Planning Procedures for Delegates and Grantees during July-August-September
Parent Committee:
Policy Committee:
Director trains Policy Committee on roles and responsibilities and budget.
Education Committee observes classrooms.
Board approves:
Board hires independent auditor. All review the self-assessment procedure.
Planning Procedures for Delegates and Grantees during October-November-December
Staff conducts Community Assessment
Policy Council:
Staff analyzes program outcomes. Staff reviews delegate audit reports.
All participate in annual state-wide planning meeting.
Staff writes and disseminates goals and objectives.
Budget committee meets to review delegate proposals, and determine funding levels.
Staff conducts Community Assessment.
Board., Policy Committee and Staff:
Delegate director submits to grantee:
Policy Committee reviews proposed budget for next year and directors submits to grantee office.
Planning Procedures for Delegates and Grantees during January-February-March
Grantee Board:
Staff revises plans, policies and procedures.
Policy Committee votes to approve or disapprove:
Staff submits funding application to Office of Head Start
Planning Procedure for Delegates and Grantees during April-May-June
DHS sends provider contracts.
Policy Council approves contract amendments.
P.C & Board:
Grant Dir. trains on function.
Board approves budget or program changes.
Policy Council approves budget or program changes.
Par. Comm. elects reps. to Policy Comm.
Personnel sub-committee screens, interviews and recommends candidates to Policy Committee.
Board approves or disapproves hiring.
NOTE: Policy Council and IDHS Board will approve personnel actions whenever necessary, at regular or special meetings. The Associate Director will inform DHS administrator, as necessary, of the Board's recommendation.
Policy Council and IDHS Board will meet as needed to approve or disapprove supplemental funding applications. The Associate Director will inform DHS administrator, as necessary, of the Board's recommendation.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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