May 4, 2011 Special Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 4, 2011, 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Welcome
  2. Call to Order
  3. Funding and Process Decisions for Implementing Redeploy Lite
  4. New Name for Redeploy Lite
  5. Corrective Action Plan Language (Contract vs. Resolution)
  6. Annual Report Update
  7. By-Laws Decision, What Constitutes a Quorum
  8. Other
  9. Next Meeting
  10. Adjourn


  1. Welcome 
    Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members: Secretary Saddler, Patricia Griffith, Jack Cutrone, Jim McCarter, Betsy Clarke, Margie Groot, Judge George Timberlake, Anne Studzinski, Mark Solock, Rick Velasquez, Thomas Bilyk, and Paula Wolff.  A quorum was met for the meeting.
    Redeploy Illinois Staff: Karrie Rueter, Jeff Bradley, Danielle Donovan, Mark Myrent, Christine Devitt, and Esther Franco-Payne.
  2. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order by Secretary Saddler at 1:00pm.
  3. Funding and Process Decisions for Implementing Redeploy Lite 
    Karrie gave a quick update. Discussion: This process of decision making needs to be quick. Once a decision is reached by the County Review Committee, the Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board (RIOB) must consider the recommendation and vote to approve funds for the recommendation or not.
    Motion made by Paula Wolff for the RIOB to create a four member sub-committee specifically for the task of making the final decision of those put forth by the County Review Committee. The sub-committee will report to the full RIOB at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Pat Griffith seconded the motion.
    Anne Studzinski offered an amendment: RIOB to create a three member sub-committee specifically for the task of making the final decision of those put forth by the County Review Committee. The sub-committee will report to the full RIOB at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  Discussion: an odd number of members would enable the decision making process to be quicker as it would not allow for a tie situation, which would ultimately result in a "NO". Amendment agreed upon by Paula Wolff and Pat Griffith seconded. Amended motion passed. One member, Margie Groot, was in abstention.
    A recommendation was made that the RIOB set up time lines in an effort to expedite the decision making process. Discussion: who will manage this process going forward? Karrie Rueter made recommendation to use an original site to manage this process. She recommended the St. Clair County Redeploy Illinois site, as they have the greatest capacity to take on this task. This site would work with the RIOB to establish the application, the process by which the application would be submitted, track and monitor the application and present it to the County Review Committee, monitor and track, collect information and provide reports to the County Review Committee. A review of the current St. Clair County Contract dictates that there is nothing in the current contract that would prohibit them from serving other counties. It was recommended that because we would be funding this with public money, it is inappropriate for the RIOB to seek out only one agency.  Motion made my Anne Studzinski to contact the original Redeploy Illinois pilot sites to offer this opportunity to manage the Redeploy Lite process in cooperation with RIOB and staff. The four original Redeploy Illinois sites will be offered this opportunity and asked for their interest and to provide a cost-estimate. Esther Franco-Payne seconded the motion. The motion passed.
  4. New Name for Redeploy Lite 
    Discussion: The current name, Redeploy Lite, may give the impression that this is less important.  Motion made by Anne Studzinski to name this Redeploy Illinois Focused. Jim McCarter seconded the motion. The motion passed.
  5. Corrective Action Plan Language (Contract vs. Resolution)
    Language was drafted by Paula Wolff and circulated via e-mail to the RIOB and staff. Motion was made by Pat Griffith to put this language into all contracts. Paula Wolff seconded the motion. The motion passed.
  6. Annual Report Update
    Handouts were provided. Karrie gave an update on the progress of the annual report that was due in December of 2010. This process is not working; we are behind in our schedule. Karrie explained the 2009 Redeploy Illinois funding deficit in which Redeploy Illinois funding actually stopped for a period of time and then resumed. This caused the data reported to be skewed. After all of the data was analyzed, only one Redeploy Illinois site was not in compliance- Madison County. The RIOB worked with this site on correcting the problem. Karrie proposed that in the essence of time, in the current report being developed; only include compliance information for sites and not a cost-benefit analysis. Motion made by Paula Wolff to only include compliance information for sites and not a cost-benefit analysis in the current report being developed as long as the 2009 Redeploy Illinois funding deficit is detailed in the next report to be released later in this calendar year. Secretary Saddler seconded the motion. The motion passed.
  7. By-Laws Decision, What Constitutes a Quorum
    The RIOB has been having difficulty the past couple of months with meeting requirements for a quorum. The RIOB quorum is currently defined as 50% plus one. Motion made by Pat Griffith to set the number of members to represent a quorum at no fewer than eight members as long as this is legal pending review of the Open Meetings Act. Secretary Saddler seconded the motion. Motion is pending review of Open Meetings Act.
    Mark Solock reviewed the Open Meetings Act while in the meeting. It is his interpretation that a quorum must be one more than the majority of the committee which would mean the quorum for the RIOB must be 10 members. Staff will confirm this with the Attorney General's Office.
  8. Other Business
    A Juvenile Justice Site Visit is scheduled in Chicago on May 10 for the Arkansas Department of Youth Services to meet with the RIOB. This meeting will be held in the Chicago at the Clinton Building as well as the Harris Building in Springfield. Those to be in attendance: Judge Timberlake, Mark Solock, Jim McCarter, Anne Studzinski, Thomas Bilyk, and Betsy Clarke.
  9. Next Meeting
    May 20th, 2011
  10. Adjourn
    The meeting adjourned at 2:15pm.