Teen Reach Marketing Plan

Illinois Department of Human Services
Bureau of Youth Intervention Services

Teen REACH Policy & Procedure Manual

Section 9.0  Appendices & Forms

Revised Date:  July 2013

Teen REACH Marketing Plan

  1. To increase name recognition of Teen REACH in Kankakee County.
  2. To maintain and/or increase participation of targeted youth in Kankakee County.
  3. To increase volunteer mentor participation in the Teen REACH program.
  1. To promote Teen REACH through free TV, radio, and local newspaper.
  2. To distribute promotional materials to individuals, businesses, agencies, congregations, parents, youth.
  3. To promote Teen REACH through business partnerships.
  1. Send regular press releases to TV, radio, and newspapers.
  2. Record regular public service announcements on TV and radio- use youth and parents as spokespersons.
  3. Send regular public service information to cable access station (channel 04).
  4. Send story articles to school papers.
  5. Create flyers to post in schools, grocery store, bowling alleys, agencies, etc.
  6. Create information packets for teachers and PTA's.
  7. Look for business partners to include Teen REACH in programs and sponsor ads.
  8. Update promotional materials as needed.
  9. Create information packets for referral sources and youth agencies.

Links & Resources

Program administration and reporting forms, individual file forms, and general program information and resources, are available by calling the Bureau of Youth Intervention Services, Teen REACH at (217) 557-2109 and/or on the DHS Website at www.dhs.state.il.us.