Rule 89-113

Proposed Rule/Public Act

Agency Name Department of Human Services
Contact Person Nancy Crossman
Address 100 South Gand Avenue East
3rd Floor
Springfield, IL 62762
Phone (217) 782-1239
Fax (217) 557-0473
Heading of the Part/Public Act Aid to the Aged, Blind or Disabled
Admin Code Citation/Public Act Number 89 Ill. Adm. Code 113
Section Numbers 113.160, 113.253, and 113.260
Illinois Register Citation (Page Number & Publication Date) 31 Ill. Reg. 2713; February 16, 2007
Type of Rule (New/Emergency/Amended) Amended
Type of Impact (Reporting/Cost, Fee/Education, Credit/Other) Reporting
Business or Industry Type Affected Sheltered Care Homes
Effective Date January 2007

Plain Language Explanation

A grant adjustment is an allowance for Aged, Blind or Disabled cases that ensure that the amount of the SSA/SSI increase is available to clients. This rule making increases the AABD Grant Adjustment and Sheltered Care/Personal or Nursing Care rates by $20.00, the amount of the January 2007 SSA/SSI benefit increase.


Members of the public may submit comments to the agency contact listed above. Comments should be submitted within 45-days of publication in the Illinois Register.

Public Hearing Location

Not appliciable.

Advisory Opinion

Not applicable.