01.09.03 - Parent Involvement in Fiscal Operations & Budget

Parent Involvement in Fiscal Operations & Budget Policy Number and Last Update (01.09.03/01-2011)

Parents are expected to be knowledgeable and involved in all aspects of the management of the budget and program. It is expected that the following will characterize parent involvement in budget and fiscal matters at your program:

  1. Monitoring: A parent is present for ALL fiscal monitoring visits; that they be prepared by the Site Leader or Director to take an active role in the Monitoring visit; that they will report back to the Policy Committee on fiscal monitoring visits; and that they receive a monthly report on the status of the budget.
  2. Budget Amendments: Parents are involved in decisions to amend the budget; that they understand why and how budgets are amended; that they have input into decisions to move funds from one budget category or budget line to another BEFORE such action is final and BEFORE budget transfer requests are structured and sent to the Grantee office; Policy Committee minutes will reflect that the above has taken place.
  3. Grant Building: Parents are involved in those activities that will result in the submission of a Grant Application; that they are involved in defining program services and understand the implications of community strengths, challenges, and characteristics in structuring the program budget, design, and services.
  4. Parent Involvement/Parent Development: Parents are involved in decisions around how Parent Involvement funds are spent; they receive guidance in what parent activities will benefit them and move them toward self-sufficiency; and they are informed about the availability of Parent Development funds; the guidelines for such, and how to access such funds.


M. Crawford, 9/98