Intoxicated/Impaired Child Pick-Up Policy Number and Last Update (02.02.5e/01-2011)
Subject: Intoxicated/Impaired Person Picking Up a Child from Center Care
Policy: To ensure that no child is allowed to leave the care of the center in the care of a person who is in a physical condition which may prevent them from assuring the child's welfare.
Any parent or other person who is authorized to pick up a child enrolled in an Illinois Migrant and Seasonal head Start center, and comes to the center or bus intoxicated or in an impaired physical condition which may prevent them from assuring the child's welfare, will not be allowed to pick up a child.
In the event that a parent or other authorized person arrives at the center or bus while intoxicated or in an impaired condition, staff will use their best judgment in determining if they are in a condition which may prevent them from assuring the child's welfare.
Should it be determined that the person is in a condition that prevents them from assuring the child's welfare, staff will:
- Make alternative arrangements for child pick-up, including attempting to contact another person on the Authorized Child Pick-Up List.
- Notify the following individual(s) in writing:
- The parent(s) of the child - if they are not the ones who are intoxicated or impaired;
- The intoxicated/impaired person and spouse;
- The parents of all other children the person has been authorized to pick-up; and
- The appropriate center staff.
For any parent or other authorized person who arrives at the center or bus intoxicated or physically impaired to pick up an enrolled child, the following will occur:
- One written warning; and
- Removal from the list of individuals authorized to pick up a child after the second occurrence.
The Center Director, or the person in charge if the Director is not present, is authorized to carry out the directives of this policy.
I have read the policy and indicate that I am in agreement by the signature(s) below:
Mother's Printed Name:
Mother's Signature & Date:
Father's Printed Name:
Father's Signature & Date: