Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission
March 25, 2010
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Chicago Metropolis 2020
Chicago, Illinois
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 2:08 PM.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Esther Franco-Payne, Co-Chairman; Roseanna Ander, Co-Chairman; Debra Ferguson, Julie Biehl, Lisa Jacobs, George Timberlake.
Staff Present: Julie Stremlau
Guests: Andrea Durbin (Youth Network Council), Jim Bray (Metropolis 2020 / Models for Change), Gretchen Cusick (Chapin Hall), Liz Kooy (Juvenile Justice Initiative), Lindsay Bostwick (Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority) and Lisa Hampton (Illinois Department of Corrections)
Approval of Minutes
First meeting of this Committee, no minutes to review.
Discussion of Committee Charter
It was the consensus of the committee members that the attention and focus of this group's efforts be directed on other agenda items, at this time. The committee will prepare and submit its primary focus and goals to the IJJC Chairman for approval at a later date.
Review of Annual Report
The committee reviewed the draft 2009 Annual Report and agreed that it would be difficult for new Commissioners to supplement or edit a report of activities which took place prior to their appointments. However, there may be benefits to brief supplements which describe overall juvenile justice priorities and efforts of 2009, particularly those focusing on the Department of Juvenile Justice. Lisa Jacobs agreed to offer brief additions to the 2009 report to reflect work with and by DJJ for the consideration of the Commission.
With regard to the 2010 report, committee members agreed that it will be important to capture the wide range of juvenile justice policy, practice and programming efforts underway across the state and to utilize the report as a tool to communicate to decision-makers effectively about the Commission's priorities and recommendations. The group agreed that planning for the 2010 annual report needs to be a priority for future committee discussions.
SB 1725
The committee discussed the work done in 2009 to gather data for the SB1725 report, which requires:
Develop recommendations to ensure the effective reintegration of youth offenders into communities to which they are returning. The Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission, utilizing available information provided by the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Prisoner Review Board, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, and any other relevant State agency, shall develop by September 30, 2010, a report on juveniles who have been the subject of a parole revocation within the past year in Illinois. The report shall provide information on the number of youth confined in the Department of Juvenile Justice for revocation based on a technical parole violation, the length of time the youth spent on parole prior to the revocation, the nature of the committing offense that served as the basis for the original commitment, demographic information including age, race, sex, and zip code of the underlying offense and the conduct leading to revocation.
In addition, the Juvenile Justice Commission shall develop recommendations to: Develop a tracking system for quarterly statewide reports on youth released from IDJJ and recommend outcome measures of educational attainment, employment, homelessness, recidivism, and other appropriate measures that can be used to assess the performance of the State of Illinois in operating youth offender reentry programs.
Commissioners also noted that pending legislation (HB5914) would require the Commission to develop recommendations regarding due process protections during release decision-making processes, including parole and parole revocation proceedings. If this bill passes and is enacted in its current form, it would require similar analysis as the SB1725 report.
Julie Biehl indicated that her work on post-disposition and parole matters may equip her to guide this work effectively. She will talk with other Commissioners and staff who have worked on the SB1725 report to understand what has been done so far and what is needed to effectuate the goals of the legislation and the Commission in examining parole / post-dispositional issues.
FY11 Governor's Proposed Budget Review
Commissioners discussed the information available regarding the proposed State Fiscal Year 2011 budget and its impact upon programs serving juvenile-justice-system-involved and at-risk youth. The Commissioners also discussed what the role of the Commission could and should take in articulating the potentially devastating impact of these cuts to behavioral health, prevention and intervention services. Following detailed discussions, Roseanna Ander agreed to draft a concise statement to be issued on behalf of the Commission regarding the need to adequately support community-based services. Commissioners agreed that this communication should be different from those issued by other organizations and service providers in that the Commission does not have a fiscal stake in the discussions and thus can and should speak clearly on behalf of at-risk and system-involved youth, families and their communities.
Commissioners discussed the concepts behind a proposed "merger" of the Department of Juvenile Justice and the Department of Children and Family Services as well as the possible roles the Commission could play in analysis of this proposal. Following lengthy discussion, the group agreed that it seems most useful for the Commission to articulate the issues which must be addressed to improve juvenile corrections and meet the mission of the department, regardless of administrative structures in place. Commissioners agreed that articulating concerns, recommendations and principles would be both appropriate and important for the Commission, with its legislative charge to advise the Governor, General Assembly and other decision-makers.
Other Business
No other business.
Next Meeting
Unknown at this time. Time, date and location will be posted as necessary.
George Timberlake motioned to adjourn the meeting. Roseanna Ander seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 4:25 PM.