Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission
August 17, 2010
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Chicago, IL/Springfield, IL
I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 10:19am
II. Roll Call
Members: JDAI Chairman Rick Velasquez, Barb Shipp, George Hill.
No quorum.
Staff: Karrie Rueter and Julie Stremlau.
III. Welcome/Introduction
JDAI Chair Velasquez welcomed members of the committee. He stated that due to the lack of a quorum today's meeting would be informational only. He suggested that the committee seek to broaden its membership. Ms. Rueter added that all new members to the Committee will be approved by IJJC Chairman Timberlake. There was a discussion concerning voting rights of non-commissioners. The JDAI Committee decided to table this discussion until which time the Committee Charter is addressed.
IV. Purpose of the Committee
Chair Velasquez stated that the immediate purpose of the JDAI committee is to examine and put in place a set of policies or initiatives that revitalize and reinvent the Illinois JDAI effort.
V. Brief History of JDAI and Lessons Learned
The committee had a discussion regarding the history of JDAI in Illinois. Chair Velasquez explained that the impetus for IJDAI grew out of the detention reform efforts in Cook County which is one of four Casey Foundation JDAI National Model Sites. He added that for the most part much of IJDAI efforts were focused at the county/local jurisdictions by providing technical assistance and resources to assist local jurisdictions to improve data collection, the development of Risk Assessment Instruments (RAI) and creation of detention alternatives. Karrie Rueter added that IJDAI was a successful response to address the detention of status offenders in some counties which was contributing to Illinois falling out of compliance with federal requirements.
Barb Shipp noted that while IJDAI involvement grew to include ten jurisdictions- participation was often focused on programs and not institutionalizing principles or policies. And as resources, funding and leadership at the state and local levels diminished, the momentum declined and many jurisdictions no longer participated in JDAI statewide planning efforts. Ms. Shipp added that the focus on single jurisdictions was not sufficient to bring about state-wide reform in detention practices.
The committee presented and discussed the question: "How can JDAI gain a greater sustainable reach throughout Illinois?" Ms. Shipp stated that future JDAI efforts should be incorporated into existing juvenile justice practices and reform efforts such as consolidating training and education efforts in the areas of DMC and DSO. Mr. Velasquez stated that one of the key partners in any successful JDAI effort is the participation and support of the States Attorney's Office. Therefore targeting training and communications efforts to a group like the Illinois States Attorney's Association maybe a piece of the strategy.
Commissioner Hill explained that executive branch of local county jurisdictions have not been included in JDAI efforts. Mr. Velasquez noted that state legislators also have not been included. The committee concurred that to bring detention reform throughout Illinois we need law enforcement and juvenile justice people, however we need to include those who establish policy, raise the taxes and pay the bills. Commissioner Hill added that including the executive and legislative branches in reform efforts will drive the probation departments, states attorney office and judges to get behind JDAI as part of any budget saving effort.
Commissioner Hill added that communities need to see the business sense of the program but if we can't guarantee public safety we cannot expect the communities to participate. Karrie Rueter commented that most communities do not want their detention centers closed for both public safety and financial reasons. Therefore what is needed is an alternative use for those facilities.
Barb Shipp stated that economically we need to strengthen the connection between JDAI and Redeploy. We need to amend the legislation and have detention have more representation. Karrie Rueter commented that diversion from detention has always been part of the Redeploy legislation.
VI. Preliminary Committee Tasks
Karrie Rueter stated that the JDAI annual report is due to the Casey Foundation by August 31st. She added that in the past Barb Shipp completed the annual program report and the Youth Network Council completed the budget section. Ms. Rueter added that the Casey Foundation has modified its reporting format which now requires each jurisdiction to add their data and narrative. DHS staff do not have access to the data entry templates. It was suggested that YNC be paid to prepare the reports. Ms. Rueter suggested that the task be assigned to one of the two interns recently added. The Committee concurred with Ms. Reuters' recommendation. Furthermore, it was suggested that thirty day extension to submit the reports be requested. Mr. Velasquez offered to request the extension from the Casey Foundation.
The Committee questioned whether there was a need for a JDAI Coordinator. There was agreement that a full-time coordinator dedicated to JDAI efforts is not required at this time. It was suggested that the issue of staffing be raised at the full commission meeting.
- Determine Standard Meeting Schedule
- Completion of Charter Purpose Statement
- Build a State-Wide Team
- Re-Engage Casey Foundation
- Hire a Coordinator
- Create a 2-3 year Strategic Business/Budget Plan
- Establish Regular Communications
VII. Announcements
JDAI Chair Velasquez announced the Annie Casey all site conference will be October 4, 5 and 6th in Kansas City, MO. There are twelve openings for IJDAI participants to attend the conference. They will present statewide JDAI projects at this event. The committee recommends that IJJC Chairman Timberlake invite members of the states attorneys association, chief judges association, etc. JDAI members will assist in determining other possible attendees including IJJC members and elected state/county officials.
VIII. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 12:18pm.