Admin & Program Support All Funds & GRF

FY11 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds
Administration & Program Support

Staff (June 30th) All Funds

FY10 Request FY10 Adj. FY10 EOY FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Staff (June 30th) 545.0 (1.0) 544.0 22.0 566.0

Staff (June 30th) All Funds Descriptions

Description Amount
  • FY10 headcount reduction due to elimination of vacancies - (2.0); reduction through layoff process - (11.0); Fletcher arbitration to convert contractual staff to FTEs - 5.0
  • Headcount increase to 921 Fund - 7.0
  • FY11 increase for 6 FTEs related to Printing Consolidation and 16 FTEs for Internal
  • Auditors as a result of Senate Bill 51

Appropriations All Funds

Appropriation Name FY10 Approp. FY10 Adj. FY10 Est. Exp. FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Personal Services $29,121.2 ($2,632.3) $26,488.9 $4,536.3 $31,025.2
Retirement $1,584.8 $1,584.8 $168.2 $1,753.0
Social Security $2,227.7 ($201.3) $2,026.4 $347.0 $2,373.4
Group Insurance $1,637.7 $1,637.7 $1,637.7
Subtotal $34,571.4 ($2,833.6) $31,737.8 $5,051.5 $36,789.3
Contractual $4,969.0 $4,969.0 ($329.1) $4,639.9
Contractual - Leases Property Mgmt $56,239.4 $56,239.4 $56,239.4
Contractual - PIO Mgmt $272.0 $272.0 $272.0
Contractual - Graphic Design Mgmt $93.1 $93.1 $93.1
Travel $477.5 $477.5 $40.0 $517.5
Commodities $1,613.8 $1,613.8 $8.0 $1,621.8
Printing $1,068.9 $1,068.9 $4.8 $1,073.7
Equipment $419.8 $419.8 $35.2 $455.0
Telecommunications $1,739.3 $1,739.3 $26.8 $1,766.1
Op of Automotive $254.0 $254.0 $254.0
Behavioral Health Special Projects $3,000.0 $3,000.0 $3,000.0
Health Insurance Portability $400.0 ($400.0)
Indirect Cost Principles/Interfund Transfers $3,226.8 ($226.8) $3,000.0 $3,000.0
HCD & SOF Headcount $3,490.8 ($3,490.8)
Energy Conservation & Efficiency Program $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $1,000.0
DHS Recoveries Trust $7,468.7 $7,468.7 $671.4 $8,140.1
Misc Permanent Improvements $3,669.7 ($2,000.0) $1,669.7 $1,669.7
Private Resources $150.0 $150.0 $150.0
Refunds $679.1 $679.1 $0.0 $679.1
Support Service InService Training $383.8 $383.8 $383.8
Tort Claims $110.0 $110.0 $3,000.0 $3,110.0
Tort Claims Employees $12.2 $12.2 $12.2
Non PS&F Subtotal $90,737.9 ($6,117.6) $84,620.3 $3,457.1 $88,077.4
Assets for Independence $2,218.1 $2,218.1 $2,218.1
Neighborhood Stabilization Program $53,113.1 $53,113.1 $53,113.1
Open Door Project $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Grant Subtotal $55,431.2 $55,431.2 $55,431.2
Total Appropriation $180,740.5 ($8,951.2) $171,789.3 $8,508.6 $180,297.9

FY10 Adjustments All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings ($2,632.3)
Social Security Fringe Benefits associated with Personal Services General Revenue Fund Reserve ($201.3)
Non PS&F Subtotal Cuts associated with General Revenue Fund Reserve ($6,117.6)

FY11 Adjustments All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization of FY10 COLA and funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees -$3,072.8 Fletcher $284.1; Printing Consolidation $263.1; Internal Auditors $916.3 $4,536.3
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 30.253% $168.2
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% - $235.1; Fletcher - $21.7; Printing Consolidation - $20.1; Internal Auditors - $70.1 $347.0
Contractual Contractual Services related to addition of Internal Auditors - $20.9K;Savings from contractual services relating to Lease Consolidations - ($350.0) ($329.1)
Travel Travel costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $40.0
Commodities Commodities costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $8.0
Printing Printing costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $4.8
Equipment Equipment costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $35.2
Telecommunications Telecommunications costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $26.8
DHS Recoveries Trust Personal Services Pricing Adjustments, including annualization of FY10 COLA and funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $400.0,annualized cost of Retirement at 30.253% - $177.8; annualized cost of Social Security at 7.65% - $27.8; annualized cost of Group Insurance - $65.8 $671.4
Tort of Claims Tort Contingency $3,000.0

FY11 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund
Administration & Program Support

Staff (June 30th) GRF

FY10 Request FY10 Adj. FY10 EOY FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Staff (June 30th) 372.0 (6.0) 366.0 22.0 388.0

Staff (June 30th) GRF Descriptions

Description Amount
  • FY10 headcount reduction due to elimination of vacancies - (2.0); reduction through layoff process - (11.0); Fletcher arbitration to convert contractual staff to FTEs - 5.0
  • Headcount shift of Attorney General Representation staff from other funds to General Revenue - 2.0
  • FY11 increase for 6 FTEs related to Printing Consolidation and 16 FTEs for Internal Auditors as a result of Senate Bill 51

Appropriations GRF

Appropriation Name FY10 Approp. FY10 Adj. FY10 Est. Exp. FY11 Adj. FY11 Request
Personal Services $23,536.4 ($2,632.3) $20,904.1 $4,326.7 $25,230.8
Social Security $1,800.5 ($201.3) $1,599.2 $330.9 $1,930.1
Group Insurance
Subtotal $25,336.9 ($2,833.6) $22,503.3 $4,657.6 $27,160.9
Contractual $3,638.0 $3,638.0 ($329.1) $3,308.9
Contractual - Leases Property Mgmt $45,995.5 $45,995.5 $45,995.5
Contractual - PIO Mgmt $272.0 $272.0 $272.0
Contractual - Graphic Design Mgmt $93.1 $93.1 $93.1
Travel $341.5 $341.5 $40.0 $381.5
Commodities $1,477.3 $1,477.3 $8.0 $1,485.3
Printing $1,031.9 $1,031.9 $4.8 $1,036.7
Equipment $221.2 $221.2 $35.2 $256.4
Telecommunications $1,512.8 $1,512.8 $26.8 $1,539.6
Op of Automotive $225.5 $225.5 $225.5
HCD & SOF Headcount $3,490.8 ($3,490.8)
Health Insurance Portability $400.0 ($400.0)
Indirect Cost Principles/Interfund Transfers $3,226.8 ($226.8) $3,000.0 $3,000.0
Misc Permanent Improvements $3,669.7 ($2,000.0) $1,669.7 $1,669.7
Refunds - General Revenue Fund $8.7 $8.7 $8.7
Support Service In-Service Training $17.1 $17.1 $17.1
Tort Claims $100.0 $100.0 $3,000.0 $3,100.0
Tort Claims Employees $12.2 $12.2 $12.2
Non PS&F Subtotal $65,734.1 ($6,117.6) $59,616.5 $2,785.7 $62,402.2
Assets for Independence $218.1 $218.1 $218.1
Grant Subtotal $218.1 $218.1 $218.1
Total Appropriation $91,289.1 ($8,951.2) $82,337.9 $7,443.3 $89,781.2

FY10 Adjustments GRF

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services FY10 General Revenue Fund Reserve based on EOY projected spending, which may include layoffs, attrition, elimination of vacant positions, and furlough savings ($2,632.3)
Social Security Fringe Benefits associated with Personal Services General Revenue Fund Reserve ($201.3)
Non PS&F Subtotal Cuts associated with General Revenue Fund Reserve ($6,117.6)

FY11 Adjustments GRF

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization of FY10 COLAand funding for FY11 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees -$ 2,863.2; Fletcher $284.1; Printing Consolidation $263.1; Internal Auditors $916.3 $4,326.7
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% - $219.0; Fletcher - $21.7; $330.9
Printing Consolidation - $20.1; Internal Auditors - $70.1
Contractual Contractual Services related to addition of Internal Auditors - $20.9K; Savings from contractual services relating to Lease Consolidations - ($350.0) ($329.1)
Travel Travel costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $40.0
Commodities Commodities costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $8.0
Printing Printing costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $4.8
Equipment Equipment costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $35.2
Telecommunications Telecommunications costs associated with addition of Internal Auditors $26.8
Tort of Claims Tort Contingency $3,000.0