September 21, 2012 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


September 21, 2012, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Annual Report
  4. Planning Grants Update
  5. Redeploy ARRA Grant Update
    1. Contractual Staff Update
    2. CPSJ Expansion Analysis
  6. Site Visit Update
  7. Logic Model and Performance Measures
  8. Redeploy Illinois Focused
  9. Next Meeting
  10. Adjourn


  1. Roll Call: Chair: Grace Hong Duffin, Anne Studzinski- Vice Chair, George Timberlake, Lawrence Stasica, Esther Franco-Payne for Paula Wolff, Pat Griffith, Tom Bilyk, Jim McCarter, Margie Groot, Betsy Clarke and Rick Velasquez. Paula Wolff, Pam Rodriguez and Erica Hughes for Jack Cutrone attended via teleconference. Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, Danielle Donovan, James Sherwood, Donna Taylor, John Payne, Michelle Arnold, Nels Nelson and Mary Ann Dyar. Quorum was met.
  2. Approval of Minutes: The RIOB discussed the meeting minutes from June.
    Motion: Larry Stasica put forth the motion to approve the June 15, 2012 meeting minutes; Rick Velasquez seconded.
    Decision: The Board voted to approve August 17th minutes with no changes.
  3. Annual Report: Karrie Rueter gave an update. The final version of the annual report has been sent out to the majority of recipients. Staff is waiting for the arrival of additional copies from the DHS print shop. Those copies are expected on October 1, 2012. Esther Franco-Payne will be sending an additional mailing list for staff to include as part of the distribution.
    The RIOB discussed interest in a press release for the program regarding the release of the new Annual Report. Karrie explained that she was meeting with the Director of DHC communications following the RIOB meeting to begin that process. The Board asked Karrie to reach out to Jim Brey to consult on the press release content. The Board would like the press to highlight the cost savings, the need, and overall recidivism resulting in how well this program works, etc. Grace also suggested that we may want to do this press release in conjunction with DJJ and the Governor's Office as this would be very timely for them to be able to highlight one of the efforts in place to reduce the numbers of youth going into DJJ while they are in the process of closing facilities.
    Betsy Clarke announced that she has been contacted by the State of Nebraska. They have asked her to present on the Redeploy Illinois program.
  4. Planning Grants Update: The first planning grant meeting will be held Tuesday September 25, 2012 in Chicago. It will be at Youth Network Council (YNC) from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. DHS won't have contracts in place by that day so YNC will be reimbursing the planning grant sites for their travel expenses out of the Redeploy training funds.
    As of today, Cook County is not going to be participating in this round of planning grants. The application stalled with Judge Evans. Tom Bilyk will be speaking with Judge Evans next week. Accommodations have been made to allow for additional time for Cook to submit the necessary paperwork to become a planning grantee.
    It has been brought to the attention of the Board that Adams County is also interested in a planning grant.
    Motion: Anne Studzinski put forth the motion to have staff reach out to Adams County for a discussion about their interests in a Planning Grant. Rick Velasquez Seconded. 
    Decision: The Board voted to approve staff reaching out to Adams County about their participation in a Planning Grant. Margie Groot was in Abstention.
  5. Redeploy ARRA Grant Update:
    1. Contractual Staff Update: Karrie Rueter introduced the newest staff member, James Sherwood, to the board.
    2. CPSJ Expansion Analysis: Karrie Rueter gave update; DHS has received final approval from ICJIA and expects to have this contract approved by DHS and Procurement within two weeks.
  6. Site Visit Update: Judge Payne gave an update on the site visits that have been completed and gave the schedule for the upcoming visits. The report on the Macon County visit and the Fourth Judicial Circuit visit should be ready to discuss at the next meeting.
  7. Logic Model and Performance Measures: Karrie Rueter presented the final draft of the Redeploy Logic model and performance measures. After discussion, the RIOB requested a few additions to the logic model such as data driven decision making and evaluation. The RIOB also asked Karrie to add pieces to the logic model regarding DMC and Detention.
  8. Redeploy Illinois Focused: Michelle Arnold gave an update on the first focused application, #13-1 from Ogle County. This juvenile has received a complete evaluation and is scheduled for individual and family counseling.
    Michelle Arnold also gave an update on the Redeploy Focused application. YNC will present a new draft of the application that will hopefully be less confusing at the next board meeting.
  9. Next Meeting: October 19, 2012 (1:00 - 3:00pm)
  10. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 3:05pm.