DD Grants & Program Support – All Funds & GRF

FY11 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds
Developmental Disabilities Grants and Program Support

Staff (June 30th) All Funds

FY10 Request FY10 Adj. FY10 EOY FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Staff (June 30th) 90.4 24.1 114.5 114.5

Staff (June 30th) All Funds Descriptions

Description Amount
Realignment of staff to central office from the Howe Closure. Staff added to provide quality assurance and support for additional community placements. 24.1

Appropriations All Funds

Appropriation Name FY10 Approp. FY10 Adj. FY10 Est. Exp. FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Personal Services $6,237.1 $20.5 $6,257.6 $2,191.6 $8,449.2
Social Security $477.1 $1.6 $478.7 $167.7 $646.4
Subtotal $6,714.2 $22.1 $6,736.3 $2,359.3 $9,095.6
Contractual $212.3 $212.3 $212.3
Travel $198.7 $198.7 $198.7
Commodities $20.0 $20.0 $20.0
Equipment $350.5 $350.5 $350.5
Telecommunications $79.0 $79.0 $79.0
Operation of Auto Equipment $22.7 $22.7 $22.7
Subtotal $883.2 $883.2 $883.2
DCFS CILAs $2,288.1 $2,288.1 $83.4 $2,371.5
DD Grants, PoC, & Long Term Care $976,392.0 ($380.3) $976,011.7 ($87,231.8) $888,779.9
Special Services $8,161.4 ($50.7) $8,110.7 $10.0 $8,120.7
Home & Community Based Waiver $490.2 ($160.8) $329.4 $139.4 $468.8
DD Transitions $23,480.2 $23,480.2 ($17,032.1) $6,448.1
Autism Research Checkoff $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
DD Purchase of Care $9,965.6 $9,965.6 $9,965.6
DD Grants & POC (DD Medicaid Trust Fund) $35,000.0 $35,000.0 $35,000.0
DD Long Term Care (Assessment Fund) $50,000.0 $50,000.0 $50,000.0
Payments to Provider for Care $34,450.0 $34,450.0 $34,450.0
Subtotal $1,140,327.5 ($591.8) $1,139,735.7 ($104,031.1) $1,035,704.6
Total Appropriation $1,147,924.9 ($569.7) $1,147,355.2 ($101,671.8) $1,045,683.4

FY10 Adjustments All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings $20.5
Social Security Fringe Benefits associated with Personal Services General Revenue Fund Reserve $1.6
DD Grants, PoC, & Long Term Care FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings - Personal Services ($67.5), Retirement ($117.2) and Social Security ($5.1); Operations cut associated with General Revenue Fund reserve ($190.5) ($380.3)
Special Services FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings - Personal Services ($9.3), Retirement ($40.7) and Social Security ($0.7) ($50.7)
Home & Community Based Waiver FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings - Personal Services ($110.0), Retirement ($42.4) and Social Security ($8.4) ($160.8)

FY11 Adjustments All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY10 COLA and funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $2,191.6
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% $167.7
DCFS CILAs Net increase to cover the additional costs above base spending for 93 DCFS transfers $83.4
DD Grants, PoC, & Long Term Care
  • DCFS CILA annualization $1,944.0, DCFS CILA appropriation realignment $2,501.9
  • CILA annualization $5,935.0,
  • Realignment of SODC CILAs to DD Grants & PoC $4,989.3,
  • Restoration of one-time shift off GRF $15,600.0,
  • Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY10 COLA and funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $67.5 and Social Security annualized at 7.6% $5.1; 1 1/2 month payment deferral on DD residential and day programs ($48,267.5),
  • Elimination of DD non-Medicaid grant programs ($28,224.3) Across the board 2.5% rate reduction ($25,899.3)
Special Services Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY10 COLA and funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $9.3, and Social Security annualized at 7.65% $0.7 $10.0
Home & Community Based Waiver Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY10 COLA and funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $129.5, and Social Security annualized at 7.65% $9.9 $139.4
DD Transitions Funding to support an additional 125 CILA transitions from SODCs $3,306.1 and realignment of ($4,989.3) for prior year CILA placements to DD Grants, PoC and LTC line, and ($15,349.1) realignment for Howe resident transitions ($17,032.1)

FY11 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund Developmental Disabilities Grants and Program Support

Staff (June 30th) GRF

FY10 Request FY10 Adj. FY10 EOY FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Staff (June 30th) 90.4 24.1 114.5 114.5

Staff (June 30th) GRF Descriptions

Description Amount
Realignment of staff to central office from the Howe Closure. Staff added to provide quality assurance and support for additional community placements. 24.1

Appropriations GRF

Appropriation Name FY10 Approp. FY10 Adj. FY10 Est. Exp. FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Personal Services $6,237.1 $20.5 $6,257.6 $2,191.6 $8,449.2
Social Security $477.1 $1.6 $478.7 $167.7 $646.4
Subtotal $6,714.2 $22.1 $6,736.3 $2,359.3 $9,095.6
Contractual $212.3 $212.3 $212.3
Travel $198.7 $198.7 $198.7
Commodities $20.0 $20.0 $20.0
Equipment $350.5 $350.5 $350.5
Telecommunications $79.0 $79.0 $79.0
Operation of Auto Equipment $22.7 $22.7 $22.7
Subtotal $883.2 $883.2 $883.2
DCFS CILAs $2,288.1 $2,288.1 $83.4 $2,371.5
DD Grants, PoC, and Long Term Care $976,392.0 ($380.3) $976,011.7 ($87,231.8) $888,779.9
Special Services $8,161.4 ($50.7) $8,110.7 $10.0 $8,120.7
Home & Community Based Waiver $490.2 ($160.8) $329.4 $139.4 $468.8
DD Transitions $23,480.2 $23,480.2 ($17,032.1) $6,448.1
Subtotal $1,010,811.9 ($591.8) $1,010,220.1 ($104,031.1) $906,189.0
Total Appropriation $1,018,409.3 ($569.7) $1,017,839.6 ($101,671.8) $916,167.8

FY10 Adjustments GRF

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings $20.5
Social Security Fringe Benefits associated with Personal Services General Revenue Fund Reserve $1.6
DD Grants, PoC, and Long Term Care FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings - Personal Services ($67.5), Retirement ($117.2) and Social Security ($5.1); Operations cut associated with General Revenue Fund reserve ($190.5) ($380.3)
Special Services FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings - Personal Services ($9.3), Retirement ($40.7) and Social Security ($0.7) ($50.7)
Home & Community Based Waiver FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings - Personal Services ($110.0), Retirement ($42.4) and Social Security ($8.4) ($160.8)

FY11 Adjustments GRF

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY10 COLA and funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $2,191.6
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% $167.7
DCFS CILA's Net increase to cover the additional costs above base spending for 93 DCFS transfers $83.4
DD Grants, PoC, and Long Term Care
  • DCFS CILA annualization $1,944.0, DCFS CILA appropriation realignment $2,501.9
  • CILA annualization $5,935.0, Realignment of SODC CILAs to DD Grants & PoC $4,989.3,
  • Restoration of one-time shift off GRF $15,600.0,
  • Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY10 COLA and funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $67.5 and Social Security annualized at 7.6% $5.1;
  • Extend DD LTC payment cycle ($15,883.5)
  • 1 1/2 month payment deferral on DD residential and day programs ($48,267.5),
  • Elimination of DD non-Medicaid grant programs ($28,224.3)
  • Across the board 2.5% rate reduction ($25,899.3)
Home & Community Based Waiver Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY10 COLA and funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $129.5, and Social Security annualized at 7.65% $9.9 $139.4
DD Transitions Funding to support an additional 125 CILA transitions from SODCs $3,306.1 and realignment of ($4,989.3) for prior year CILA placements to DD Grants, PoC and LTC line, and ($15,349.1) realignment for Howe resident transitions ($17,032.1)