Becoming an Early Intervention Provider
If you are interested in becoming a provider for the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) system, please visit the EI Provider Connection's ( website. Provider Connections credentials, enrolls, and provides technical support to EI providers interested in the credentialing and enrollment process. The mission of Provider Connections is to ensure that professionals working in the Illinois EI System possess appropriate qualifications, enhance their professional growth, and strengthen their understanding of children ages birth to 3 with special needs.
Early Intervention Training Program
If you are or are interested in EI training, please visit the Illinois Early Intervention Training Program's ( website. The EI Training Program provides training and professional development opportunities to individuals and agencies who provide services to Illinois' birth to three early intervention population. Training is provided in both workshop and video formats. The EI Training Program co-sponsors and provides EI credentialing hours for additional training events held by other training entities.
Early Intervention Monitoring Program
If you are interested in the EI Monitoring program ,please visit their website. The EI Monitoring Program ensures that state and federal regulations regarding the delivery of EI services to infants and toddlers under the age of three are met. These areas include the provision of direct services, billing and documentation, service delivery and compliance of statewide Child and Family Connections (CFC) offices and credentialed/enrolled service providers. They also assist families, CFC offices and EI service providers to address issues and resolve conflicts, and safeguard the rights of families to receive appropriate services and supports.
Early Intervention Central Billing Office
If you have questions on EI claims processing, please visit the Early Intervention Central Billing office's (CBO)( website. The EI CBO is the claims processing entity for the EI Services System. The CBO makes payment determination on claims submitted by EI providers based upon authorized services and DHS guidelines. The CBO also submits and reconciles the monthly EI Medicaid claim to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, provides data to assist CFCs to complete an initial verification of family insurance benefits, maintains the family fee system, administers the collections process, is a source of data collection for DHS, provides technical assistance to families and providers and administers the EI Insurance Unit, which bills insurance on behalf of providers.
Early Intervention Clearinghouse
If you are interested in information on the development of infants and toddler, please visit the Early Intervention Clearinghouse ( at their website. They provide a extensive lending library of videos, books, manuals, and journals focusing on the development of young children with special needs and their families.