Addiction Treatment All Funds & GRF

FY13 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Staff (June 30th) All Funds

FY12 Request FY12 Adj. FY12 EOY FY13 Adj. FY13 Request
Staff (June 30th) 48.3 48.3 48.3

Appropriation All Funds

Appropriation Name FY12 Approp. FY12 Adj. FY12 Est. Exp. FY13 Adj. FY13 Request
Personal Services $3,261.9 $3,261.9 ($22.5) $3,239.4
Retirement $867.2 $867.2 $124.9 $992.1
Social Security $248.1 $248.1 ($0.3) $247.8
Group Insurance $445.2 $445.2 $198.8 $644.0
Subtotal $4,822.4 $4,822.4 $300.9 $5,123.3
Contractual $1,229.2 $1,229.2 $1,229.2
Travel $201.6 $201.6 $201.6
Commodities $53.8 $53.8 $53.8
Printing $35.0 $35.0 $35.0
Equipment $15.5 $15.5 $15.5
EDP $300.0 $300.0 $300.0
Telecommunications $144.2 $144.2 $144.2
Op of Automotive $20.0 $20.0 $20.0
Alcohol Sub Abuse Prevent Treat $215.0 $215.0 $215.0
Subtotal $2,214.3 $2,214.3 $2,214.3
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible $50,204.6 $50,204.6 ($5,000.0) $45,204.6
Addiction Treatment Services $63,479.7 $63,479.7 $63,479.7
DCFS Clients $9,642.8 $9,642.8 $9,642.8
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop $6,006.8 $6,006.8 $6,006.8
Addiction Treatment Services (013) $57,500.0 $57,500.0 $57,500.0
Group Home Loans (025) $200.0 $200.0 $200.0
Compulsive Gamblers Treatment (129) $974.0 $974.0 $22.3 $996.3
Addiction Treatment Services (276) $3,082.9 $3,082.9 $3,082.9
Addiction Treatment Services (368) $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
Addiction Treatment (646) $22,102.9 $22,102.9 $22,102.9
Addiction Treatment & Related Ser (910) $530.0 $530.0 $530.0
Subtotal $218,723.7 $218,723.7 ($4,977.7) $213,746.0
Total Appropriation $225,760.4 $225,760.4 ($4,676.8) $221,083.6

FY12 Note All Funds

FY12 Est. Expenditures for Personal Services and Fringe do not include the costs for the FY12 bargaining unit agreement increases withheld.

FY13 Adjustments All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services PS & F Annualization
The FY13 request does not include a FY13 COLA increase for bargaining unit employees
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 37.987% $124.9
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% ($0.3)
Group Insurance Annualized cost at rate of $23.0 per employee $198.8
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible Liability reduction related to implementation of utilization management. ($5,000.0)
Compulsive Gamblers Treatment (129)

PS & F Annualization

The FY13 request does not include a FY13 COLA increase for bargaining unit employees.

PS Annualization - $9.8; annualized cost of Retirement at 37.987% - $6.7;

Social Security at 7.65% - $0.7; and Group Insurance at $23.0 per employee - $5.1


FY13 Budget - Change by Line Item - GRF

Staff (June 30th) GRF

FY12 Request FY12 Adj. FY12 EOY FY13 Adj. FY13 Request
Staff (June 30th) 14.3 14.3 14.3

Appropriation GRF

Appropriation Name FY12 Approp. FY12 Adj. FY12 Est. Exp. FY13 Adj. FY13 Request
Personal Services $725.6 $725.6 ($97.9) $627.7
Social Security $54.1 $54.1 ($6.1) $48.0
Subtotal $779.7 $779.7 ($104.0) $675.7
Contractual $1.5 $1.5 $1.5
Travel $1.6 $1.6 $1.6
Equipment $1.2 $1.2 $1.2
Telecommunications $26.4 $26.4 $26.4
Subtotal $30.7 $30.7 $30.7
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible $50,204.6 $50,204.6 ($5,000.0) $45,204.6
Addiction Treatment Services $63,479.7 $63,479.7 $63,479.7
DCFS Clients $9,642.8 $9,642.8 $9,642.8
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop $6,006.8 $6,006.8 $6,006.8
Subtotal $129,333.9 $129,333.9 ($5,000.0) $124,333.9
Total Appropriation $130,144.3 $130,144.3 ($5,104.0) $125,040.3

FY12 Note GRF

FY12 Est. Expenditures for Personal Services and Fringe do not include the costs for the FY12 bargaining unit agreement increases withheld.

FY13 Adjustments GRF

FY13 Adjustments
Personal Services PS & F Annualization - The FY13 request does not include a FY13 COLA increase for bargaining unit employees ($97.9)
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% ($6.1)
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible Liability reduction related to implementation of utilization management. ($5,000.0)