Rule 89-144 Emergency

Proposed Rule/Public Act

Agency Name Department of Human Services
Contact Person Tracie Drew
Address 100 South Gand Avenue East
3rd Floor
Springfield, IL 62762
Phone (217) 785-9772
Fax (217) 557-1547
Heading of the Part/Public Act Developmental Disabilities Services
Admin Code Citation/Public Act Number 89 Ill. Adm. Code 144
Section Numbers 102
Illinois Register Citation (Page Number & Publication Date) 34 Ill. Reg. 16983
Type of Rule(New/Emergency/Amended) Emergency

Type of Impact

(Reporting/Cost, Fee/Education, Credit/Other)

Business or Industry Type Affected Providers of developmental disabilities program services.
Effective Date November 5, 2010

Plain Language Explanation

The basis of this rulemaking is to allow Intermediate Care Facilities for people with Developmental Disabilities (ICFs/DD) that serve a high number of people with exceptional care needs to have an adjustment in their rate to cover these vital services. The addition of the exceptional care criteria to the rate methodology will allow this portion of funding to garner new federal matching funds.


Members of the public may submit comments to the agency contact listed above. Comments should be submitted within 45-days of publication in the Illinois Register.

Public Hearing Location

Not appliciable.

Advisory Opinion

Not appliciable.