January 21, 2011 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


January 21, 2011
1:00PM - 3:00PM


  • Chicago: 401 South Clinton, 7th Floor Executive Video Conference Room.
  • Springfield: 100 South Grand Avenue East, 3rd Floor Executive Conference Room.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Madison County Update
  5. Annual Report Update
  6. AARA Grant Update
  7. Redeploy Lite - Statute Interpretation
  8. JMIS Data Report 
  9. Quarterly Data Report Update
  10. Other Business
  11. Next Meeting


  1. Call to Order
    Karrie Rueter called the meeting to order at 1:10pm.
  2. Roll Call
    Redeploy Members:  Pat Griffith, George Timberlake, Anne Studzinski, Jim McCarter, Mark Solock, Arthur Bishop, Paula Wolff, Pam Rodriguez, Margie Groot, Betsy Clarke. Quorum present.  Redeploy Staff:Jeff Bradley, Danielle Donovan, Rachel Sipes, Esther Franco-Payne, Karrie Rueter.
  3. Approval of Minutes 
    Anne Studzinski motioned to approve the minutes as edited, Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion Passed, minutes approved.
  4. Madison County Update
    Jim McCarter gave a quick update. Communication issues were discussed and they recognize the issues and are on track. They now have strong judicial buy-in and influence. A new states attorney is on board. Probation staff feel things are running along very well. The county is very interested in it and the meeting was very satisfying.  George Timberlake reported that the public defender did not meet with them. They have not made contact with Catholic Children's Home, the residential facility. CHASI felt they needed more partners. Jim will be staying in touch with them and looking at reports to ensure they stay on track.
  5. ARRA Grant Update
    Karrie gave an update on the ARRA grant process. The appropriation was finally received to begin expending funds. We are currently completing interviews to fill two positions for full-time contractual staff to assist with Redeploy ARRA implementation. These positions are expected to expire June 30th, 2012 and may be extended through December 2012. Karrie explained to the Board that ICJIA will give us a six month no-cost extension to Dec. 31st, 2012. We can slightly modify the implementation timeline in an effort to fit everything in, given our delay thus far. To do this, by the end of March staff will submit a budget revision request to ICJIA and request the extension. The budget revision will also allow us to shift unspent Planning Grant funds to the "Site" line. We also agreed to assess our projected final expenditures this time next year and return any anticipated lapsed funds prior to the end of the grant. 
    We hope to get Planning grants up and running as soon as possible. We anticipate approximately one month to get advance word out to potential grantees. Jeff will be meeting with all of the ten eligible counties to encourage participation. Members are encouraged to reach out as well and are asked to coordinate efforts with staff.  Karrie hopes to get the full site RFP out in early fall and to have new sites funded in Nov/Dec with a projected project period to begin January 1, 2012. 
  6. Annual Report Update
    Deanne Benos is beginning work on the annual report and currently collecting data reports from sites for the past year. Staff will be getting her new numbers if available and whatever else she may need.
  7. Redeploy Lite - Statute Interpretation
    Karrie asked DHS Legal to review the Redeploy statute and help to resolve some issues related to the new language defining the Redeploy Lite (RIL) program. This will be discussed further with a small committee of the Board as plans for the RIL are developed.
  8. JMIS Data Report 
    The Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission will be funding some modifications to the JMIS system and will be working with staff and interested Board members for additional input.
  9. Quarterly Data Report Update
    The monthly data report is up and running. Sites will begin completing the new form this month. Please let Erica know if you have any revisions you feel need to be done so she can continue to tweak this document.
  10. Other Business
    There have been some recent issues with the Macon County site. They have had a new judge for a while and their perspective is certainly reflected in their numbers. They seem to have come in one under, but this is still an issue we need to stay on. Staff believes a new judge is being assigned to the juvenile caseload and this may address the problem.
  11. Next Meeting 
    March 18th, 2011.