Behavior Intervention and Treatment Services - Developmental Disabilities

What is it? 

Behavior intervention and treatment must be:

  • Based on behavior assessments documenting the ongoing need for the service.
  • Included in the Developmental Disabilities Waiver participant's Personal plan.

How Do I enroll as a new Behavior Intervention and Treatment Provider? 

Enrollment instructions are provided based on the provider's credentials. 

  1. Behavior Intervention Services - Level 1

    1. Board Certified Behavior Analyst
    2. Licensed Clinical Psychologist
  2. Behavior Intervention Services - Level 2

    1. Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst 
    2. Behavior Therapist

I am an enrolled Behavior Intervention and Treatment provider, but I need to update my enrollment?

Providers can update their IMPACT enrollment information by submitting an Enrollment Modification Request. Please see the Enrollment Modification Request PowerPoint Presentation for guidance.  Email when the modification request is ready for State review.

  1. I am working for a new company or individual sole proprietor
    • Ask the company or individual sole proprietor for their National Provider Identifier or IMPACT Provider ID
    • Associate Billing provider: Click the Add button and select NPI or Provider ID based on the information provided to you.  Click the Confirm button and Billing Provider's Name will populate.  Click OK button.
  2. I passed my board exams and I am now a Board Certified Associate Behavior Analyst or a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
    • Email a copy of your BCaBA or BCBA certificate or ID card.  Then submit a modification request to:
      • Add Specialty: Click the Add button and enter the correct specialty. Click the "OK" button.  Then click on the Primary Specialty button and change the primary specialty. You do not need to enter a Start Date or End Date.
      • Add License/Certification/Other: Click the Add button, selecting the correct License/Certification Type, entering the Certificate number, Effective Date and End Date. Click the Confirm License/Certification/Other button, then the Ok button. 
  3. My BCBA or BCaBA certificate has been renewed
    • Email a copy of your BCaBA or BCBA certificate or ID card.  Then submit a modification request - Add License/Certification/Other: Click the Add button , selecting the correct License/Certification Type, entering the Certificate number and the new Effective Date and End Date. Click the "Confirm License/Certification/Other button, then the Ok button.
  4. I need to change my applicant type from Rendering/Servicing Only to Individual Sole Proprietor to have access to the ROCS billing software. 
    • Contact the IMPACT Help Desk for assistance.  You will be required to submit an IRS W-9 to the help desk.  When the IRS W-9 has been approved, the IMPACT Help Desk will change your applicant type. Complete the additional steps required for individual sole proprietors and email to request copies of the forms required to be granted access to the ROCS electronic billing software. 

IMPORTANT UPDATE to Coverage of Adaptive Behavior Support Services for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder:

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services issued a Provider Notice on 9/30/21 notifying Medical Assistance providers of an update in coverage of Adaptive Behavior Supports (ABS) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  This coverage is for children with Medicaid Medical benefits.  PLEASE NOTE: DHS, Division of Developmental Disabilities does not operate this program and is unable to answer questions about this service. 

 ABS Technical Assistance and Support

Questions regarding ABS service coverage, prior authorization, and billing requirements for managed care enrolled customers should be directed to the appropriate HealthChoice Illinois MCO.