File a Charge

If you feel that you have been discriminated against, you have the right to file a charge. A written complaint must be filed: within 45 days with the IDHS Bureau of Civil Affairs (BCA); within 180 days with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Civil Rights or the U.S. Department of Agriculture; or within 300 days with the Illinois Department of Human Rights from the alleged action:

  1. Download and complete the Customer/Applicant Discrimination Claim Form (IL 444-4026) (pdf), Customer/Applicant Discrimination Claim Form Spanish (IL444-4026S) (pdf). This form is also available from your local DHS office, hospital, school, or facility.
  2. Send the written complaint to:
    • Chicago Address:
      401 South Clinton, 6th Floor
      Chicago, IL 60607
    • Springfield Address:
      100 South Grand Avenue East, 3rd Floor
      Springfield, IL 62762
    • Phone, Fax, and Email for both Springfield and Chicago:
      Phone: (217) 524-7068
      Fax: (217) 557-4191
    • NOTE: The preferable means for communicating with the Bureau of Civil Affairs is by emailing

Next Steps

What Happens After A Charge Is Filed?