01.01.01 - Program Design and Management Plan 1302.101


GOAL I: To govern the program in accordance with statutes, regulations, policies and procedures, with full participation by the governing body, parents, and other community representatives.

Objective IA: Establish and maintain a formal structure of shared governance through which parents can participate in policy-making or other decisions about the program.

IA, 1 Form a Policy Council at the grantee level with parent representatives from each delegate and partner. Delegate Director, FSW, PC, Grantee Director & FS Manager June-July
IA, 2 Establish a Policy Committee at each delegate agency, with representation from each site. Delegate Director FSW June -July
IA, 3 Organize a Parent Committee, comprised exclusively of the parents of children currently enrolled, for each site. Delegate Director,FSW, & Parents June-July

Objective I-B: Institute and follow procedures that ensure fair and consistent selection of policy group members. 

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
I-B, 1 Follow procedures for election of policy committee members.
I-B, 2 From Policy Committee, elect two representatives and two alternates to Policy Council.

Objective I-C: Enact procedures that ensure the ability of policy groups, governing bodies, and administrators to discharge their responsibilities properly and entirely. 

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
I-C, 1 Work in partnership with the Policy Committee to develop, approve, and submit to the board, the following procedures: Procedures for parent involvement and response to community and parent needs, ERSEA, funding applications and amendments, budget planning, by-laws, personnel policies, standards of conduct, criteria for employment and dismissal of staff. Delegate Director Board Within 30 days of opening
I-C, 2 With Policy Council, jointly develop, review, and approve procedures for parent involvement and response to community and parent needs, ERSEA, funding applications, and amendments, budget planning by-laws, personnel policies and decisions, standards of conduct, criteria for employment and dismissal of staff. Grantee Director & Delegate Director July
I-C, 3 Use the impasses procedures to resolve any disagreement between the Policy Committee and the Board. Delegate Policy Committee Board All year

Objective I-D: Policy groups directly perform required functions. 

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
I-D, 1 Enable Policy Committees to: Serve as a link to the Parent Committee, Board, and public and private agencies, and the community; inform parents of their rights and responsibilities; assist Parent Committee in planning program activities for parents; assist in recruiting volunteers; and work with the delegate to resolve community complaints. Del. DirectorPC, and FSW April - November
I-D, 2 Enable Policy Council to: Serve as a link to the grantee agency and to local parent groups; advise local groups on planning parent activities and parents' rights and responsibilities; and work with the grantee in resolving community complaints. Grantee Director,FSM, & Policy Council April - October
I-D, 3 Enable Parent Committee to: advise staff in developing local program activities; plan activities for parents and staff; and participate in the hiring of Head Start employees. Delegate Director, FSW, & PC April - October
I-D, 4 Follow written policies that define the roles and responsibilities of the members and that inform them of the management procedures and functions necessary to implement a high quality program; and must ensure that appropriate internal controls are established to safeguard federal funds in accordance with 45 CFR part 75. Grantee Director, Delegate Board, PC, & Director Year-round
I-D, 5 Jointly establish written procedures for resolving internal disputes. Delegate Director, PC, Grantee Director, & Policy Council August
I-D, 6 Arrange for annual training and technical assistance for Board, Policy Committee, and Policy Council to ensure they can understand the information they receive and effectively oversee and participate in the program. Del. Board, Del. Director, &Grantee Director June-July

GOAL II: To establish cohesive management systems that support continuous improvement and foster commitment to providing the highest level of service, in accordance with legislation, regulation, and policies.

OBJECTIVE II-A: Develop and implement an ongoing process of program planning that includes consultation with the Board, Policy Committee, staff, and with other community organizations. 

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
II-A, 1 Conduct an assessment of community strengths, needs, and resources. Del. Director, FSW, & Grantee Director Oct; Dec.
II-A, 2 Form long-range and short-term objectives that address the findings of the Community Assessment, are consistent with the philosophy of Head Start, and reflect the findings of the annual grantee self-assessment. Delegate Agency & Grantee Aency Oct; Dec.
II-A, 3 Develop written plans, with local options if needed, in each of the program areas. Grantee Staff Jan.- April
II-A, 4 Review, revise, and approve written plans. Grantee Staff & Policy Council Jan.- Mar.

OBJECTIVE II-B: Establish and implement systems to ensure timely and accurate provision of information to parents, policy groups, staff, and the general community.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
II-B, 1 Carry out effective 2-way communication between staff and parents on a regular basis. Delegate Director Year-round
II-B, 2 Provide the following information regularly to the Board and Policy Committee and DHS Board & Policy Council: Monthly expenditure reports, monthly financial reports including prior requests for line-item changes, enrollment, and attendance reports, program reports, annual independent audit report, IDHS audit report, grantee monitoring summary, annual self-assessment, annual community assessment and updates, communication from Secretary of U.S. DHHS. Del. Director, Grantee Staff (monitoring) & Auditor Monthly - 1 week before each mtg. & annually
(CA & audits, self-assess.)
II-B, 3 Institute mechanisms for regular communication among all staff. Delegate Director On-going
II-B, 4 Ensure that delegates receive all regulations, policies, and pertinent information on time. Grantee Director On-going
II-B, 5 Establish and maintain efficient record-keeping systems, and ensure confidentiality. Grantee Director On-going
II-B, 6 Establish and maintain efficient reporting systems. Grantee Director & Delegate Director On-going
II-B, 7 Conduct delegate self-assessments. Del. Director, PC Staff Aug. - Oct.
II-B, 8 Establish and implement procedures for ongoing monitoring of delegate agencies. Grantee Staff Apr. - Oct.
II-B, 9 Inform delegate agency boards of any findings in delegate agency operations. Grantee Staff Monthly
II-B, 10 Develop plans, including timetables, for addressing any identified problems. Delegate Director, Board Staff, Grantee Staff Parents, & Planning Comm. Oct. - Dec.

GOAL III: To employ, train, and support staff who are able to provide services which meet or exceed the HSPPS, for children and families in the program.

OBJECTIVE III-A: Formulate an organizational structure with clear lines of communication and supervision. 

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
III-A, 1 Provide sound and rational program management. Grantee Director & Delegate Director On-going
III-A, 2 Provide management of early childhood development and health services. Grantee E.C. , Educ. & Health Mgrs., and Delegate Educ. Coords. & Health workers. On-going
III-A, 2 Provide management of family and community partnerships, including parent activities. Grantee Director & Delegate FSW On-going
III-A, 2 Use job descriptions and specifications for consultants that contain the required qualifications for each position, and are approved by Policy Comm., Policy Council, and Boards. Grantee Staff & Delegate Director April-July
III-A, 2 Follow IMSHSP procedures for classroom staff. Delegate Director & Grantee E.C. Educ. Manager July
III-A, 2 Establish and enforce a code of conduct for all Head Start staff, consultants, and volunteers. Grantee Director &Delegate Director April &

OBJECTIVE III-B: Establish and implement a structured approach to staff training and development, and provide training to all program participants. 

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
III-B, 1 Provide and require attendance of delegate staff to grantee-wide pre-season training. Grantee Staff , Delegate Director, & Part. Director April - May
III-B, 2 Follow IMSHSP procedures for delegate pre-service training. Delegate Director May - July
III-B, 3 Follow IMSHSP procedures for staff development, including survey, individual plan, center staff development plan, and P.S. 20 plan. Delegate Director On-going
III-B, 4 Conduct performance evaluations for all staff, following IMSHSP procedures. Delegate Director & Supervisors Each season
III-B, 5 Provide monthly in-service training for teaching staff. Education Coordinators All season
III-B, 6 Orient volunteers Designated staff All season
III-B, 7 Offer training for delegate boards. Grantee Director & Delegate Board At least once per season

OBJECTIVE III-C: Attend to the good health of staff and volunteers. 

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
III-C, 1 Follow IMSHSP procedure for staff and volunteer health examinations. Delegate Director Staff Prior to opening
III-C-2 Make mental health information available to staff with concerns that may affect their job performance. Delegate Director & MH Coordinator or worker All season

GOAL IV: To maintain physical environments that support children's safety and learning.

OBJECTIVE IV-A: Arrange indoor and outdoor areas that support children's exploration, physical activity, and learning.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
IV-A, 1 Comply with Illinois Licensing Standards and Head Start Performance Standards in provision of minimum square footage, indoors and outdoors. Delegate Director & Education Coordinator On-going
IV-A, 2 Follow Curricula & IMSHSP procedures for room arrangement. Delegate Director & Education Coordinator April - Nov.

OBJECTIVE IV-B: Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children and staff.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
IV-B, 1 Provide for the maintenance, repair, safety, and security of all buildings, materials, and equipment. Delegate Director, Custodian, & Health Worker On-going
IV-B, 2 Assure an environment that is free of toxins. Delegate Director & Custodian On-going
IV-B, 3 Secure outdoor play areas. Delegate Director On-going
IV-B, 4 Conduct periodic safety inspections, according to IMSHSP procedures. Health Worker Periodically
IV-B, 5 Maintain a safe and effective heating and cooling system that is insulated to protect people from burns. Delegate Director & Custodian On-going
IV-B, 6 Follow IMSHSP procedures for fire safety. Delegate Director & Health Worker On-going
IV-B, 7 Furnish well-lit rooms with emergency lighting in case of power failure. Delegate Director On-going
IV-B, 8 Keep indoor and outdoor premises cleaned daily, and free of hazardous materials and conditions. Teachers & Custodians Daily
IV-B, 9 Ensure that interior and exterior paint is free of lead. Delegate Director On-going
IV-B, 10 Minimize the possibility of injury to children on playground equipment and surface. Delegate Director & Education Coordinator Yearly &
IV-B, 11 Cover all electrical outlets. Teachers & Health Worker On-going
IV-B, 12 Adapt windows and glass doors to prevent injury to children. Education Coordinator & Health Worker On-going
IV-B, 13 Use only approved drinking water. Delegate Director On-going
IV-B, 14 Maintain separate toilet facilities that are clean, adequate, and in good repair. Delegate Director & Custodian On-going
IV-B, 15 Dispose of garbage and trash in a sanitary manner (follow IMSHSP diapering procedures). Delegate Director,Teachers, & Custodian On-going
Iv-B, 16 Ensure safety of children with disabilities. Delegate Staff On-going

OBJECTIVE IV-C: Furnish and maintain an optimal amount and quality of children's materials and equipment.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Program Design & Management Plan)
IV-C, 1 Follow IMSHSP procedures for purchase, maintenance, and provision of materials, equipment, and natural elements for children. Delegate Director, Teachers, & Custodian On-going
IV-C, 2 Keep all children's materials clean, free of toxins, and in good condition. Delegate Education Coordinator, Teachers, & Custodian On-going
IV-C, 3 Supply firm mattresses for babies and avoid soft bedding in cribs. Delegate Education Coordinator & Teachers On-going