September 16, 2011 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


September 16, 2011, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes (May 20th)
  4. RIOB membership update
  5. Annual Report - 2011
  6. ARRA Grant Update:
  7. FY 11 Fiscal Update
  8. FY'12 Contracts/Funding/Decisions
  9. Redeploy Illinois Focused Update
  10. UDIS Programming/Services
  11. Arrest and Full Commitment Data Analysis
  12. Data Policy
  13. Redeploy Audit
  14. RI Training, Technical Assistance and Support Contracts
  15. Cook County
  16. Next Meeting
  17. Other
  18. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Secretary Saddler convened the meeting at 1:00 p.m.
  2. Roll Call
    Redeploy Members:Secretary Saddler, George Timberlake, James McCarter, Pam Rodriguez, Margie Groot, Lawrence Stasica, Anne Studzinski, Paula Wolff, Erica Hughes for Jack Cutrone, Tom Bilyk.  Quorum present.  Redeploy Staff:  Jeff Bradley, Lindsay Bostwick, Karrie Rueter, and Betsy Goulet.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    May 20th minutes were reviewed and accepted.
  4. RIOB Membership Update
    New Board member Lawrence Stasica was introduced.
  5. Annual Report
    Karrie indicated that the FY'11 annual report is in process and will be formatted similarly to the 2008 annual report. There are plans to have it completed by the veto session.
  6. ARRA Grant Update
    The planning grant final reports were sent to board members for their feedback in order to develop a project summary for dissemination to the three planning grant sites. At this point in time staff does not know if all three planning grant sites will be seeking expansion funds. Staff discussed the status of the evaluation being conducted by Dr. Kethinini from ISU. She has met with most of the programs and has indicated some difficulty collecting the necessary data. The Board discussed data collection challenges, including problems related to the lack of automated systems. The RFP for the expansion grant is in the final stages of procurement and should be approved for posting within a few weeks. Karrie discussed the process for reviewing the applications, explaining that only state employees can serve as official reviewers but board members can read the grants as consultants. Erica and Lindsay agreed to serve as reviewers and Anne and Margie will also read the applications.
  7. FY'11 Fiscal Update
    The board considered how to insure against lapsed funds, indicating that if the sites could identify their needs earlier than approval could be given and the funds reallocated. It was suggested that at the March meeting the board could discuss the options for spending any projected lapsed funds if necessary.
  8. FY'12 Contracts/Funding Decisions
    Karrie reviewed projected expenditures and the Board was in agreement that site funding should remain level and if necessary, the 5% reserve should be imposed across all sites. The Board also emphasized the importance of starting the RI Focused program as soon as possible.
  9. Redeploy Illinois Focused Update
    Karrie discussed the JJ Training, Technical Assistance and Support RFP and indicated that funding for RI Focused which includes site oversight, data collection and program management is a part of the JJ RFP.
  10. UDIS Programming/Services
    The Board discussed the impact and challenges facing communities as a result of the Legislature's decision to eliminate UDIS funding as well as additional cuts to youth service programs. The Board also discussed how the loss of UDIS funding might result in additional communities considering the possibility of applying for RI expansion funding.
  11. Arrest and Full Commitment Data Analysis
    Erica and Lindsay updated the board on their efforts to examine the arrest and full commitment data.
  12. Data Policy
    The Board discussed the final draft of the data policy that was developed in response to a previous audit finding. Decision: Jim moved to accept the language as amended and Larry seconded. Motion Passed. 
  13. Redeploy Audit
    Staff informed the board that we are going through another internal audit. Staff continue to comply with the requests for additional information and clarification.
  14. RI Training, TA and Support Contract
    RFP is almost complete; this funding will support continued program consultation, training and technical assistance, website design/maintenance and the management of the RI Focused program (also addressed in the information on RI Focused).
  15. Cook County
    A discussion led to a formation of a subcommittee to consider if RI could be implemented in smaller geographical areas rather than county wide. The statute would have to be amended in order to do so. Tom, Pam, Jim and Larry agreed to serve on the subcommittee.
  16. Next Meeting: Friday, November 18th. 1:00 - 3:00 Chicago: South Clinton, 7th floor Executive Video Conference room and Springfield, Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive Conference Room.
  17. Other Business
    None noted. 
  18. Adjourn 
    The meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.