Howe Developmental Center – GRF

FY11 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund
Howe Developmental Center & Community Transition Services

Staff (June 30th) GRF

FY10 Request FY10 Adj. FY10 EOY FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Staff (June 30th) 585.1 (585.1)

Staff (June 30th) GRF Descriptions

Description Amount
Headcount adjustment related to the re-alignment of staff from the closure of the Howe Developmental Center to other State Operated Developmental Centers (585.1)

Appropriations GRF

Appropriation Name FY10 Approp. FY10 Adj. FY10 Est. Exp. FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Howe Dev Ctr & Transition Services $32,382.2 ($2,284.2) $30,098.0 ($30,098.0)
Total Appropriation $32,382.2 ($2,284.2) $30,098.0 ($30,098.0)

FY10 Adjustments GRF

Adjustments Descrption Amount
Howe Dev Ctr & Transition Services FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings:Personal Services $1,874.5, and Social Security $143.4; Retirement ($4,302.1) ($2,284.2)

FY11 Adjustments GRF

Adjustments Description Amount
Howe Dev Ctr & Transition Services Costs associated with Personal Services and Fringes and Other Lines for the residents transferred to other State Operated Developmental Centers from the closure of the Howe Developmental Center ($30,098.0)