Supported Employment

What is it?

The supported employment program provides supports and services to individuals with developmental disabilities.  These individuals work for compensation in a variety of community-integrated work environments, in which persons without disabilities are also employed. The program is designed to promote regular interaction with persons without disabilities who are not paid care givers or service providers.

How Do I become A Provider?

1.  You must be in compliance with:

  1. You must be an agency that meets the Department of Human Services (DHS) contractual requirements as outlined in the Developmental Disabilities CSA Attachment A.
  2. You must be in compliance with 59 Ill. Adm. Code 120 (Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver Programs for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities). The Provider must provide services to persons with developmental disabilities pursuant to this rule, the Division's Information Bulletin, the Division's IDHS: Quality Assurance Review Tools ( and the Waiver Manual.
  3. The Provider agrees to provide flexible hours of service to permit full or partial shift work, work on weekends, and work at night or evenings.
  4. Supported Employment services shall be delivered in integrated work settings. There must be interaction with co-workers without disabilities and the public. The amount of integration should be the same as that for individuals without disabilities in comparable jobs.
  5. Providers of SEP services shall ensure individuals enrolled in SEP do not receive funding from the DHS Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) Waiver Programs or the Department on Aging Community Care or Adult Day Care Services, except Vocational Rehabilitation, without approval from the Division.

How Do I Become A Provider?

  1. Submit Enrollment documents to Developmental Disabilities Provider Enrollment:
    • Department of Human Services
      Division of Developmental Disabilities
      600 East Ash, Building 400, Mail Stop 3S
      Springfield, IL 62703
      Attention: Provider Enrollment
      1. Typed Cover Letter - The cover letter must include the legal name and tax identification number of the organization, a brief description of services the organization will be providing and the executive director's or owner's contact name and contact information.
      2. IRS W-9 (pdf)  Please review the IRS Guidelines  to ensure that your W-9 is completed correctly.  Incorrectly completed W-9s may result in significant delays in the enrollment process.  Please note that some business entities may be required to submit additional documentation to verify the tax classification.
  2. Submit a Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver application in the IMPACT provider enrollment system
  1. You, the person sitting at the computer, must create a State of Illinois | HFS IMPACT: Home and apply for approval of a Single Sign-On ID.  Please use the Single Sign-On ID PowerPoint Presentation on the Presentations and Materials | HFS ( page as a guide.
  2. When the Single Sign-On ID has been approved, return to the State of Illinois | HFS IMPACT: Home and log into your account.  An IMPACT blue hyperlink will now be available on your IMPACT home page located under the 4 green boxes.  Click on the IMPACT hyperlink to access the Provider Enrollment System. 
  3. On the next screen, click on NEW ENROLLMENT.
  4.  Select the Enrollment Type:  Atypical Agency.  Use the Atypical Agency PowerPoint Presentation  found on the Presentations and Materials | HFS ( page as a guide.   The information listed below must be added to the IMPACT application:
  • Add Specialty:  Social Services; Supported Employment; No Subspecialty
  • Associate Billing Agent:  DDD Billing Agent ID number 7094638;
  • Associate Billing Provider:  DDD Billing Agent ID Number 7094718

5.  Email when the application has been submitted and is ready for State review.

6.  The IMPACT system will send you an email notification when your IMPACT application has been approved. 

7.  Contact the ROCS helpdesk for Technical Support.

Important Resources for Program Requirements