Community Health & Prevention All Funds & GRF

FY10 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds
Community Health & Prevention

FY09 Request FY09 Adj. FY09 EOY FY10 Adj. FY10 Request
Staff (June 30th) 182.0 (14.2) 167.8 167.8

Staff (June 30th) All Funds

Description Amount
Reduction from FY09 Headcount Request associated with changes due to Legislative Reductions, Line Item Vetoes, and FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve; Reduction accomplished through attrition and elimination of vacant positions. (14.2)

Appropriations All Funds

Appropriation Name FY09 Approp. FY09 Adj. FY09 Est. Exp. FY10 Adj. FY10 Request
Personal Services $3,324.8 ($568.6) $2,756.2 $394.2 $3,150.4
Retirement $591.7 $591.7 ($234.2) $357.5
Social Security $254.4 ($43.5) $210.9 $30.1 $241.0
Subtotal $4,170.9 ($612.1) $3,558.8 $190.1 $3,748.9
Contractual $122.8 ($3.8) $119.0 $119.0
Travel $120.8 ($3.7) $117.1 $117.1
Commodities $18.8 ($0.6) $18.2 $18.2
Equipment $31.8 ($21.8) $10.0 $10.0
Telecommunications $42.3 ($1.3) $41.0 $41.0
Prevention Health Programs- $55.0 $55.0 ($55.0)
Project Cornerstone $774.8 ($28.3) $746.5 $16.9 $763.4
Public Health Programs $3,835.1 $3,835.1 $3,835.1
Maternal/Child Health Prog $4,223.3 $4,223.3 $4,223.3
Public Health Programs $368.0 $368.0 $368.0
WIC Program $16,666.9 $16,666.9 $16,666.9
Subtotal $26,259.6 ($59.5) $26,200.1 ($38.1) $26,162.0
Administrative WIC Nutrition $52,000.0 $52,000.0 $52,000.0
Chicago DPH Maternal Child Ser $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
Cicero Memory Bridge $750.0 $750.0 ($750.0)
Chicago Area Project $1,960.0 $1,960.0 ($1,960.0)
Coalition F/Tech Assist-Child $250.0 $250.0 $250.0
Community Grants $5,698.1 $5,698.1 $5,698.1
Diabetes Research Checkoff $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Family Planning Contraceptive $965.8 ($49.7) $916.1 ($96.0) $820.1
Family Planning Prog X $8,000.0 $8,000.0 $1,000.0 $9,000.0
Farmer's Market Nutrition $1,500.0 $1,500.0 $1,500.0
Federal Healthy Start Prog $4,000.0 $4,000.0 $4,000.0
For Children's Health Programs $2,118.5 $2,118.5 $2,118.5
Health Care System DCFS Wards $2,361.4 $2,361.4 $2,361.4
Infant Mortality $44,725.9 ($2,254.1) $42,471.8 $42,471.8
Intensive Prenatal Perform Pro $5,047.0 ($254.3) $4,792.7 ($504.7) $4,288.0
Maternal & Child Special Proj $2,300.0 $2,300.0 $2,300.0
Maternal Child Health Prog $8,465.2 $8,465.2 $8,465.2
Public Health Programs $2,830.0 $2,830.0 $2,830.0
Rape Victims Prevention Act 87 $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Rape Victims/Prevention Act $5,810.8 $5,810.8 ($581.0) $5,229.8
Supportive Food Prog WIC $1,400.0 $1,400.0 $1,400.0
Youth Programs $18,732.5 ($577.0) $18,155.5 ($1,873.0) $16,282.5
Free Distribution Food Supplement $226,000.0 $226,000.0 $25,000.0 $251,000.0
WIC Program Stimulus $25,000.0 $25,000.0
UofI Special Care for Children $7,800.0 $7,800.0 $7,800.0
Abstinence Education Prog $2,500.0 $2,500.0 $2,500.0
Community Activities $12,969.9 $12,969.9 $12,969.9
Domestic Violence Programs $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Domestic Violence Shelters $21,591.0 ($236.6) $21,354.4 $21,354.4
Domestic Violence Shelters $952.2 $952.2 $952.2
Family Violence Programs $4,977.5 $4,977.5 $4,977.5
Healthy Families $11,247.8 $11,247.8 ($1,124.8) $10,123.0
Rape Prevention Education $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Sexual Assault Services $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Teen Parents Services $7,020.6 ($358.9) $6,661.7 ($702.6) $5,959.1
Infant Mortality (678) $912.8 $912.8 $912.8
Intensive Prenatal Perform Pro (678) $103.0 $103.0 $103.0
Family Planning Contraceptive (678) $19.7 $19.7 $19.7
Domestic Violence Shelters (678) $236.6 $236.6 $236.6
Teen Parents Services (678) $143.3 $143.3 $143.3
Subtotal $472,189.6 ($3,730.6) $468,459.0 $43,407.9 $511,866.9
Total Appropriation $502,620.1 ($4,402.2) $498,217.9 $43,559.9 $541,777.8

FY09 Adjustments All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve accomplished through attrition and elimination of vacant positions ($568.6)
Social Security Fringe Benefits associated with Personal Services General Revenue Fund Reserve ($43.5)
Contractual FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($3.8)
Travel FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($3.7)
Commodities FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($0.6)
Equipment FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($21.8)
Telecommunications FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($1.3)
Project Cornerstone FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($28.3)
Family Planning Contraceptive FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($49.7)
Infant Mortality FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($2,254.1)
Intensive Prenatal Perform Pro FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($254.3)
Youth Programs FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($577.0)
Domestic Violence Shelters FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($236.6)
Teen Parent Services FY09 General Reserve Fund Reserve ($358.9)

FY10 Adjustments All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization of FY09 COLA and funding for FY10 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $394.2
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 11.347% ($234.2)
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% $30.1
Prevention Health Programs Elimination of excess federal appropriation authority ($55.0)
Project Cornerstone Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization of FY09 COLA and funding for FY10 COLA and Steps for Bargining Unit Employees, annualized Retirement at 11.347%, and annualized Social Security at 7.65% $16.9
Cicero Memory Bridge Initiative Elimination of Legislative Add-on ($750.0)
Chicago Area Project Elimination of Legislative Add-on ($1,960.0)
Family Planning Contraceptive Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($96.0)
Family Planning Program Increase in federal appropriation authority $1,000.0
Intensive Prenatal Perform Pro Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($504.7)
Rape Victims/ Prevention Act Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($581.0)
Youth Programs Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($1,873.0)
Free Distribution Food Supplemental Increase in federal appropriation authority $25,000.0
WIC Program - Stimulus New appropriation for funding for WIC through American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 $25,000.0
Healthy Families Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($1,124.8)
Teen Parents Services Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($702.6)

FY10 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund 
Community Health & Prevention

FY09 Request FY09 Adj. FY09 EOY FY10 Adj. FY10 Request
Staff (June 30th) 84.0 (11.2) 72.8 72.8

Staff (June 30th) GRF

Description Amount
Reduction from FY09 Headcount Request associated with changes due to Legislative Reductions, Line Item Vetoes, and FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve; Reduction accomplished throught attrition and elimination of vacant positions. (11.2)

Appropriations GRF

Appropriation Name FY09 Approp. FY09 Adj. FY09 Est. Exp. FY10 Adj. FY10 Request
Personal Services $3,324.8 ($568.6) $2,756.2 $394.2 $3,150.4
Retirement $591.7 $591.7 ($234.2) $357.5
Social Security $254.4 ($43.5) $210.9 $30.1 $241.0
Subtotal $4,170.9 ($612.1) $3,558.8 $190.1 $3,748.9
Contractual $122.8 ($3.8) $119.0 $119.0
Travel $120.8 ($3.7) $117.1 $117.1
Commodities $18.8 ($0.6) $18.2 $18.2
Equipment $31.8 ($21.8) $10.0 $10.0
Telecommunications $42.3 ($1.3) $41.0 $41.0
Project Cornerstone $774.8 ($28.3) $746.5 $16.9 $763.4
Subtotal $1,111.3 ($59.5) $1,051.8 $16.9 $1,068.7
Rape Victims/Prevention Act $5,810.8 $5,810.8 ($581.0) $5,229.8
Infant Mortality $44,725.9 ($2,254.1) $42,471.8 $42,471.8
Youth Programs $18,732.5 ($577.0) $18,155.5 ($1,873.0) $16,282.5
Family Planning Contraceptive $965.8 ($49.7) $916.1 ($96.0) $820.1
Intensive Prenatal Perform Pro $5,047.0 ($254.3) $4,792.7 ($504.7) $4,288.0
Cicero Memory Bridge Initiative $750.0 $750.0 ($750.0)
Chicago Area Project $1,960.0 $1,960.0 ($1,960.0)
Domestic Violence Shelters $21,591.0 ($236.6) $21,354.4 $21,354.4
Teen Parents Services $7,020.6 ($358.9) $6,661.7 ($702.6) $5,959.1
Healthy Families $11,247.8 $11,247.8 ($1,124.8) $10,123.0
Subtotal $117,851.4 ($3,730.6) $114,120.8 ($7,592.1) $106,528.7
Total Appropriation $123,133.6 ($4,402.2) $118,731.4 ($7,385.1) $111,346.3

FY09 Adjustments GRF

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve accomplished through attrition and elimination of vacant positions ($568.6)
Social Security Fringe Benefits associated with Personal Services General Revenue Fund Reserve ($43.5)
Contractual FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($3.8)
Travel FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($3.7)
Commodities FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($0.6)
Equipment FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($21.8)
Telecommunications FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($1.3)
Project Cornerstone FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($28.3)
Infant Mortality FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($2,254.1)
Youth Programs FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($577.0)
Family Planning Contraceptives FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($49.7)
Intensive Prenatal Performance Pro FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($254.3)
Domestic Violence Shelters FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($236.6)
Teen Parent Services FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve ($358.9)

FY10 Adjustments GRF

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization of FY09 COLA and funding for FY10 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $394.2
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 11.347% ($234.2)
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% $30.1
Project Cornerstone
  • Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization of FY09 COLA and funding for FY10 COLA and Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees, annualized Retirement at 11.347%,
  • and annualized Social Security at 7.65%
Rape Victims/Prevention Act Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($581.0)
Youth Programs Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($1,873.0)
Family Planning Contraceptive Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($96.0)
Intensive Prenatal Perform Pro Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($504.7)
Cicero Memory Bridge Initiative Elimination of Legislative Add-on ($750.0)
Chicago Area Project Elimination of Legislative Add-on ($1,960.0)
Teen Parents Services Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($702.6)
Healthy Families Program reductions necessary due to insufficient revenues to support prior year spending levels ($1,124.8)