May 20, 2011 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 20, 2011, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Chicago: James R Thompson Center 5th Floor 
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes (March 18th and May 4th)
  4. RIOB Membership Update
  5. Annual Report
  6. Status of Funds
  7. Quorum/Open Meetings Act
  8. RI Training, Technical Assistance and Support Contract
  9. Legislative Update
  10. Other Business
  11. Next Meeting
  12. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Grace Hong Duffin called the meeting to order at 1:07pm. 
  2. Roll Call
    Redeploy Members:Grace Hong Duffin, George Timberlake, James McCarter, Rick Velasquez, Betsy Clarke, Pam Rodriguez, Margie Groot, Mark Solock, Pat Griffith, Anne Studzinski, Paula Wolff, Mark Myrent for Jack Cutrone.  Quorum present.  Redeploy Staff:Jeff Bradley, Karrie Rueter, Danielle Donovan, and Betsy Goulet.  Arthur Bishop and Esther Franco-Payne participated by telephone. 
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The minutes from the March 18th and May 4th meetings were reviewed. Accepted with amendments.
  4. RIOB Membership Update
    No update. 
  5. Annual Report
    Karrie discussed the status of the Annual Report indicating that it might be beneficial if the sites were given the opportunity to review the sections that profile their sites. Mark Myrent agreed that this would allow the sites to make corrections if necessary. Paula volunteered to help with the edits and suggested that most of the work could be accomplished through email. Karrie referenced the chart in the annual report that highlighted arrest data. She discussed the concerns related to including this data, indicating that on the surface it would appear that arrests may have increased in the RI sites. Karrie suggested that until this has been further explored it might be advisable to omit the arrest data from the report. The board agreed that the information should be removed.  Karrie's staff will continue to work with ICJIA on the changes to the monthly reports; Mark indicated that the monthly reports will soon be web-based and sites will be able to enter the information into the database and email it to CJIA.
  6. Status of Funds 
    The board discussed options for obligating the $188,596 remaining in the Redeploy Budget. It was agreed that Karrie would send out an email to the sites asking them to determine if they could utilize a portion of the funds prior to June 30th. The group also discussed the likelihood that Cook will submit an application for RI funding. There seems to be consensus that Cook is interested but the exact amount of funding they would need to operate a site is unknown. Mark Myrent will explore the possibility that ARRA funds might be available for Cook to function as an RI site. Karrie also mentioned the need to create a more formal process for identifying a program willing to provide fiscal oversight of the Redeploy Illinois Focus program. Once the process is formalized, the document, as approved by the board, will be distributed to the four original pilot sites.
  7. Quorum/Open Meetings Act
    The discussion focused on attendance of board members, statutory members and replacing people who have not been regularly attending (or encouraging them to send a designee) Mark Solock will be leaving the board but his replacement has been identified. Grace will contact DCFS Director McEwen to determine if his designee is still a valid representative.
  8. RI Training, Technical Assistance and Support Contract
    The Board discussed RI program staffing, including increased hours for Judge Payne starting in September. There was a motion to table the staffing needs discussion until the next meeting.
  9. Legislative Update
    None noted. 
  10. Other Business
    None noted. 
  11. Next Meeting
    Friday, July 15th. 1:00 - 3:00 Chicago: South Clinton, 7th floor Executive Video Conference room and Springfield, Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive Conference Room. 
  12. Adjourn
    The meeting adjourned at 2:35pm.