WAG 06-26-06
Family Planning cases will be certified for a 12 month period. The first REDE for a Family Planning case is due 12 months from the calendar month in which the case is approved.
Family Planning redeterminations will only assess continued eligibility for Family Planning coverage, regardless if full medical was requested on initial application. Family Planning redetermination forms will be sent at the same time and using the same processes as other medical redeterminations. Only the questions relevant to the Family Planning program will be included on the redetermination form. The Family Planning program is eligible to be considered for Form A (ex-parte rede) to continue their FP benefits without manually completing a redetermination form.
If a redetermination is being completed on a full medical case and the individual opted in for Family Planning, they can cascade down and be evaluated for Family Planning if no longer eligible for medical programs. Customers may be eligible for auto-redetermination. Please see PM 19-02-04: Medical REDE in IES for more information.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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