January 12, 2011
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- 401 So. Clinton
Executive Video Conference Room
Chicago, IL 60601
- 815-823 East Monroe
Video Conference Room
Springfield, IL 62702
Open to General Public
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of Minutes
- Title II and Title V Grant Applications
- Priority Areas Funding Strategies and Recommendations
- Re-Entry RFP Content Discussion
- Funding Requests
- New Business
- Planning & Next Meetings
- Adjournment
Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission
Planning and Grants Committee Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2011
10:00AM - 12:00PM
- 401 South Clinton Executive Video Conference Room- Chicago, IL
- 815-823 East Monroe Video Conference Room- Springfield, IL
I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order and 10:15am
II. Roll Call
Commissioners: Planning and Grants Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Wayne Straza(P), Gene Griffin (P), George Hill, IJJC Chairman George Timberlake(P), Rick Velasquez. Quorum not present.
Staff: Karrie Rueter, Lin Ferguson, Sam Koschmann. Guests: Michelle Arnold.
III. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the December 16, 2010 were circulated but cannot be approved due to lack of quorum. Chairman Timberlake suggested the Planning and Grants Committee meet prior to the full Commission meeting to approve the minutes. All members agreed.
IV. Title II and Title V Grant Applications
Karrie Rueter reported that OJJDP has not sent their guidance information for the grant applications. These applications are due March 31st. We anticipate the Commission will review the documents for final approval at the March Commission meeting.
The Title II Grant Application is in the third year of a 3-year plan. This is a continuation and update of the first application. We submit only the changes highlighting what we planned to do and what we have done. The last two year's applications and data from our Annual ICJIA Report are used as resources. Commissioner Jacobs suggested that, if it meets with the approval of the rest of the Committee, we meet February 9, 2011 and March 9, 2011 and the full Commission on March 16, 2011 at which time we need to be ready to approve the applications. She requested a solid outline available for approval by February 9, 2011 and then the draft final application before the March 9 meeting. Commissioner Jacobs asked for volunteers to work with her on producing the outline and application before the next meeting. Commissioners Gene Griffin and Wayne Straza volunteered. Commissioner Jacobs will circulate some possible meeting dates and Karrie will check on the possibility of video conferencing for these meetings.
Commissioner Jacobs clarified that the Title V Grant requires an annual application in which we start new each year. Lasts year's application received $84,945 which is the amount we will apply for this year. Currently domestic battery takes almost 100% of the Title V funds. The money has to be spent on prevention and the Commission has to decide on which prevention program to focus on.
Chairman Timberlake reported that a judge in Madison County developed a domestic battery prevention program for individuals who are not on active probation, but if you are referred from a probation program you are identified as a victim of domestic violence. This program could qualify for funds from our grant. There is the option of holding funds for three years until we have a larger amount to work with but we have to decide on a purpose for the funds and this seems to be a program that the Commission could consider.
The OJJDP guidance will be forwarded to the Planning and Grants Committee as soon as it is received. Title V has a 50% match (cash or in-kind) and can only go to units of government such as cities and counties. Karrie Rueter reminded the group that both grants must be decided upon by February so we can best allocate the funds from the principles and goals that we have set. Karrie Rueter and Commissioner Jacobs will ensure the planning is in place prior to the February 9th meeting.
Commissioner Straza requested that the Commission obtain the amount of funds being provided to Cook County from ICJIA for domestic battery issues. He stated that if this money is not being spent then couldn't that money be better spent in rural areas where there is an increase in this issue. Commissioner Jacobs added that since the State's JABG application and our Titles II and V applications are due, requesting this information will provide what is necessary for our grant applications. Commissioner Jacobs and Chairman Timberlake will contact ICJIA to secure this information. Anyone with a plan for spending the Title V money involving prevention programs at a city or county government level please E-mail those to Karrie Rueter or Commissioner Jacobs.
Commissioner Jacobs recapped that the Committee did a lot of thinking and discussing at the December meeting and allocated some significant and some smaller amounts of funds that went before the Executive Committee for approval. CPRD is already working on the data improvements for JMIS that were approved. A small group of commissioners are guiding the way to get the information we want. Anyone is welcome to join the discussions.
The Parole study, which was approved for up to an additional $10,000 is moving forward. The work group will meet this Friday to continue to look at the data and trips to the facilities. On Wednesday, February 2, 2011, 10:00, there will be a briefing for all commissioners and key staff in the state. There will an in-depth briefing of the Parole Study and what they are finding and then will launch into data discussions as part of the Parole Study Legislation to make data recommendations.
The Virtual HS and summit is moving forward, no update at this time.
At the December meeting there was a discussion of up to $75,000 earmarked for the Communications Committee to develop the required reports for this Committee. Commissioners Franco-Payne and Commission Ander are the co-chairs and are working on a proposal on how the money would be spent to develop the required reports. This report is not available today. Karrie Rueter reported that we cannot start work on any of the projects until we have the contracts. Karrie worked with Youth Network Council (YNC) staff to discuss all funding plans except the JMIS to determine how much more money YNC is going to need in order to fund everything we are planning.
The amounts were estimated at $75,000 for Communications, $100,000 for strategic planning, $50,000 for VHS and summit. Since we amend their contract only one time, we need to assure that YNC get enough money to cover anything that will come up in the next five months. We will work to get YNC an additional $125,000 minus anything new. These funds have to be completely expended by June 30, 2011. If any of these projects go into the next State Fiscal Year, we need to reduce the amount we give YNC now and budget it for SFY2012.
Commissioner Hill asked if this plan will pass a federal audit. Karrie Rueter replied that this is how YNC's contract is written in order to pay the bills. YNC also plays a role in the statewide coordination and implementation of the DMC program. We have money at YNC to start all of the things that we have discussed. We can't fully fund them at this time. The Contract amendment could take a minimum of a couple of weeks, probably longer. Since this is all federal money it should go through. If for some reason, the amendment would not be approved, we would have to decide on which program to hold off on until next year.
The contract YNC currently holds is up for bid next year. YNC does all of the training, technical assistance and support for all of the youth services programs in the State, they have an increasingly greater role in Juvenile Justice by supporting the Commission and they support the Redeploy Illinois Program. DHS can roll all of the services mentioned above into one competitive RFP or we can break it out and do one competitive RFP for each category to attract different applicants.
Commissioner Jacobs reiterated that we need to decide on the amount of funds to move to YNC to complete what we have planned for this State Fiscal Year. The Commission needs to define its needs from an external partner and whether our needs fall into one umbrella RFP for funding and Commission or separate RFPs for the two factions. Karrie Rueter explained that she will need to know the final decision by January 19, 2011, the next time the Commission will meet. Commissioner Jacobs asked for clarification of the length of time the contract is in place. Karrie Rueter explained that if the Commission decides not to continue the contract with the vendor, we can pull money back in the middle of the year, which basically leaves them with a contract and no funds to spend.
Commissioner Jacobs noted that we are embarking upon a strategic planning process, so if we discover in the process that there is an incredibly effective approach that we should taking, we are not locked in for three years with what we currently have set up. Commissioner Jacobs would like to have a one-page report of funds allocated to YNC in the past three years for the purposes established by the Commission. Commissioner Jacobs would like to have all expenditures in the report. This will provide a basis for the Commissioners for the constants and the things that come up in the grant period. Commissioner Hill asked if we are in violation of the procurement codes with our spending plans. Karrie Rueter clarified that direct human services to clients are exempt from the procurement codes. Commissioner Hill stated that existing contracts are not subject to the new codes, but new contracts will have to follow the new procurement codes. It was suggested that we talk to Counsel. Commissioner Straza asked if federal money is exempt from the procurement code. Karrie Rueter clarified that it is not exempt.
Karrie Rueter brought up for discussion the new ethics rules and stated that the new rules prohibit any of us from having a private conversation relating to procurement with people outside of the agency, the conversations have to be reported. Since this meeting follows the open meetings Act, the rules don't apply to this discussion. Karrie hopes to have more information about this by the full Commission meeting next week. This will be discussed further, since it is an issue. Commissioner Jacobs asked if we should seek guidance or continue on our path until we are told we can't work in this manner any longer. Karrie Rueter reported that as an employee of DHS, she is required to report these conversations. Chairman Timberlake wants the contact amendment and RFP needs to be on the agenda for the full Commission next week. Karrie plans to move ahead with the RFP as one entity.
V. Priority Area Funding Strategies and Recommendations
Commissioner Jacobs reported that Chairman Timberlake sent a message to all Commissioners stating that he will be heading a small group to work on structuring the Commission's planning, programmatic and data efforts and asked for interested parties to notify him of their interest. Chairman Timberlake will finalize the small group for next week's meeting. He wanted to give everybody an opportunity to be a part of that group and he wanted to make sure that all segments of the system are represented. Shay Bilchick requested that the group be no more than eight people. Commissioner Velasquez asked the Chairman Timberlake what the timeline is for this project and what time commitment will be required for members of the small group. The chairman responded that the majority of the work will be done by the end of June. The Response Based Accountability system will continue through technical assistance after that date including data reporting until the end of September. The time commitment for the small group will require a meeting once a week for 2-4 hours for approximately three months and after that it would be much less but still meet through the end of June. Commissioner Velasquez is willing to participate in the group, if he is needed.
There have been a few intense meetings with Shay Bilchick and Phil Lee who heads the results based accountability approach and we provided them with all of our public information about the principles we have adopted, the funding we have placed out in the community over recent years, some of the data templates, explained JMIS on detention, provided them with data template that the Burns Institute developed on the Models for Change side to show them what we have done and provide background information on where we are. Once the small group convenes we will go on two tracks. The first is that the results-based accountability team is working on plugging in some of the things we have said we want to do and the principles we want to pursue into a results-based accountability framework. Once they present that to us, we can let them know if they are on track with our goals. The Shay Bilchick piece will be focusing on how we structure ourselves as a Commission with our committees and our three-year plan which shows where we plan to go. Commissioner Jacobs does not think that they will be able to spend a day a week but the time we do spend will be intense. They will be using technology to keep in touch.
Chairman Timberlake added that Shay Bilchick will compare us with other SAGs throughout the country concerning our functioning and funding streams and what other SAGs have acquired. This will show us how to operate efficiently and maximize our results. The strategic planning process and everything else we are working on are concurrent processes. Julie Stremlau has provided a spreadsheet of the membership to Chairman Timberlake and he plans to take up the issue of needing more Commissioners with the Governor's Office.
VI. Re-Entry RFP Content Discussion
Karrie Rueter reported that they will have a strong outline for the Planning and Grants Meeting in February. Karrie has initiated the mechanics of the RFP and is trying to get on paper that we will fund communities that have high numbers of kids reentering their communities. She needs to know basics such as whether we are going to fund a county or a circuit and we'll be asking them to do the strategic planning for that. At the end of the planning process it results in a report and a plan of how they will implement reentry services in their jurisdiction. Once their plan is received, a review committee will make the decision as to whether we will fund them for the rest of the grant period. This is 3-year plan and is renewable twice. Commissioner Velasquez asked if this is specific to reentry for kids in juvenile justice or also on detention. Karrie responded that the Commission will have to determine the target population. Commissioner Jacobs clarified that we have all agreed that this is reentry from DJJ, and nothing we could do would change any of the local county responsibility for kids. This will help build collaboration and capacity for kids flowing out of DJJ now. Commissioner Jacobs clarified that if these funds go to units of local units of government to contract with local service providers there are concerns that a county board or county probation office will do that.
Chairman Timberlake concurred with Commissioner Jacobs. Chairman Timberlake explained that the only incentive for local governments to apply is money. If not a local unit of government the money should go to a Juvenile Justice Council that has a different point of view. Commissioner Velasquez asked why the money wouldn't go to DJJ because they know where the kids are. Karrie Rueter explained that if we fund a county and they have a strategic plan that means there is a strategic planning committee and this will be their responsibility. Commissioner Velasquez repeated that the responsibility falls on DJJ and they are our clients. They need the power to act. Karrie explained that we need to plan for the kids coming back into the community. The communities don't know what the needs are of the kids that are coming back into the communities nor do they know how many are coming back.
Commissioner Hill added that we need buy-in from the parole office which leaves no value to this program. Commissioner Jacobs stated that there are two options to choose from. The first is that by funding DJJ to improve their after-care approaches with both improved state capacity and holding the state accountable we would have direct accountability from DJJ to do better building capacity moving forward. The second option is to build the capacity of communities and community based providers to understand the needs of their kids reentering and to be able to respond to them. Commissioner Jacobs noted that one of our obligations under the JJDP Act and State Statutes is to fund local entities and work. Commissioner Velasquez does not think that these are mutually exclusive and we should be able to channel money however we see fit as long as we continue to build local capacity.
Chairman Timberlake added that DJJ could enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between local government and DJJ to support these plans. Commissioner Jacobs reiterated that we have a choice to make and there are pros and cons to both plans, but we need to decide how to move forward with the RFP. Karrie will work on a plan that can be discussed at next week's meeting. It is possible to fund both pieces and both sides would have to work together. The goal is not only to build community capacity, but to be accountable and making a difference for kids.
Chairman Timberlake added that we need a discussion with Director Bishop. If he says we don't have the capacity, then we are at the end of one road. Commissioner Jacobs stated that DJJ does not have capacity to handle this. Commissioner Jacobs stated that a part of these resources has to go toward a very skilled person or we will fail. Karrie Rueter added that we can hold grantees to requirements of reduced commitments in the RFP. Commissioner Jacobs asked if a smaller group is needed to work out these issues or do we wait until the February Planning and Grants meeting.
Commissioners Hill and Velasquez are interested in working on this. There are strategic questions to answer before the RFP can be finalized.
VII. Funding Requests
No update given.
VIII. New Business
Commissioner Jacobs brought up the request from Director Bishop for funds for the- VDISC and VISA project with Columbia University. Director Bishop requested that this Committee be open to considering requests from DJJ to help them with their screening process to identify needs. VDISC and VISA are mental health tools used at DJJ. There is a contract with NCCD that has ended and there are no resources in place to continue the analysis of these tools. Commissioner Jacobs recapped that DJJ is asking for $60,000 to carry the VDISC implementation and analysis to March of 2012.
The Commission needs to assure that it is not paying for something that DJJ has already paid for and there are significant concerns about how different instruments would fit together. We want to make sure that all of the instruments used are appropriate. We need to make sure that this is part of a larger screening and assessment process. Karrie Rueter added that we have previously funded the VDISC process. Commissioner Velasquez wants to know if the Commission will be required to support this for the next several years because DJJ can't fund it.
Commissioner Jacobs recommends that we get additional information from Director Bishop before we make a recommendation to the full Commission. Chairman Timberlake suggested the Planning and Grants committee meet prior to the full Commission so the information can be discussed. The Committee will schedule a meeting. Karrie Rueter will also add this topic to the agenda for the full commission. We can hold the contracting entity accountable to develop a plan to get the information.
IX. Planning & Next Meetings
The next Planning and Grants Committee meeting will be on January 19, 2011 at 9:00am prior to the full Commission meeting beginning at 10:00am. The meeting will be held at 30 East Monroe (Crime Lab), Chicago, IL. Karrie Rueter announced that the new State rate for a hotel room is $128.00. To receive reimbursement for accommodations, a zero balance on the hotel receipt is required.
X. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Straza, Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 12:09 pm.