01.07.07 - Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring and Reporting Policy Number and Last Update

Grantee Site Visits

Grantee staff will visit each delegate agency and partner during the first six weeks of its operation, and as needed thereafter. Before grantee staff begins monitoring activities, they discuss with the delegate director or coordinator the monitoring issues that he or she has already found, and strategies already applied to resolve them. The grantee staff person then conducts his or her own review. He or she meets again with the delegate director and/or coordinator to compare findings, discuss potential consequences to the program, and to develop an action plan to correct problems directly and/or sends a report of findings within 5 days.  Monthly summaries of monitoring findings are sent to Boards, Policy Committees and center directors. (01.05.37-01.05.55)

File Review

Level 1

  • Teachers, Education Coordinators, Disabilities Coordinators, Health Coordinators, Cooks, Bus Drivers, and Family Services Coordinators review all files and/or documents weekly, following the weekly or bi-weekly Monitoring Checklists.
  • If any work is incomplete, they plan for correction within five (5) days and make the corrections.
  • Education Coordinators, Family Services Coordinators, Health Services Coordinators, Directors, and Teachers review all the files or documentation for the Monthly Monitoring Checklists.
  • If any work is incomplete, they make a plan for finishing it within one week.

Level 2

The supervisor of each Level 1 person above reviews 50% of the files and documents, using the Weekly or Bi-Weekly Monitoring Checklist and the Monthly Monitoring Checklist, and also notes the effectiveness of Level 1 monitoring.

If the supervisor finds any incomplete items, she helps the staff-person plan to correct the situation within one week, and to improve monitoring practices.

Level 3

A grantee manager reviews 25% of the files using the same checklist, including the monitoring results of the first two levels and any corrective action plans. She works with delegate staff to correct any findings. The manager analyzes compliance issues to determine whether there is a need to adjust procedures or systems.


  • Education coordinators observe teachers and assistant teachers in classrooms once every month, using the Creative Curriculum classroom observation form and CLASS. They provide feedback on observations and identify areas that require support.
  • The grantee education manager observes all classrooms during site visits, giving special attention to items with low observation ratings. She discusses, with delegate staff, any problems of implementation and works with them to resolve them.
  • The health coordinator observes food preparation and one bus ride monthly, using the checklists.
  • The grantee health manager observes food preparation and one bus ride per season, and compares her findings with those of delegate staff. She gives input and works with delegate personnel to correct any non-compliance issues.

The delegate director observes one of the family service coordinator's home visits each month, completing the Home Visit Observation form. The grantee manager also observes a home visit, and with the FSC and director, develops a plan for any improvement needed.


At the bi-weekly team meeting, supervisors report on: monitoring results; improvements planned, and support or assistance needed. The director and coordinators discuss strategies for improvement, addressing personnel, budget, and other issues.

The director submits the Board and Policy Committee Report monthly to the two policy groups and the grantee office. The director reports non-compliance findings and the corrective action taken. Grantee staff sends a monthly summary of substantial monitoring findings to each delegate Board and Policy Committee.

Results of grantee monitoring are also reported to the DHS Advisory Board and Policy Council. In the case of a delegate with material findings, the grantee director will call a special meeting of the Board to advise them of the delegate's status.