VI. The Process for Changing the YouthBuild Model or Requirements

The YouthBuild USA Affiliated Network Policy Council will review the program standards every four years or as needed. It will consider proposals from local programs or from the National Directors Council, Young Leaders Council, YouthBuild National Alumni Council, state YouthBuild coalitions, or YouthBuild USA staff or board of directors regarding any type of change in basic definition, the required and recommended components and actions, qualities, program or performance standards, or explicit philosophy guiding YouthBuild programs. In some cases it will be clear that the proposal should be simply accepted or rejected; in some cases thorough discussion in the councils will be needed; in others the resolution of the question will require further testing, observation of results, and a later report back to the Policy Council. In some cases funding will be needed to do the explo-ration. If the Policy Council recommends that funds be provided, YouthBuild USA will endeavor to raise the funds.

The YouthBuild USA Affiliated Network Policy Council will include the following members:

  • The YouthBuild USA president, who will chair the council
  • The chief operating officer of YouthBuild USA plus three other staff with different roles, to be appointed by the president
  • Five directors from affiliated YouthBuild sites elected by the National Directors Council. One director shall be the president of the National Directors Association.
  • Three young people elected by the Young Leaders Council. One shall be the president of the Young Leaders Council. They must be current students or completers of YouthBuild programs, and either in good standing at their sites, currently employed, or in school.
  • Two YouthBuild program alumni. One shall be the president of the YouthBuild National Alumni Council.

Recommendations for changes will be made by the Policy Council to the YouthBuild USA Board of Directors.