General Funds

Appropriations Requiring General Assembly Action ($ thousands) FY 2010
Enacted Appropriation
FY 2010
Actual Expenditure
FY 2011
Enacted Appropriation
FY 2011
Estimated Expenditure
FY 2012
Recommended Appropriation
Total Personal Services and Fringe Benefits 709,588.5 700,104.7 729,781.9 729,781.9 814,924.3
Total Contractual Services 161,114.5 152,826.6 159,687.4 159,687.4 171,261.4
Total Other Operations and Refunds 47,918.6 41,183.7 46,371.8 46,371.8 48,695.5
Designated Purposes
Indirect Cost Principles 3,226.8 3,226.8 2,820.2 2,820.2 2,820.2
Project Cornerstone 763.4 719.0 645.9 645.9 668.6
Sexually Violent Persons Program 1,868.1 1,681.1 1,756.1 1,756.1 1,756.1
Support Services Inservice Training 17.1 13.5 16.1 16.1 16.1
Health and Safety Improvements 500.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Health Insurance Portability 409.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Howe Transition 32,482.2 31,868.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
LDC Operational Expenses 952.1 503.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
TANF Reauthorization Infrastructure 1,818.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Designated Purposes 42,038.1 38,012.8 5,238.3 5,238.3 5,261.0
Addiction Treatment/Medicaid Eligible 56,084.4 55,971.5 43,034.9 43,034.9 41,432.8
Aid To Aged, Blind Or Disabled 30,114.5 30,039.3 30,514.7 30,514.7 15,607.3
ARC of IL Life Span Project 531.0 531.0 477.9 477.9 477.9
Best Buddies 450.0 450.0 500.0 500.0 500.0
Case Services Migrant Workers 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
Case Services To Individuals 9,513.3 9,450.7 9,513.3 9,513.3 9,513.3
Child Care Services 610,049.3 609,559.8 618,042.5 618,042.3 284,697.8
DCFS Clients 10,293.3 10,293.3 7,720.0 7,720.0 9,793.3
DCFS Community Integrated Living Arrangements 2,288.1 2,288.1 2,371.5 2,371.5 2,371.5
Developmental Disabilities Services* 995,768.0 994,179.6 755,278.0 755,278.0 781,188.4
Developmental Disabilities Transitions* 16,490.2 16,467.6 6,448.1 6,448.1 6,448.1
Domestic Violence Shelters 19,431.9 18,964.6 10,882.0 10,882.0 8,796.8
Early Intervention Program 76,709.0 76,709.0 69,038.1 69,038.1 82,518.1
Emergency Food Program 245.8 212.0 245.8 245.8 233.7
Employability Development Services 16,114.4 14,184.2 17,372.7 17,372.7 8,077.7
Food Stamp Employment & Training 7,811.5 7,289.0 8,707.2 8,707.2 3,880.3
Home & Community Based Waiver 490.2 302.5 468.8 468.8 505.8
Home Services Program* 553,044.4 552,295.8 532,464.8 532,464.8 579,281.3
Immigrant Integration Services 8,649.8 8,542.9 4,829.7 4,829.7 2,244.6
Independent Living Centers 4,520.8 4,515.8 4,520.8 4,520.8 2,893.3
Independent Living Older Blind 142.7 142.7 142.6 142.6 142.6
Infant Mortality 43,384.6 43,178.0 41,423.9 41,423.9 38,938.5
Living Skills 189.2 160.5 189.2 189.2 189.2
Mental Health Children & Adolescent Grants 33,935.9 32,574.6 33,435.9 33,435.9 32,235.9
Mental Health Community Transitions* 19,592.1 19,370.2 23,806.9 23,806.9 22,908.3
Mental Health Grants* 198,318.9 195,074.7 145,687.9 145,687.9 112,215.3
Mental Health Individual Care Grants 23,850.5 23,585.1 27,550.5 27,550.5 26,050.5
Mental Health Supportive Housing* 0.0 0.0 7.4 7.4 18588.2
Parents Too Soon 6939.7 6915.1 6939.7 6939.7 6939.7
Project For Autism 4900.0 4893.8 4410.0 4410.0 4410.0
Refugee Social Services 471.9 471.9 471.9 471.9 221.8
Refugees 2,852.00 2,837.50 3,855.30 3,855.30 1,185.50
Special Services 8,161.40 8,139.40 8,120.70 8,120.70 8,143.90
SSI Advocacy Services 1,540.20 1,364.30 1,588.40 1,588.40 1,738.80
Teen Parents Services 5,995.50 5,620.30 2,923.60 2,923.60 1,432.00
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families 96,547.60 96,464.70 85,941.30 85,941.30 94,642.20
Tinley Park Transition Mental Health Services 20,639.20 17,880.70 20,525.70 20,525.70 21,364.60
Tort Claims 5,580.00 5,579.60 2,914.20 2,914.20 500
Tort Claims Employees 12.2 2.3 11.5 11.5 11.5
Welfare Reform Pilot 2,383.1 2,381.4 1,323.8 1,323.8 0.0
State Family & Child Assistance Program 1,685.1 1,674.8 1,263.6 1,263.6 0.0
State Transitional Assistance 12,148.0 12,117.9 9,636.6 9,636.6 0.0
Put Illinois to Work 0.0 0.0 107,000.0 107,000.0 0.0
Mental Health Transportation 1,087.0 929.2 1,176.0 1,176.0 0.0
Methamphetamine Awareness 1,198.1 1,198.1 671.0 671.0 0.0
Mental Health Psychotropic Medications 2,646.0 2,646.0 2,646.0 2,646.0 0.0
Implement Title VI Part C-Vocational Rehabilitation 1,054.6 981.4 1,054.6 1,054.6 0.0
Funeral and Burial Expense 11,251.2 10,766.8 3,435.9 3,435.9 0.0
Domestic Violence & Substance Abuse Demo Project 548.7 548.7 411.5 411.5 0.0
Assets For Independence 218.1 218.1 218.1 218.1 0.0
Children's Place 656.6 656.6 492.4 492.4 0.0
Community Mental Health Partnership 2,381.4 2,332.2 1,871.4 1,871.4 0.0
Community Reintegration Program 1,709.9 1,342.1 1,710.0 1,710.0 0.0
Crisis Nurseries 424.9 424.9 318.7 318.7 0.0
Addiction Prevention Related Services 4,754.5 4,754.5 2,662.6 2,662.6 0.0
Addiction Treatment Services 69,015.8 69,014.7 47,050.2 47,050.2 0.0
Addiction Treatment-Special Population 7,744.1 7,741.7 4,552.3 4,552.3 0.0
Total Grants 3,012,580.6 2,996,251.0 2,719,892.1 2,719,891.9 2,232,340.5
Capital Improvements
Permanent Improvements 3,669.7 1,850.4 1,569.6 1,569.6 1,569.6
Total Capital Improvements 3,669.7 1,850.4 1,569.6 1,569.6 1,569.6
Grand Total
TOTAL GENERAL FUNDS 3,976,910.0 3,930,229.1 3,662,541.1 3,662,540.9 3,274,052.3

* This program is part of the Unified Budgeting Initiative.