMS will display the School Information page.
    • Click [Save] to save the information on the page. You can navigate to the next desired page.
    • Click [Previous] to save the information on the page. CCMS will navigate you to the previously viewed page.
    • Click [Reset] to reset all the fields on the page. This will not save any information.

Results of the Procedure:

Information on the Work Information page is documented and saved.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I end a Work Information record?
    1. To end a word information record, document an end date in the End Date field.
  2. How do I create a new Work Information record?
    1. To create a new school information record, click the "Add Job" tab and record the employment information.
  3. If I type over information on a current record, what happens to the old information?
    1. When you type over information on a job record tab, this information is overwritten and not saved.