January 10, 2008 - Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention Meeting Report


Open to public


January 10, 2008

10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Crowne Plaza ~ Springfield, Illinois

Meeting Report


  • Diane Blythe, parent, Crystal Lake 
  • Gerri Clark, Division of Specialized Care for Children
  • Sheena Coleman, parent, Naperville
  • Bob Cammarata, ICG Health Care Services
  • Janet Gully, DHS, Bureau of Early Intervention
  • Beatrice Nichols, IICEI Chairperson, Head Start
  • Mary Peterson, DFPR, Division of Insurance
  • Karrie Potter, parent, Neoga
  • Deanna Pratcher, parent, Thonton
  • Dorelia Rivera-Martinez, Melrose Park
  • David Rubovits, PhD, Jewish Child and Family Services
  • Sandy Ryan, IL Council on Developmental Disabilities 
  • Kathy Schrock, Easter Seals DuPage and Fox Valley 
  • Connie Sims, DHS, Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Myrtis Sullivan, DHS, Division of Community Health and Prevention
  • Gail Tanner, IL Department of Public Health
  • Therese Wehman, Elmhurst College

Did Not Attend

  • Andria Goss, IL Department of Children and Family Services 
  • Representative Julie Hamos 
  • Kay Henderson, IL State Board of Education 
  • Linda Saterfield, DHS, Bureau of Child Care and Development 
  • Deborah Saunders, IL Dept of Healthcare and Family Services 

Contents of Council Packet

  • Agenda
  • Lead Agency Report - January 10, 2008
  • Draft Annual Performance Report
  • Service Delay Report - November 2007
  • Statewide Statistical Report
  • Other handouts
    • Council Functioning, Work Groups, Decision Making
    • Monthly Early Intervention Statistical Report
    • Draft Proposed Meeting Dates
    • Council List
    • CFC List
    • Various handouts for presentations

I. Call to Order

Beatrice Nichols, the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention (IICEI) chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.

II. Introduction of Council Members

Each council member introduced himself/herself.

III. Lead Agency report

Janet Gully reviewed the information presented in the Council Functioning, Work Groups, Decision Making document. She asked council members to notify her if conflict of interest issues arise as part of their council work. A member should recluse himself/ herself from voting on an issue that may be a conflict of interest. Janet will inform the council's ethics officer of identified conflicts. The council's executive committee includes the Part C coordinator, the council chairperson, a representative for each of the following: parents, state agencies, and providers, and the chairperson for each work group. It was clarified that the council provides advice and recommendations to the lead agency.

Nyle Robinson provided a review of Caseload Summary Report, included in the Lead Agency report. He gave information about the history and current status of several data items. He also reviewed financial news for the program, including the source and amount of funding that enter the Early Intervention revolving fund and the timing of deposits to the fund. He explained the potential risk of delays in payments during the early part of fiscal year 2009. Mr. Robinson also explain the negative impact federal interim formal rule may have in 2010 on the program's ability to claim reimbursement for service coordination. It was suggested that financial news be reviewed at each council meeting.

IV. An update was provided on each of the following Early Intervention service system components

  • Credentialing
  • Central Billing Office (CBO)
  • Training
  • Early Childhood Intervention Clearinghouse
  • Hearing and Vision Connections
  • Monitoring

V. Annual Performance Report (APR)

Janet Gully explained that the Illinois APR will be submitted on February 1 and posted on the Early Intervention web site for a 60-day public comment period. Council members were asked to forward their comments to the draft APR document by January 18, 2008. They may also comment during the public comment period. The program will review public comments and respond to them. The comments and responses will then be forwarded to the Office of Special Education Services (OSEP).

Nyle Robinson reviewed data provided in the draft report and highlighted two areas of the report in which the need for a council work group is identified (i.e., service delays and transition).

VI. New Business

No topics for new business were identified.

VII. Work Groups

Three council work groups were formed. Council members were asked to volunteer to participate in a work group.

Finance Workgroup

To keep informed on financial issues for Early Intervention and to identify strategies that could help impact them.

  • Kathy Schrock, Chairperson
  • Dorelia Rivera-Martinez
  • Bob Cammarata
  • Sheena Coleman
  • Deanna Pratcher
  • Beatrice Nichols

Transition Workgroup

To review current strategies for improving transition data and determine if there are other strategies that will assist Illinois in meeting the required 100 percent target.

  • Deanna Pratcher, Chairperson
  • Karrie Potter
  • Dorelia Rivera-Martinez
  • Sandy Ryan
  • Connie Sims

Service Delay Workgroup

As defined under Indicator 1 in the Illinois APR, the Service Delay work group will be formed to address the following problems: the systemic problems in areas found in non-compliance, how to respond to demand in rural areas, the expectations on both CFCs and the Bureau of Early Intervention for addressing service delays, and the potential use of incentives and penalties to improved compliance.

  • Bob Cammarata, Chairperson
  • David Rubovits, Ph.D.
  • Therese Wehman
  • Deanna Pratcher
  • Gail Tanner

Janet will request participation on work groups by providers and CFC managers.

VIII. Other issues and adjournment

  • Council members were asked to review the council membership list and identify any of his/her information that needs to be changed/deleted prior to posting on the Early Intervention web site. An E-mail will be sent to Council members with this request.
  • The frequency and location of council meetings were discussed. Quarterly meeting dates have been identified. The next meeting will be held in Tinley Park.
  • The scheduling of a council retreat will be considered.
  • The need for public comment as part of the council agenda was discussed. The council will continue to request public comment during its meetings.
  • The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.