01.09.14 - Property and Equipment Theft Insurance Procedure

Property and Equipment Theft Insurance Procedure Policy Number and Last Update (01.09.14/01-2011)

The Migrant Head Start Property and Equipment Theft Insurance Procedure is designed to replace items of property and equipment as a result of forcible entry or vandalism. The following rules govern claims for the replacement of stolen equipment:

  • The Head Start Director will assure that the alarm system is functioning, will request additional protection as the need arises, and will assure that equipment is secured during holidays and vacation times.
  • Break-ins must be reported to the Police Department immediately upon discovery and an investigation must be requested.
  • A written report of the incident must be filed with the Site Director, Program Support Coordinator, Brotherhood Insurance company, and the police department within 24 hours, excluding weekends. The report must be made on the form provided by the Director or Program Support Coordinator. Written report must include the description, serial number, and property control number of the stolen item.
  • Only equipment taken from classrooms or buildings covered by the alarm system will be replaced.
  • Personal items and/or items stolen during the school day will not be replaced.
  • Equipment will be replaced only if the serial number is on file at the Property Control office. The description and replacement cost must be on the form if no serial number is available.
  • Replacement of equipment and loss claims is administered through the Migrant Head Start Administrative Officer/Director.